Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

By this standard Al Gore should have prosecuted in FL in 2000.

I voted for the fucker.

But I'm obviously just a brainwashed MAGA who mindlessly votes (R).

Not like the esoteric, open minded, philosophy contemplating Leftists on this thread who approach every decision with sober-minded judicious consideration.

Not a reactionary idealogue in the bunch.
I could agree with that. But why just him? Why aren’t the Clintons, Bidumbs, Obammies etc being treated the same for equal to or worse crimes? It’s like you’re proving the point here.

Why MUST there be someone else doing equally stupid, brazen crap he is?

Why MUST there be equivalency?

When Trump gets caught with classified documents instead of simply returning everything asap like everyone else, he doubles down on stupid, starts claiming it's his to keep and obstructing investigations. Who the hell does that except Trump?

What president in their right mind is going to try to extort a foreign leader to publicly investigate his opposition? Crazy Trump was down for it.

When Trump loses an election he doesn't simply file lawsuits and concedes a loss like everyone else. NOPE he chases down every fn nutbag conspiracy, spreads all the vile bullshit he can, tries to pressure state election officials to go find him votes and runs alternate electors schemes in hopes that his VP will overturn result. He then watches giddily how his true faithful sack Congress, beat up cops and even get shot.

Who but Trump would be mad enough to do such crazy shit?

He is drunk on power, conducts himself with wreckless impunity and all this fucking-around is bound for some finding-out in a country where laws still mean something.
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Maybe differences in the application of the law due to political differences need to be addressed by the SCOTUS.
That isn't enough. You have to make a more specific argument about which one is the correct one, and how that's relevant at all to the other.

So, what's correct? Let Trump skate? It's too late for that. That is now in the hands of a GA State criminal trial jury.
Tell what? The owner of Burisma never spoke to VP Joe Biden.

I voted for the fucker.

But I'm obviously just a brainwashed MAGA who mindlessly votes (R).

Not like the esoteric, open minded, philosophy contemplating Leftists on this thread who approach every decision with sober-minded judicious consideration.

Not a reactionary idealogue in the bunch.
He actually was cheated because of Jeb! in FL, but that's a different story.
He actually was cheated because of Jeb! in FL, but that's a different story.

A different story.

For a different Democratic Party.

And, while I'm musing on the subject - different Republican Party.

I actually feel privileged to witness the tectonic realignment of political winds.

Too bad the Left thinks everything just stands still all the time.

They'll never get it, even when January 2025 hits them over the head like the proverbial ton o' fucking bricks.
Well, I for one, do not know exactly how many he got.....81 mill? 83 mill? 80 mill? I dunno.
Though, am confident he got more than the other guy.

But, poster Duke, you seem to suggest that "81 million" is in error?
OK, then.....what is the right number?
For Biden?
For Trump?

And how do you know?
What sources have you relied upon to come up with your numbers?

Thanks in advance
The entire history of elections in America.

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