Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

Here is what is going on in Fulton County:

The grand jury is voting right now to charge Trump with serous felonies that carry mandatory prison time.
RICO, Racketeering, Election tampering
Trump is looking at some serious shit
Progs are leading the charge along with Vichy Republicans to make us poorer. It has to be done for world government. We are living off of pure fiat currency printing. The United Kingdom did that until they could not. Now they are second tier with the only respect of language and the financial district in London known as "the city". I mean, why do we show their royalty constantly otherwise?
What a wacky tangent. You're sick in the head.
Nah, the grand jury had not yet voted. Get a grip on reality, Trump has turned your brains to tapioca.
Tainted Grand Jury, probably as planned.
Oh well, plenty of other Stalinist election interference to argue about tomorrow.
btw, have you heard about situational, and self-awareness?
You should check those out.
We are indeed at the Crossroads...
There’s no side that attacking government buildings is fine.

Don’t make a strawman.
It’s not a straw man. It’s antifa and BLM. An entire summer of it. And yes they attacked the Capitol. Few arrests and all charges dropped. Democrat officials gathering donations for their bail. Only the useful idiot can’t see the difference.
It’s not a straw man. It’s antifa and BLM. An entire summer of it. And yes they attacked the Capitol. Few arrests and all charges dropped. Democrat officials gathering donations for their bail. Only the useful idiot can’t see the difference.

Every time these fucking leftard morons bring up J6, I'm going to jump right down their throats with 8 months of DNC funded racial riots.
Every time these fucking leftard morons bring up J6, I'm going to jump right down their throats with 8 months of DNC funded racial riots.
Go right ahead!

hey, I would put you on ever talk show every day for a while, if I could.

I am not sure that's going to turn out the way you think it is.
It’s not a straw man. It’s antifa and BLM. An entire summer of it. And yes they attacked the Capitol. Few arrests and all charges dropped. Democrat officials gathering donations for their bail. Only the useful idiot can’t see the difference.
All charges dropped? YOu've been shown over and over that is a lie. But yet you keep it going. You're a sick person that needs mental help. I hope you get it before you do something stupid.
People who rioted in BLM went to prison

Trumps turn
100% correct. But that is how well these beasts have been indoctrinated. You can literally show him where "Antifa" suspect was convicted and is currently residing in jail, yet they will deny it. That's how far gone they are.
RICO, Racketeering, Election tampering
Trump is looking at some serious shit

None of the charges, indictments or impeachments, ever made one bit of legal sense.
All the people charging Trump are the ones who should be in jail.
I do not at all like Trump, but this is not a legal way to stop his campaign.

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