Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

You asked for one, dipshit.
I guess so. Yet you think that proves your point how? Thousands of rioters across the nation, billions in damage, several murders just can’t be solved. But there’s this one guy and somehow that makes all of this Trump and J6 people’s treatment equal?

You’re an idiot.
It’s antifa and BLM.......And yes they attacked the Capitol. Few arrests and all charges dropped. Democrat officials gathering donations for their bail.

Prove it.
Link it.
Show the table your cards, mi amigo.
Or go.

Mean while hundreds who did nothing but on the capitol grounds are serving 6 years plus.
The Sequel:
Prove it.
Link it.
Show the table your cards, mi amigo.
Or go.

Don't me a fake and a phony.
Show the forum your grit and gravitas.
Or go.
I am far left, but the democrats now are not leftist, but insane dictators.
Charging opponents with ridiculous crimes, while extorting hundreds of millions from an illegal war they started in the Ukraine.
These are the actions of psychopaths.

Do you know anything about psychopathy?

There are hundreds of thousands of functioning psychopaths in the US.

And a significant fraction of them are in the Democratic party leadership.
I guess so. Yet you think that proves your point how? Thousands of rioters across the nation, billions in damage, several murders just can’t be solved. But there’s this one guy and somehow that makes all of this Trump and J6 people’s treatment equal?

You’re an idiot.
I provided what you requested. Go cry to someone that cares, traitor.
It’s not a straw man. It’s antifa and BLM. An entire summer of it. And yes they attacked the Capitol. Few arrests and all charges dropped. Democrat officials gathering donations for their bail. Only the useful idiot can’t see the difference.
There wasn’t an attack on the Capitol. People who were able to be prosecuted for violence were. Those who couldn’t, had their charges dropped.

Only a useful idiot blindly believes bullshit narratives.
Somebody in Georgia wanted to see if Trump's** plumbing is still in working order. Preliminary reports of dirty underoos are coming out of Florida now. Some media called it a "blowout"


You know you're sick, right?
Just an error.

It was a simple mistake and was taken down almost immediately. Obviously these docs are prepared ahead of time in the case the grand jury does decide to indict. In this case it got posted online by accident. Why is that so difficult to understand. Now go clutch your pearls someplace else, traitor.
This was leaked on purpose. Once again another distraction tactic to make the news cycle all about Trump, rather than about Biden being back from a 14 day vacation has "no comment" when asked if he has anything to say about the rising death toll in Hawaii after sitting on the beach all day. To think that this wasn't a purposeful leak is so blindingly naïve that you are either a paid shill or in desperate need of a CT scan.
You want me to take advice from Homer Simpson?
Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa.

Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa.

Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa.

Song of my soul, my voice is dead;
Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed
Shall dry and die in
Lost Carcosa.

Cassilda's Song in "The King in Yellow," Act i, Scene 2.
What a charming little fascist we have here.

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