Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted


And completely made up maga bullshit.
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That's cool and all.

But when you're done celebrating all that, he still beats your Cadaver In Chief.

Them's the breaks, fascist. ;)
I wonder if this is intentional gaslighting, or if they really are this incompetent.

Either way, just another Clown World pill to swallow when it comes to the credibility of Trump's witch hunters.

Yet another major reason this BS will be difficult for the public to take seriously.

And will probably only backfire.

Whatever happens now, this process is tarnished beyond recognition.
No, nothing weird. Actually, that is typical of US politics. And the upcoming election is just around the corner. lol. 😁

They are all against Trump. There is a diverse range of individuals and groups in the United States who are opposed to Donald Trump and his policies. Here are a few examples:

1. Democrats: The Democratic Party and its supporters widely oppose Trump due to ideological differences. They criticize policies related to immigration, healthcare, climate change, tax reform, and foreign relations. Democrats also express concerns about Trump's perceived disregard for democratic norms and his divisive rhetoric.

2. Progressives: Within the Democratic Party, progressive activists and politicians are particularly critical of Trump. They disagree with his stance on income inequality, corporate influence, social issues, criminal justice reform, and civil rights.

3. Never Trump Republicans: Some Republicans, often referred to as "Never Trumpers," are against Trump's presidency. They perceive him as inconsistent with conservative values, citing concerns about his demeanor, temperament, and policy decisions such as trade wars and deficits.

4. Minority groups: Many minority communities, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims, have expressed opposition to Trump. They point to his controversial statements regarding race, immigration, and religious discrimination as evidence of his divisive rhetoric and harmful policies.

5. Women's rights advocates: Trump's controversial remarks and alleged behavior towards women have led to strong opposition from women's rights organizations and activists. His policies on reproductive rights and appointments of conservative judges have also drawn criticism.

6. Environmental activists: Trump's skepticism towards climate change and his decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement have made him a target for environmentalists. They believe his approach will hinder efforts to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.

7. Media and journalists: Trump's adversarial relationship with the media has led to significant opposition from journalists and news organizations, who argue that his constant attacks on the press undermine the freedom of the press and the role of independent journalism.

It should be pointed out that this is not an exhaustive list, and individual opinions may vary. The reasons mentioned above provide a broad overview of some of the main sources of opposition to Donald Trump in the United States. 😊
They are the actual Trump cultists.

Not us.

Are there actual Trump cultists?

People for whom Trump can do no wrong no matter how many times, in how many states he gets criminally indicted and convicted?

If it's not you, then who is it?

And completely made up maga bullshit.

Shokin was a protected civil servant.
It was illegal for Biden to try to get him fired.
It was illegal for Biden to claim he forced Shokin's firing by withholding congressional funding.
Biden would not have committed these crimes if not for a need to prevent an investigation into Burisma Holdings.
So he was not just protecting Hunter illegally, but also likely his own share of the illegal kickbacks.

So your long awaited rebuttal to my post about how Trump will win is to re-post a total loser who everyone hates.

Her name is Hillary.

Cool story, Bro.
Imagine being so stupid so as to be oblivious of what's really happening.

Democracy is being stripped from you by corruption, and you cheer it on.
Thought you might enjoy seeing this....
So your long awaited rebuttal to my post about how Trump will win is to re-post a total loser who everyone hates.

Her name is Hillary.

Cool story, Bro.
You probably didnt even watch it so I'll tell you Hillary is doing. She is sitting there laughing commenting about yet ANOTHER Trump indictment. She just can't stop laughing.
Thought you might enjoy seeing this....

It already got old and tired before it was even posted.

Kinda like Hillary.

Just ask Bill. ;)
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Are there actual Trump cultists?

People for whom Trump can do no wrong no matter how many times, in how many states he gets criminally indicted and convicted?

If it's not you, then who is it?

Criminal indictments of a popular candidate is totally and completely illegal.
It is the worst violation of the constitution I have ever seen.
It is worse than illegal wars, segregation, etc.
No, nothing weird. Actually, that is typical of US politics. And the upcoming election is just around the corner. lol. 😁

They are all against Trump. There is a diverse range of individuals and groups in the United States who are opposed to Donald Trump and his policies. Here are a few examples:

1. Democrats: The Democratic Party and its supporters widely oppose Trump due to ideological differences. They criticize policies related to immigration, healthcare, climate change, tax reform, and foreign relations. Democrats also express concerns about Trump's perceived disregard for democratic norms and his divisive rhetoric.

2. Progressives: Within the Democratic Party, progressive activists and politicians are particularly critical of Trump. They disagree with his stance on income inequality, corporate influence, social issues, criminal justice reform, and civil rights.

3. Never Trump Republicans: Some Republicans, often referred to as "Never Trumpers," are against Trump's presidency. They perceive him as inconsistent with conservative values, citing concerns about his demeanor, temperament, and policy decisions such as trade wars and deficits.

4. Minority groups: Many minority communities, such as African Americans, Hispanics, and Muslims, have expressed opposition to Trump. They point to his controversial statements regarding race, immigration, and religious discrimination as evidence of his divisive rhetoric and harmful policies.

5. Women's rights advocates: Trump's controversial remarks and alleged behavior towards women have led to strong opposition from women's rights organizations and activists. His policies on reproductive rights and appointments of conservative judges have also drawn criticism.

6. Environmental activists: Trump's skepticism towards climate change and his decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement have made him a target for environmentalists. They believe his approach will hinder efforts to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment.

7. Media and journalists: Trump's adversarial relationship with the media has led to significant opposition from journalists and news organizations, who argue that his constant attacks on the press undermine the freedom of the press and the role of independent journalism.

It should be pointed out that this is not an exhaustive list, and individual opinions may vary. The reasons mentioned above provide a broad overview of some of the main sources of opposition to Donald Trump in the United States. 😊

You forgot Trump's FBI Directors,
Trump's Attorney Generals,
Trump's Foreign Policy advisors and Abassadors,
Trump's DHS Cybersecurity Chief
Trump's Chief of Staff,
Trump's Generals,
Trump's VP,
Trump appointed judges,
And of course Trump's jury of peers that will convict him in a court of law.

Everyone is after Trumpy bear, because he is just too good. His purity reveals their rot and they can't stand it.

Right nutbag?
Are there actual Trump cultists?

People for whom Trump can do no wrong no matter how many times, in how many states he gets criminally indicted and convicted?

If it's not you, then who is it?
We know what's going on. This is political. Democrats are using our justice system to try to steal the presidential election.

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