Something has got to be done about criminals


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
Like distancing ourselves from the feelings that the police are the problem, old cart before the horse sleight of hand from lib loons. 80% family abandonment by black males would be a good start. Decent conduct generally produces decent results, try it for a change you criminal breeding grounds.
Like distancing ourselves from the feelings that the police are the problem, old cart before the horse sleight of hand from lib loons. 80% family abandonment by black males would be a good start. Decent conduct generally produces decent results, try it for a change you criminal breeding grounds.
Not to worry. About 335 people had received sentences related to the January 6th attack. Approximately 185 of them were sentenced to time in prison.

I am sure there will be more. You are right, the faster we throw the MAGA traitors in prison for their crimes the quicker we make this country great again.
Till such time that our so-called legal system is overhauled nothing will change. I'm sure many here have seen the parade of unqualified so-called judges that the dems are putting on the federal courts.

At this point only a strong man will be able to set things right. Sure it sucks but there it is.
As we learned from the Black Jive Splatters scam, bad intent and bad conduct still yields bad results. Libs want that to go away.
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Like distancing ourselves from the feelings that the police are the problem, old cart before the horse sleight of hand from lib loons. 80% family abandonment by black males would be a good start. Decent conduct generally produces decent results, try it for a change you criminal breeding grounds.
Police are the problem when:

From the Department of Justice:

“84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”

There is no 80 percent black father abandonment.

Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Whites have behaved badly with police and lived. Whites commit more crimes and make up the most arrests annually. The only bad behavior bred is racism whites teach their children who end up becoming cops.The problem is police culture. Criminals don't get qualified immunity.
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Police are the problem when:

From the Department of Justice:

“84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”

There is no 80 percent black father abandonment.

Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Whites have behaved badly with police and lived. Whites commit more crimes and make up the most arrests annually. The only bad behavior bred is racism whites teach their children who end up becoming cops.The problem is police culture. Criminals don't get qualified immunity.
You tried this game before about Pew and dads visiting once a month
Once a month is NOT an attribute. It’s shameful and leads to delinquent boys.
You just can’t think so always scurry to some media source that only partially covers the issue . Black male family abandonment and resultant criminality in youth is Undeniable . It just doesn’t match the way you wish it was so you deny it. Denial of harsh realities never works.
Police are the problem when:

From the Department of Justice:

“84% of police officers have stated in a recent survey that they have directly witnessed a fellow officer using more force than was necessary.” “52% of police officers report that it is not unusual for law enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to the improper conduct of other officers.” “61% of police officers state they do not always report serious abuse that has been directly observed by fellow officers.” 43% of police offers agree with this sentiment: “Always following the rules is not compatible with the need to get their job done.”

There is no 80 percent black father abandonment.

Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who do not live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads.

Whites have behaved badly with police and lived. Whites commit more crimes and make up the most arrests annually. The only bad behavior bred is racism whites teach their children who end up becoming cops.The problem is police culture. Criminals don't get qualified immunity.
So are you going with heredity or with environment as an excuse?
Maybe we need the Urban whites, Asians, Latinos and Indians to stop engaging in flash mobs, looting stores, knockout games, and assaulting people when they don’t let you wash their windshields. Another smart move would be for these people to stop burning down their neighborhoods when a court decision or election does not go their way.
You tried this game before about Pew and dads visiting once a month
Once a month is NOT an attribute. It’s shameful and leads to delinquent boys.
You just can’t think so always scurry to some media source that only partially covers the issue . Black male family abandonment and resultant criminality in youth is Undeniable . It just doesn’t match the way you wish it was so you deny it. Denial of harsh realities never works.
Your claim was debunked 60 years ago.

"Trayvon Martin had a father. Jordan Davis had a father. Michael Brown had a father. Tamir Rice had a father. Having a father won’t protect black boys from America. " - Mychal Denzel Smith

And since whites commit more crime, you're the one in denial. And as long as whites such as yourself stay in denial, crime in the white community will remain higher than in all others. That's the harsh reality, not the one you made up.

After all, you are supporting a white criminal for President.
Your claim was debunked 60 years ago.

"Trayvon Martin had a father. Jordan Davis had a father. Michael Brown had a father. Tamir Rice had a father. Having a father won’t protect black boys from America. " - Mychal Denzel Smith

And since whites commit more crime, you're the one in denial. And as long as whites such as yourself stay in denial, crime in the white community will remain higher than in all others. That's the harsh reality, not the one you made up.

After all, you are supporting a white criminal for President.

Whites commit more crime, because there are a lot more of them.

Now if you will show some honesty here, you will admit that black people have a higher rate of criminal activity than other groups.
Whites commit more crime, because there are a lot more of them.

Now if you will show some honesty here, you will admit that black people have a higher rate of criminal activity than other groups.
You don't get to commit more crime because you have more people. Whites have more of everything that stops crime, yet they commit the most. If you want to show honesty, you will only talk about the actual number of criminal offenders.
You don't get to commit more crime because you have more people. Whites have more of everything that stops crime, yet they commit the most. If you want to show honesty, you will only talk about the actual number of criminal offenders.

In 2019, Black people made up 12.2% of the U.S. population (U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey). Blacks, however, represent 26.6% of total arrests, including 51.2% of murder arrests, 52.7% of robbery arrests, 28.8% of burglary arrests, 28.6% of motor vehicle theft arrests, 42.2% of prostitution arrests, and 26.1% of drug arrests (FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, Table 43).

Not to worry. About 335 people had received sentences related to the January 6th attack. Approximately 185 of them were sentenced to time in prison.

I am sure there will be more. You are right, the faster we throw the MAGA traitors in prison for their crimes the quicker we make this country great again.

The only crime Magnus cares about is political thought crime from the Right.
Not to worry. About 335 people had received sentences related to the January 6th attack. Approximately 185 of them were sentenced to time in prison.

I am sure there will be more. You are right, the faster we throw the MAGA traitors in prison for their crimes the quicker we make this country great again.
Yeah, that's going to solve the crime problem with illegitimate male children with no decent role models.
The only crime Magnus cares about is political thought crime from the Right.
LOL Invading the Capitol, fighting with security, and trying to hang the VP is "political thought"? :auiqs.jpg:

And you retards wonder why we laugh at you.
Yeah, that's going to solve the crime problem with illegitimate male children with no decent role models.
Of course, it will. Who considers the deadbeat MAGA retards as role models? Other than MAGA retards, that is.

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