Something is wrong in AZ


If the gov't thinks they're going to foist perverts upon us we'll just slaughter them! Consequences be damned!

HEAR US! We do not accept men wearing dresses in the little girls bathrooms!!!

Period! End of story!
Harris asked a store security guard to handle the situation – or else he would handle it himself, police and court records said

slacker security guard!!!

Aim for the nutsack & let him live!

Maybe life without a sack will cause him to reflect upon the errors of his ways.
What is wrong is republicans and their incessant need to kill.

Kill pervert-pedos and child molesters...YES! You are correct!

If I have the time I will take a personal interest in making them suffer! If not, they should simply be extinguished!


The one hit to down him was sufficient. The "STRUCK THE VICTIM ON THE FACE SEVERAL MORE TIMES AND ALSO KICKED AND STOPPED (SIC) ON HIM," was excessive and probably what caused him to die.

The multiple hits to the face and head after he was down is probably what caused it to not be self defensive in nature. He was no longer a threat once he was down and, "SNORING AND MOANING WHILE ON THE GROUND." Anything beyond that point, was just vengeful anger. . .
The one hit to down him was sufficient. The "STRUCK THE VICTIM ON THE FACE SEVERAL MORE TIMES AND ALSO KICKED AND STOPPED (SIC) ON HIM," was excessive and probably what caused him to die.

I like this guys style!

Now a liberal judge can't let the perv go with a warning...He paid the price for his own perverted actions! He got what he deserved!
You HAD TO expect this!

As liberal judges keep letting murderers and rapists go free...the people will solve the problem by themselves.

It's simply the natural course of things. I expect to see ALOT more of this before we turn into sweeden & MUST allow our children to be raped by muslim refugees.

If the gov't thinks they're going to foist perverts upon us we'll just slaughter them! Consequences be damned!

HEAR US! We do not accept men wearing dresses in the little girls bathrooms!!!

Period! End of story!

Apparently, in the eyes of the prosecutors office, he failed to handle the situation correctly, took matters into his own hands after saying he was turning the matter over to store security, resulting in beating the suspect / turn victim to death, and held Harris accountable. I checked accounts from a year ago when he was charge with 2nd murder, here is basically what I found prosecutors determined before charging on the only sites that popped up from the time.
According to witness accounts, Harris punched Armstrong multiple times in the face until he collapsed. He also allegedly kicked and stomped on him as he lay on the ground. Harris reportedly left the scene as a critically injured Armstrong lay on the ground.
Nobody said the suspect/victim made it into the stall. The teen-aged daughter was not reportedly physically harmed. Perverts wanting to act like perverts but not getting away with it (apparently stopped by a teen-aged girl) apparently will not pass to justify reckless, brutal, lethal force. He was charged with 2nd degree murder. He and his lawyer agreed to plead guilty to the lesser charge. Kicking and stomping on the guy after beating him to the ground, reads like a reckless homicide due to total lack self control. Sounds like prosecutor considered it more than an routine(possibly justified) ass-whipping in light of the fact the the teen-age daughter was not harmed, especially considering the suspected perv had not actually carried out a capitol offense. Maybe Harris and his lawyer made a poor choice to accept a plea deal and should have gone to trial for murder, figuring they could win. Maybe they figured they couldn't win. Failure to control your personal anger can and often does get people in al lot of trouble. Morally justified to teach a perv a lesson? Sure. Justifiable homicide? Not in most places in this country. I carry concealed. I know I can and very well may be held responsible to justify my actions if I have to pull my weapon and shoot. If I do, it will be about standing my ground, not teaching some perv a lesson.
The incident was over. He had already informed relevant authorities.

Then he went back and decided to punish the guy.

The need for defense was past. It was an attack, plain and simple.

8 years is far lighter than he deserves.
No, the offended decides when enough is enough- attack is what he deserved- and he got it. He won't be trying to get into female restroom stalls ever again. HE made a choice- he died for the bad decision- a man defending his daughter has no boundaries- fuck with one of my kids (both grown men) and see where it gets you- I have no boundaries when it comes to my kids well being- "I" make the decision! Not a rent a cop.
The incident was over. He had already informed relevant authorities.

Then he went back and decided to punish the guy.

The need for defense was past. It was an attack, plain and simple.

8 years is far lighter than he deserves.
No, the offended decides when enough is enough- attack is what he deserved- and he got it. He won't be trying to get into female restroom stalls ever again. HE made a choice- he died for the bad decision- a man defending his daughter has no boundaries- fuck with one of my kids (both grown men) and see where it gets you- I have no boundaries when it comes to my kids well being- "I" make the decision! Not a rent a cop.

I respect that.

. . . but, we must bear in mind, if a person's life is taken, the STATE will judge your judgement.

I would recommend an eye, a leg, an arm or the genitals if you value your freedom. The state isn't that forgiving these days.


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