Something of course not being reported. Puerto Rican mayor arrested. Trump vindicated.

Won't be seeing anything about on the pathetic fake news and traitorous media.

Completely vindicated.

How are they doing about their fake collusion that their negro messiah said was impossible to do?

Let me see if I have you right. Trump is totally vidicated for allowing thousands of people to die in the aftermath of a Hurricane on a US held territory, and this same territory is still in distress a year later, during another Hurricane season?

Is that the story you're sticking with sparky?

So when Trump finally gets arrested that totally vindicates the mayor right?

Where do you get this wacky "Trump allowed"?

Was Trump there flying around in helicopters kicking people off their roofs into flood waters?
Was Trump at the docks waving off boats full of life saving supplies?

Only a moron thinks that somehow Trump allowed people to die, as if he's 'god' and can magically keep people alive.

Bottom line is the same as the video made clear. There was supplies going into Puerto Rico, and corrupt and bad infrastructure from piss poor planning, is what got people killed.

Everything in that video, makes it clear that Trump was right. The evidence is absolute.

Of course, the Trump administration demonstrated a lack of will and preparedness, in the Puerto Rican disaster. It is well and right to crticize them for this and to take steps to prevent it from happening again. At least bush had the common sense to fire brownie...Trump makes him look like a saint...
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Won't be seeing anything about on the pathetic fake news and traitorous media.

Completely vindicated.

How are they doing about their fake collusion that their negro messiah said was impossible to do?

guess we will have to wait for the results of the investigation.
The feebs demonstrated great incompetence starting with the leadership of Trump in the PR hurricance crisis. A year later it is still messed up.

Won't be seeing anything about on the pathetic fake news and traitorous media.

Completely vindicated.

How are they doing about their fake collusion that their negro messiah said was impossible to do?

Let me see if I have you right. Trump is totally vidicated for allowing thousands of people to die in the aftermath of a Hurricane on a US held territory, and this same territory is still in distress a year later, during another Hurricane season?

Is that the story you're sticking with sparky?

So when Trump finally gets arrested that totally vindicates the mayor right?

Where do you get this wacky "Trump allowed"?

Was Trump there flying around in helicopters kicking people off their roofs into flood waters?
Was Trump at the docks waving off boats full of life saving supplies?

Only a moron thinks that somehow Trump allowed people to die, as if he's 'god' and can magically keep people alive.

Bottom line is the same as the video made clear. There was supplies going into Puerto Rico, and corrupt and bad infrastructure from piss poor planning, is what got people killed.

Everything in that video, makes it clear that Trump was right. The evidence is absolute.

Of course, the Trump administration demonstrated a lack of will and preparedness, in the ouerto Rican disagree. It is well amd right to crticize them for this ans to take steps to prevent it from happening again. At least bush had the common sense to fire brownie...Trump makes him look like a saint...

No, I disagree. It's not the presidents job to prepare for every single random unexpected natural disaster on the planet.

At least Louisiana is an actual state.

But even then..... it's not everyone elses job to prepare for your incompetence.

It is YOUR job to prepare for your problems.

Why should people in Ohio, be required to pay for the preparation of Hurricanes along the gulf?

Why should the people of Arizona prepare for the wild fires of California?

Why should the people of Alaska spend money preparing for the tornadoes of the mid-west?

Or Boston prepare for the dust storms of Arizona?

The list goes on and on and on and on.

The idea that the Federal Government is there to somehow come up with a universal disaster plan for every possible event, in every possible state, and now even for non-states..... is absolutely idiotic and ridiculous.

It is each states job to fix their own infrastructure for their own state, and have their own disaster plan for the disaster their states are prone for.

Saying it's Bush's fault, or Trump's fault, or Obama's fault, or Clinton's fault, or anyone else's fault but the people in charge of the state the problem happened.... is ignorant and brainlessly stupid.

Specific to Puerto Rico, the endless corruption and poor management of PR is legendary. It was a nightmare before they ever had a drop of rain. The systems in place were not up to code for dealing with Tropical weather. That's the fault of the governance that would rather get bribes for service, because it is a socialized system. Socialized systems suck. They all suck.

In a capitalist based system, the operators would have a financial profit based motivation, not only to have a power grid resistant to tropical storms prone to the island, but also to repair the system in the most quick and efficient manor possible, prioritizing the most expensive customers which would naturally be the ones with the most critical need like hospitals.

Instead, in a socialized system where the government pays the same no matter what happens, and profits are not a direct motivation... you end up with people taking bribes to get service, with huge government under-the-table kick backs.... just like we saw with the socialist government of France, where the big contractors were getting inflated government projects, while the companies were making massive bribe payments to the politicians.

This is how socialism always works. It always sucks. Always destroys the poor, at the benefit of the wealthy and powerful. Trump was right, and the evidence proves it.
It's not the presidents job to prepare for every single random unexpected natural disaster on the planet.
Of course it is, and it is the responsibility of the president to lead the rescue amd recovery efforts by allocating the resources available to him. Similarly, Obama deserved criticism for the poor handling of the Flint crisis.
We live in a modern transtechno-communications universe requiring top level planning and administration. It is the President's job to make sure the job is done.

Leadership from the top remains essential. Bush failed, Obama did somewhat better, and Trump has not instilled any confidence that he knows how to lead in disaster situations.

Anyone saying "let the little person be prepared" has no idea how the 21st century works.
It's not the presidents job to prepare for every single random unexpected natural disaster on the planet.
Of course it is, and it is the responsibility of the president to lead the rescue amd recovery efforts by allocating the resources available to him. Similarly, Obama deserved criticism for the poor handling of the Flint crisis.

I disagree. Sorry, that is just wrong.

By the way... you do know that the Federal government has no resources right?

FEMA doesn't have resources. You do know that?

FEMA only attempts to coordinate resources between states. So X state says they need water, and FEMA finds Z state has water, and then sends trucks from Y state, to get the water from Z state, to deliver it to X state.

FEMA doesn't have resources. The Federal government doesn't have endless stock piles of 'resources' just waiting to be delivered to states.

This is why FEMA always ends up doing poorly.... unless the resources needed happen to already be where they are needed, and then FEMA plants their flag on stuff, and says didn't we do a good job?

Walmart provided more assistance than FEMA for most of Katrina. (if not all).

Won't be seeing anything about on the pathetic fake news and traitorous media.

Completely vindicated.

How are they doing about their fake collusion that their negro messiah said was impossible to do?

Let me see if I have you right. Trump is totally vidicated for allowing thousands of people to die in the aftermath of a Hurricane on a US held territory, and this same territory is still in distress a year later, during another Hurricane season?

Is that the story you're sticking with sparky?

So when Trump finally gets arrested that totally vindicates the mayor right?

Nope, nobody said that. The *story* is just that..a story you made up. And it isn't one that anybody here..except you..has asserted.

Won't be seeing anything about on the pathetic fake news and traitorous media.

Completely vindicated.

How are they doing about their fake collusion that their negro messiah said was impossible to do?

Won't be seeing anything about on the pathetic fake news and traitorous media.

Completely vindicated.

How are they doing about their fake collusion that their negro messiah said was impossible to do?

Wrong Mayor. False Report.
The website YourNewsWire—which readers of TWS Fact Check might be familiar with—published an article claiming that “San Juan mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz and her party are facing fraud charges relating to the embezzlement of over $3 million in federal funds.”

The blog post then goes on a long diatribe ridiculing the Mayor’s anti-Trump rhetoric, suggesting that it was hypocritical of Cruz to “blame Trump” for Puerto Rico's slow recovery when she was allegedly guilty of embezzlement.

According to a DOJ press release from July 5 of this year, it was the mayor of the municipality of Sabana Grande, Miguel G. Ortiz-Vélez, who had “been indicted and arrested for his participation in a conspiracy to steal federal funds involving fraudulently obtained contracts from the PR Department of Education.”...

Fact Check: Is Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz of San Juan Facing Charges of Over $3 Million in Fraud?

Mayor of the Municipality of Sabana Grande Indicted for Conversion of Federal Funds, Fraud, and Money Laundering:... Mayor Of The Municipality Of Sabana Grande Indicted For Conversion Of Federal Funds, Fraud, And Money Laundering

— FBI San Juan (@FBISanJuan) July 12, 2018
YourNewsWire even cited the AP’s report that it was the “the mayor of the southwest town of Sabana Grande” not the mayor of San Juan. (Perhaps Gob Bluth assisted in the geographical mistake.) The article was shared

Owl, read center left's post. I even quoted it so you don't have to go looking for it.
You got the scandal right, but the person is wrong. The people arrested weren't the same female mayor you are trying to claim it is.

Oh.................and by the way....................this IS being reported by the major news wires, but they are telling what really happened, not what right wing loons WISH happened.

This one is from Housingwire.
Puerto Rican mayor arrested for misuse of HUD funds | 2018-07-09 | HousingWire

This one is from CBS.
Puerto Rico mayor, two others arrested on corruption charges

This is from Business Insider.
Puerto Rico mayor, 2 others arrested on corruption charges

The only difference between my links and yours Owl? Mine name the right people, yours doesn't.
You do you know you are off a tangent that means nothing, Andy

The feds coordinate with the states, and the feds have done at times a horrible job.

Their "resources" are planning, strategy, and foresight, because the states can only handle their own issues not those of other states.

You do know that, Andy, don't you.

Won't be seeing anything about on the pathetic fake news and traitorous media.

Completely vindicated.

How are they doing about their fake collusion that their negro messiah said was impossible to do?

Let me see if I have you right. Trump is totally vidicated for allowing thousands of people to die in the aftermath of a Hurricane on a US held territory, and this same territory is still in distress a year later, during another Hurricane season?

Is that the story you're sticking with sparky?

So when Trump finally gets arrested that totally vindicates the mayor right?

Where do you get this wacky "Trump allowed"?

Was Trump there flying around in helicopters kicking people off their roofs into flood waters?
Was Trump at the docks waving off boats full of life saving supplies?

Only a moron thinks that somehow Trump allowed people to die, as if he's 'god' and can magically keep people alive.

Bottom line is the same as the video made clear. There was supplies going into Puerto Rico, and corrupt and bad infrastructure from piss poor planning, is what got people killed.

Everything in that video, makes it clear that Trump was right. The evidence is absolute.

They create a false narrative and then challenge you to defend it.

That's what they do.
Holy about leaving shit out.
YOU didn't mention....
1) She received a $33,000 kickback deposited into her personal account from one of the contractors she gave the bid to.
2) She skimmed a total of $3.5 million in 3 years by misreporting construction costs, then took the balance left and gave it to herself and her peers.
3) She skimmed $2.5 million from Federal Disaster Aid and deposited into the cities general payroll fund, and on top of that took $1.75 million and transferred the money into several city is not known at this time specifically what that money paid for.

She is a crook. Plain and simple.

Sounds like Baltimore. The FBI is forever hauling off the female black Baltimore mayors.
And the judge if she is convicted can take all of that it into mitigation when he considers "Rules are rules."

How cute that Marty is now for government rules.

When have I ever been against rules?

I'm a strict constructionist, which is all about the rules, as written.
Really? Oh come on!!! Trump hiring his daughter and son in law, was against the nepotism rules, Trump and breaking the emolument clause in the constitution, Price and Pruitt, two of his cabinet breaking all rules on travel and expenses and stealing tax dollars for it from us.... and hiring people without security clearance, and on an on an on and on from most of his admin, all breaking the rules and protocol.... Kelly Ann promoting Ivanka merchandise on our dime also broke the law...she did this again even after her initial time and away top secret compartmentalized info supplied by a friendly nation to the Russians in his oval office, behind the nation's back, also breaks the rules....

Were they all ok with you?

(drum roll..... here comes the excuses..... eh Marty?)

Robert Kennedy....cough cough cough....

The enoulment thing has never been proven, and most people have dropped it as a dead end.

Yes, because Trump's appointees are the first to travel first class or buy expensive furniture....

So how many prosecutions have been sucessful for the items above?

All of this is nothing more than spaghetti politics. Throw it against a wall and see what sticks.
You're leaving out some details. She didn't steal for personal benefit, she made sure city employees got their meager paychecks and that some contractors doing cleanup work got paid.

Right Dumb Ass....

And we are all sure there were no contractor kickbacks....

If a leftie is involved there is corruption...

It's a law of Nature...
Lol, and the tRumptard doubles down on his stupidity.

Why am I not surprised?

Why am I not surprised the ignorant libtard defends corruption.
The story was a fake you stupid shit.
You certainly are adept at making excuses. Trump handled the Puerto Rico disaster horribly, thats a fact.

Not a fact, an opinion, something progressives seem to have an issue with figuring out.
So, in your opinion, a success is not fixing the problem.

So in your opinion all the damage from the hurricane should have been fixed in 20 minutes?

Because based on your biases, that's probably the only way you would not have blamed Trump for it.

Of course if your butt buddy Obama was in charge, you would have lauded his efforts with regards to the federal response.

Again, opinion is not fact. It's fort's OPINION the federal response to the hurricane sucked. Of course he gives a shitty State government a pass becuase it's politically expeident.

hacks, all of you.
You're leaving out some details. She didn't steal for personal benefit, she made sure city employees got their meager paychecks and that some contractors doing cleanup work got paid.

Right Dumb Ass....

And we are all sure there were no contractor kickbacks....

If a leftie is involved there is corruption...

It's a law of Nature...
Lol, and the tRumptard doubles down on his stupidity.

Why am I not surprised?

Why am I not surprised the ignorant libtard defends corruption.
The story was a fake you stupid shit.

No, it wasn't.

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