Something is happening in Venezuela

fox is just reporting military vehicle running into the crowds, running some over

Not a good situation, this could begin to get VERY VERY ugly. IF Maduro gave a SHIT about Venezuela and it's population he would do the decent thing and step down, many peoples are going to get killed ALL because Maduro will NOT step down and if for ONLY THIS reason he should be executed by the military.

It could have bigger implications as well.

venezuala isn't on an island.
Some calling it a coup. From what I have seen it's a protest going on, and growing.

BREAKING: Juan Guaidó Launches Military Uprising in Venezuela Against Socialist Maduro

Live: Attempted coup underway in Venezuela - CNN

Now the question of it being a coup depends on who you think is actually in power under the Venezuelan Constitution, and which version of the Constitution one thinks is valid.

It's going to be a mess, regardless, if this is actually what is happening.

One of the great things about this forum, I was not near a television or a radio, I came here to respond to a PM I got an Alert for via my email and when I get to the Main Page I see your thread Marty, I mean literally I would not have even known the SHTF in Venezuela today until later tonight.
Some calling it a coup. From what I have seen it's a protest going on, and growing.

BREAKING: Juan Guaidó Launches Military Uprising in Venezuela Against Socialist Maduro

Live: Attempted coup underway in Venezuela - CNN

Now the question of it being a coup depends on who you think is actually in power under the Venezuelan Constitution, and which version of the Constitution one thinks is valid.

It's going to be a mess, regardless, if this is actually what is happening.

Deep State stroke again

Yes well whatever it is this IS the RIGHT thing to do, that Maduro has to be removed the situation in Venezuela should NOT be allowed to go on.
Some calling it a coup. From what I have seen it's a protest going on, and growing.

BREAKING: Juan Guaidó Launches Military Uprising in Venezuela Against Socialist Maduro

Live: Attempted coup underway in Venezuela - CNN

Now the question of it being a coup depends on who you think is actually in power under the Venezuelan Constitution, and which version of the Constitution one thinks is valid.

It's going to be a mess, regardless, if this is actually what is happening.

I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela? LOFL .............
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.

It figures you need everything simplified to grasp it, much like a toddler.

The way I see it Trump & his marry band of pirates have been bitching about some 'coup' against Trump & the US Government for a long time;BAD, BAD, BAD is all we have heard from the Trump man on this.

So, it sounds like coups are a really bad thing; well that is unless the US supports a coup.

Yeah; I thought so.

You "thinking" isn't something I believe has ever happened.

So, Trump was lying, coups are actually good, and Trump shouldn't be POTUS. OK, got it.

There you go with your typical generalization and attempted "gotcha" moment.

If we don't recognize Maduro's government as legitimate how is this a coup in the first place?
Some calling it a coup. From what I have seen it's a protest going on, and growing.

BREAKING: Juan Guaidó Launches Military Uprising in Venezuela Against Socialist Maduro

Live: Attempted coup underway in Venezuela - CNN

Now the question of it being a coup depends on who you think is actually in power under the Venezuelan Constitution, and which version of the Constitution one thinks is valid.

It's going to be a mess, regardless, if this is actually what is happening.

One of the great things about this forum, I was not near a television or a radio, I came here to respond to a PM I got an Alert for via my email and when I get to the Main Page I see your thread Marty, I mean literally I would not have even known the SHTF in Venezuela today until later tonight.

I first saw it on Instapundit.

PJ media is running a live blog.

Developing: Juan Guaidó Launches Military Uprising in Venezuela Against Socialist Maduro
Hmmmmmm……...if this coup is successful.....and spreads to other SA countries...… long before the illegals run back home????
I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela.
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.
Comparing the attempted surreptitious coup engineered by Obama holdovers in the FBI, DOJ and the intelligence community to what is going on in Venezuela under the Marxist dictator Nicolas Meduro, as if they are all the same (a coup is a coup)?
As if it's intellectually inconsistent to be against removing the legally elected president of the United States of America by illegal means but for removing the brutal authoritarian dictator of a failed repressive socialist state like Venezuela?
Is there something we have missed about people starving in Venezuela and being murdered in the streets by Meduro goons?

Do more cardio...I think your brain is oxygen deprived.

Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.
Twitter is blowing up. Shots are being fired.
Could you provide a link to that?

I wonder IF Maduro if he thinks he is about to be overthrown will allow himself to be taken alive or if he will kill himself like that other Communist Salvador Allende when the Patriot Augusto Pinochet did the military coup on him?

This coup in Venezuela from the pictures is NOT as EXCITING as the coup the Patriot Augusto Pinochet did in Chile, that was VERY EXCITING literally planes and helicopter gun ships shooting up from the air the building the Communist Salvador Allende was in and he shoot himself in the head with a gun given to him years before by the other Communist Fidel Castro.

^^^^ The OTHER September 11 but 1973 the Patriot Augusto Pinochet military coup against the Communist Salvador Allende, here in video footage the VERY EXCITING by air bombardment of the La Moneda Palace with Allende still IN that building. The duration of the below video is 43 seconds:

Our Lord in Heaven, thank you for gracing this world with the Christian Patriot Augusto Pinochet and allowing him to do your work against the Devil's Children in Chile and thank you for taking Augusto home back to Your Beautiful Kingdom at the right moment before a new generation of Devil's Children could punish him for destroying the Devil's Disciples on earth as Athiest Communists. Amen.

JGalt I think you will like as you also a fan of the Christian Patriot Augusto Pinochet.

Pope John Paul II with the Christian Patriot Augusto Pinochet, this is when this world HAD a Pope, A Holy Father and NOT like NOW when we have that Neo-Marxist POS the Anti-Pope Francis squatting in OUR Vatican:


Wouldn't doing a Military Coup be EXCITING! I WANT to do one, I could lead a Military Coup and we could overthrow some place like I do not know, Fiji or whatever, I think The International Community would understand this after I had explained to them that I believe you should EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING ONE TIME in this life, I have never experienced a Military Coup and I want to do one. So....Hello Fiji :smoke:

I appoint miketx not sure if he has military training but I appoint him my Second Command this is ONLY because AFTER we overthrow Fiji he can go into the kitchen and make me a sammich :smoke:
I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela.
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.
Comparing the attempted surreptitious coup engineered by Obama holdovers in the FBI, DOJ and the intelligence community to what is going on in Venezuela under the Marxist dictator Nicolas Meduro, as if they are all the same (a coup is a coup)?
As if it's intellectually inconsistent to be against removing the legally elected president of the United States of America by illegal means but for removing the brutal authoritarian dictator of a failed repressive socialist state like Venezuela?
Is there something we have missed about people starving in Venezuela and being murdered in the streets by Meduro goons?

Do more cardio...I think your brain is oxygen deprived.

Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.

thats nothing, castro used to get 100%
I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela? LOFL .............
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.

It figures you need everything simplified to grasp it, much like a toddler.

The way I see it Trump & his marry band of pirates have been bitching about some 'coup' against Trump & the US Government for a long time;BAD, BAD, BAD is all we have heard from the Trump man on this.

So, it sounds like coups are a really bad thing; well that is unless the US supports a coup.

Yeah; I thought so.

You "thinking" isn't something I believe has ever happened.

So, Trump was lying, coups are actually good, and Trump shouldn't be POTUS. OK, got it.

There you go with your typical generalization and attempted "gotcha" moment.

If we don't recognize Maduro's government as legitimate how is this a coup in the first place?

Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.
I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela.
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.
Comparing the attempted surreptitious coup engineered by Obama holdovers in the FBI, DOJ and the intelligence community to what is going on in Venezuela under the Marxist dictator Nicolas Meduro, as if they are all the same (a coup is a coup)?
As if it's intellectually inconsistent to be against removing the legally elected president of the United States of America by illegal means but for removing the brutal authoritarian dictator of a failed repressive socialist state like Venezuela?
Is there something we have missed about people starving in Venezuela and being murdered in the streets by Meduro goons?

Do more cardio...I think your brain is oxygen deprived.

Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.

Yes, in an election that the US, the EU, and most of the OAS refused to recognize due to opposition leaders being declared ineligible, the rump legislature made up by Maduro calling for the election unconstitutionally, and widespread accusations of fraud.
Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.
Is this somehow supposed to justify shooting and running over people in the streets? Or starving them?
What percentage of the vote did Hitler get in 1932 when he ran against Von Hindenburg, as if it justifies what he did later?
Some calling it a coup. From what I have seen it's a protest going on, and growing.

BREAKING: Juan Guaidó Launches Military Uprising in Venezuela Against Socialist Maduro

Live: Attempted coup underway in Venezuela - CNN

Now the question of it being a coup depends on who you think is actually in power under the Venezuelan Constitution, and which version of the Constitution one thinks is valid.

It's going to be a mess, regardless, if this is actually what is happening.
UM. It's called "civil" war..............
I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela.
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.
Comparing the attempted surreptitious coup engineered by Obama holdovers in the FBI, DOJ and the intelligence community to what is going on in Venezuela under the Marxist dictator Nicolas Meduro, as if they are all the same (a coup is a coup)?
As if it's intellectually inconsistent to be against removing the legally elected president of the United States of America by illegal means but for removing the brutal authoritarian dictator of a failed repressive socialist state like Venezuela?
Is there something we have missed about people starving in Venezuela and being murdered in the streets by Meduro goons?

Do more cardio...I think your brain is oxygen deprived.

Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.

Yes, in an election that the US, the EU, and most of the OAS refused to recognize due to opposition leaders being declared ineligible, the rump legislature made up by Maduro calling for the election unconstitutionally, and widespread accusations of fraud.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation just as the US is; do you believe the US would allow a POTUS election to be dictated by some dumbass group that has no binding powers over US national elections? LOFL ............ haha ............
Twitter is blowing up. Shots are being fired.
Could you provide a link to that?

I wonder IF Maduro if he thinks he is about to be overthrown will allow himself to be taken alive or if he will kill himself like that other Communist Salvador Allende when the Patriot Augusto Pinochet did the military coup on him?

This coup in Venezuela from the pictures is NOT as EXCITING as the coup the Patriot Augusto Pinochet did in Chile, that was VERY EXCITING literally planes and helicopter gun ships shooting up from the air the building the Communist Salvador Allende was in and he shoot himself in the head with a gun given to him years before by the other Communist Fidel Castro.

^^^^ The OTHER September 11 but 1973 the Patriot Augusto Pinochet military coup against the Communist Salvador Allende, here in video footage the VERY EXCITING by air bombardment of the La Moneda Palace with Allende still IN that building. The duration of the below video is 43 seconds:

Our Lord in Heaven, thank you for gracing this world with the Christian Patriot Augusto Pinochet and allowing him to do your work against the Devil's Children in Chile and thank you for taking Augusto home back to Your Beautiful Kingdom at the right moment before a new generation of Devil's Children could punish him for destroying the Devil's Disciples on earth as Athiest Communists. Amen.

JGalt I think you will like as you also a fan of the Christian Patriot Augusto Pinochet.

Pope John Paul II with the Christian Patriot Augusto Pinochet, this is when this world HAD a Pope, A Holy Father and NOT like NOW when we have that Neo-Marxist POS the Anti-Pope Francis squatting in OUR Vatican:


Wouldn't doing a Military Coup be EXCITING! I WANT to do one, I could lead a Military Coup and we could overthrow some place like I do not know, Fiji or whatever, I think The International Community would understand this after I had explained to them that I believe you should EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING ONE TIME in this life, I have never experienced a Military Coup and I want to do one. So....Hello Fiji :smoke:

I appoint miketx not sure if he has military training but I appoint him my Second Command this is ONLY because AFTER we overthrow Fiji he can go into the kitchen and make me a sammich :smoke:

Good luck getting that sammich…….but he might be able to make a martini that'll knock your socks off. Just gotta watch him though or he'll drink them all without sharing.:21:
Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.
Is this somehow supposed to justify shooting and running over people in the streets? Or starving them?
What percentage of the vote did Hitler get in 1932 when he ran against Von Hindenburg, as if it justifies what he did later?

It looks like the person that was not a candidate during the last election, Guaido, is the one directing civilians & others to create chaos, and Guaido is actively supporting treasonous insurrection against the Venezuelan Government.

Just think, if some AmeriKKKan that was never a candidate in the 2016 POTUS election was doing in the US what Guaido is doing in Venezuela; that would be some crazy shit but it seems like it's some OK shit when it's some other nation.

Funny shit how that works ........
I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela.
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.
Comparing the attempted surreptitious coup engineered by Obama holdovers in the FBI, DOJ and the intelligence community to what is going on in Venezuela under the Marxist dictator Nicolas Meduro, as if they are all the same (a coup is a coup)?
As if it's intellectually inconsistent to be against removing the legally elected president of the United States of America by illegal means but for removing the brutal authoritarian dictator of a failed repressive socialist state like Venezuela?
Is there something we have missed about people starving in Venezuela and being murdered in the streets by Meduro goons?

Do more cardio...I think your brain is oxygen deprived.

Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.

Yes, in an election that the US, the EU, and most of the OAS refused to recognize due to opposition leaders being declared ineligible, the rump legislature made up by Maduro calling for the election unconstitutionally, and widespread accusations of fraud.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation just as the US is; do you believe the US would allow a POTUS election to be dictated by some dumbass group that has no binding powers over US national elections? LOFL ............ haha ............

Maduro has CRAPPED on that Sovereign nation and reduced it to a Third World Shit Hole, but I FORGOT you Leftists LOVE Third World Shit Holes you think they are MAJESTIC and BETTER than First World Nations because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Feelings.
I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela.
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.
Comparing the attempted surreptitious coup engineered by Obama holdovers in the FBI, DOJ and the intelligence community to what is going on in Venezuela under the Marxist dictator Nicolas Meduro, as if they are all the same (a coup is a coup)?
As if it's intellectually inconsistent to be against removing the legally elected president of the United States of America by illegal means but for removing the brutal authoritarian dictator of a failed repressive socialist state like Venezuela?
Is there something we have missed about people starving in Venezuela and being murdered in the streets by Meduro goons?

Do more cardio...I think your brain is oxygen deprived.

Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.

Yes, in an election that the US, the EU, and most of the OAS refused to recognize due to opposition leaders being declared ineligible, the rump legislature made up by Maduro calling for the election unconstitutionally, and widespread accusations of fraud.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation just as the US is; do you believe the US would allow a POTUS election to be dictated by some dumbass group that has no binding powers over US national elections? LOFL ............ haha ............

Keep sucking that dictator dick, you commie cum bucket.

So, instead of producing a valid argument, you just troll, troll, troll, your boat.

You have no valid argument, and you never will have a valid argument.
I was at the gym this morning doing my cardio workout & this Venezuela thing was ALL OVER Faux Nuwz, CNN, MSNBC, you name it, etc., everything.

It was showing the so called 'attempted coup' in Venezuela is being supported by the US, and it demonstrated some quotes from VP Mike Pence verbalizing his support for the coup.

Now this is funny; not funny haha but funny weird. I thought Trump & all the Republicans were totally against coups; they have been saying for months that Trump was fighting a coup & now they are saying Trump survived an attempted coup.
Now it's all good if it happens in Venezuela.
I wish these assholes would get on one side of the issue & stop playing their bullshit.
Comparing the attempted surreptitious coup engineered by Obama holdovers in the FBI, DOJ and the intelligence community to what is going on in Venezuela under the Marxist dictator Nicolas Meduro, as if they are all the same (a coup is a coup)?
As if it's intellectually inconsistent to be against removing the legally elected president of the United States of America by illegal means but for removing the brutal authoritarian dictator of a failed repressive socialist state like Venezuela?
Is there something we have missed about people starving in Venezuela and being murdered in the streets by Meduro goons?

Do more cardio...I think your brain is oxygen deprived.

Maduro was elected with 67.8% of the vote total.

Yes, in an election that the US, the EU, and most of the OAS refused to recognize due to opposition leaders being declared ineligible, the rump legislature made up by Maduro calling for the election unconstitutionally, and widespread accusations of fraud.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation just as the US is; do you believe the US would allow a POTUS election to be dictated by some dumbass group that has no binding powers over US national elections? LOFL ............ haha ............

Maduro has CRAPPED on that Sovereign nation and reduced it to a Third World Shit Hole, but I FORGOT you Leftists LOVE Third World Shit Holes you think they are MAJESTIC and BETTER than First World Nations because of Muh Slave Trade and Muh Feelings.

You failed to answer the question so, I will assume you are too stupid to form your own opinion & respond but are OK with asinine name calling.

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