Something to consider

How old were you when you realized that there were “faggots” in the world?

I was probably 11 and that was well before the internet.
But nobody told us we had to embrace it as normal. A lot of children learned at too young of an age that pedos existed too. Do you think kids should be indoctrinated to believe that is acceptable too?
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People, Jessica-Stormlover is simply ignorant. Do not be so hard on he/she. We dont know who they are or their education.

It is up to us to educate the ignorant. They do not understand what is natural and not natural. Most likely they do not have children so they have no idea that children are naturally repulsed by homosexuality. It is up to teach these fact.

Further, people like Jessica have no idea of the details of what they are teaching to children. Again, we must somehow teach them the repulsiveness with words that beat around the bush because homosexuality if very much, a very nasty dirty deed.

Children deserve the best that life has to offer, sadly the Democratic party makes life about as difficult as it can be. From an early age they teach how terrible children are. Nothing the Democrat's do is actually helping families, unless of course you think that just because they throw a piece of toast to the person they starved helps.

Consider this, people like Jessica and all the others, are the least educated amongst us, brainwashed in public schools and by watching way too much television. It is up to us, being the educated to teach them.
People, Jessica-Stormlover is simply ignorant. Do not be so hard on he/she. We dont know who they are or their education.

It is up to us to educate the ignorant. They do not understand what is natural and not natural. Most likely they do not have children so they have no idea that children are naturally repulsed by homosexuality. It is up to teach these fact.

Further, people like Jessica have no idea of the details of what they are teaching to children. Again, we must somehow teach them the repulsiveness with words that beat around the bush because homosexuality if very much, a very nasty dirty deed.

Children deserve the best that life has to offer, sadly the Democratic party makes life about as difficult as it can be. From an early age they teach how terrible children are. Nothing the Democrat's do is actually helping families, unless of course you think that just because they throw a piece of toast to the person they starved helps.

Consider this, people like Jessica and all the others, are the least educated amongst us, brainwashed in public schools and by watching way too much television. It is up to us, being the educated to teach them.

Not ignorant.

Evil and batshit crazy. Fucked in the head, fucked in the soul.

Look up the posts under his previous account, banned years ago, ScienceRocks. It's the same piece of shit behind both accounts.
But nobody told us we had to embrace it as normal. A lot of children learned at too young of an age that pedos existed too. Do you think kids should be indoctrinated to believe that is acceptable too?
Well, people love each other rather they're hetero or homo shouldn't make a hills bit of difference. It is normal.
Well, people love each other and rather they're hetero or homo shouldn't make a hills bit of difference. It is normal.
It's "normal" in your world. Not to the rest of us.

You need to stop pushing for the "right" to access to the normal worlds children.

You have the right to sodomize each other. Quit pushing your perverted agenda on children
Fags (and now Trans) are used as pawns by DEMWITTED loons to keep you angry, infect innocent Children and bring down capitalism (lawsuits, special laws etc.)

In reality they are like one penny dropped in a 100000 bag of Quarters. If not given such pandering, you'd never know about this sick cult. They would die iff.
There is no scientific debate about homosexuality. It is a perversion of a normal, natural aspect of human existence. The reproductive body parts are not subject to re-definition to accommodate the unnatural urges of a tiny fraction of the population. Any HS sophomore knows the purpose of the penis, testicles, vagina, anus, and so on. What homosexuals refer to as "having sex" is nothing more than creative masturbation.

Those who followed the Monica Lewinski episode during the Clinton presidency may recall that when confronted with the exposure of his activities with the fellatrix, Clinton's initial intention was to go public with the statement that he had never "had sex" with the intern. This was vetoed by Carville and others, even though 95% of the population agreed that giving or receiving a BJ was not "having sex." But Carville did not want to antagonize the Gay Mafia by stating publicly that what gay people do to each other was NOT having sex.

And of course it is not.

Teaching children about homosexuality, and treating as just an alternative lifestyle is an abomination in itself. I have no right or desire to condemn people, but I damn well will condemn grotesque immorality. And oddly enough, every religious tradition in the world agrees with me, except for the ones that are desperately struggling to survive and give in to the perverts.

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