Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

You have zero problem with a prosecutor who files an indictment while the jury is still out, but he's the one in denial.

Yeah, makes perfect sense.
It was a simple mistake and was taken down almost immediately. Obviously these docs are prepared ahead of time in the case the grand jury does decide to indict. In this case it got posted online by accident. Why is that so difficult to understand. Now go clutch your pearls someplace else, traitor.
I am one of those, I do not want another Trump presidency. At the same time, I don't understand how anyone can NOT see the injustice in the way the man is being treated. Maybe I am selfish, but it makes me think I could be treated unjustly as well.
Voting for Biden won't make it go away. You will only be rewarding it.
It was a simple mistake and was taken down almost immediately. Obviously these docs are prepared ahead of time in the case the grand jury does decide to indict. In this case it got posted online by accident. Why is that so difficult to understand. Now go clutch your pearls someplace else, traitor.
The should all be sentenced to hang!
I don't like to vote for "the least bad choice" . But I did in 2020 and will again if I have to.
Sadly, I think the best person for the job is smart enough not to run. No, I don't know who that is, but I'm guessing it is probably somebody working successfully in the private sector right now.
I take my cue from the Bible I think. As something of a historian, including religious historian, the Bible is full of examples where God took some of the shadiest and/or least likely characters, dusted them off, and used them to accomplish great things. And when they are in the job they were intended to be, they accomplish those great things in spite of themselves.

That's the way I see Donald Trump. It wasn't choosing the least worse for me but choosing the unknown vs the unacceptable. I had no clue what kind of President he would make but I voted for him because I did have a pretty solid sense of what kind of President Hillary would make and I wanted no part of it. I did resonate with the vision that DJT presented us with during that campaign, i.e. the MAGA vision of a strong, free, prosperous America in a peaceful world. That is what MAGA represents for me.

Well again the Donald can be at times, petty, petulant, obnoxious, unlikable but he delivered on campaign rhetoric that turned out to be honest to goodness promises like no other President in my lifetime. If it was important, he didn't give up after one or two tries like ALL the others have done, but he kept at it until he found a solution and could get it done or at least get it started.

He made Obama look really bad and they know how bad it will make Biden look if he gets back in there and does it again. He could even cause some dismantling of and disenchantment with the deep state machine they've been creating over the last 50+ years. Which of course is why all the unethical, malicious, vicious prosecution is going on.

I don't vote for the personality. In 2024, if Trump is the nominee, I will be voting for the track record.
It was a simple mistake and was taken down almost immediately. Obviously these docs are prepared ahead of time in the case the grand jury does decide to indict. In this case it got posted online by accident. Why is that so difficult to understand. Now go clutch your pearls someplace else, traitor.

Another well adjusted little Leftist taking the word of the "media" like the compliant stooge he is.

How the fuck you can still believe anything they say is flabbergasting.
It was a simple mistake and was taken down almost immediately. Obviously these docs are prepared ahead of time in the case the grand jury does decide to indict. In this case it got posted online by accident. Why is that so difficult to understand. Now go clutch your pearls someplace else, traitor.
You really believe posting that doc on line was an accident. Really?????!

Hey I still have a nice assortment of pretty bridges in any color you want for sale. May I send you the brochure?
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Everything with lib loons is childish and emotion driven
There are in such a 7 year old giddy hurry that they announce the results of the game Before the game is completed.
This may stem from participation trophy retardation
And then they swear the outcome was not predetermined but rather a mistaken release of information
According to CNN's "Top Legal Analyst", there's no way Trump's going to jail before the election.

And sure, it's CNN - but they have a massive anti-Trump bias. (In case anyone still hasn't noticed.)

So if even they are conceding it, I find the prospects of his imminent incarceration to be highly dubious.

Tim Pool can be a bit hyperbolic from time to time.
not seeing any hyperboly in this video,,

one good point he made is the title of the article says trumps people breached the machines and if you scroll down to the very bottom it says they were invited to examine the machines,,,
Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy just put out a statement definitely worth a brief read:

Here we go again: another disastrous Trump indictment. It’s downright pathetic that Fulton County publicly posted the indictment on its website even before the grand jury had finished convening. Since the four prosecutions against Trump are using novel & untested legal theories, it’s fair game for him to do the same in defense: immediately file a motion to dismiss for a constitutional due process violation for publicly issuing an indictment before the grand jury had actually signed one. He should make a strong argument on these grounds & it would send a powerful message to the ever-expansive prosecutorial police state. As someone who’s running for President against Trump, I’d volunteer to write the amicus brief to the court myself: prosecutors should not be deciding U.S. presidential elections, and if they’re so overzealous that they commit constitutional violations, then the cases should be thrown out & they should be held accountable.
I wonder if this is intentional gaslighting, or if they really are this incompetent.

Either way, just another Clown World pill to swallow when it comes to the credibility of Trump's witch hunters.

Yet another major reason this BS will be difficult for the public to take seriously.

And will probably only backfire.

Whatever happens now, this process is tarnished beyond recognition.
SCOTUS should dismiss it.
I am hoping that the vast majority of Americans, even those who really REALLY don't like Donald Trump, will recognize all of this for the malicious prosecution and propaganda machine that it is. The Democrat/progressive machine doesn't care what crimes DJT committed or if he committed any crimes at all. They just want him destroyed because he would be a solid barrier to their worst woke/neo-Marxist/totalitarian ambitions.

None of it is really about President Trump.

Each impeachment, every indictment is a message to voters, don't go off script and pull a peoples President in the White House again.
They indict him - he gets more popular.
That just pisses them off.

They indict him again, saying "what the fuck don't you get?
He gets more popular.
That just pisses them off.

They just keeping making more shit up.
Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy just put out a statement definitely worth a brief read:

Here we go again: another disastrous Trump indictment. It’s downright pathetic that Fulton County publicly posted the indictment on its website even before the grand jury had finished convening. Since the four prosecutions against Trump are using novel & untested legal theories, it’s fair game for him to do the same in defense: immediately file a motion to dismiss for a constitutional due process violation for publicly issuing an indictment before the grand jury had actually signed one. He should make a strong argument on these grounds & it would send a powerful message to the ever-expansive prosecutorial police state. As someone who’s running for President against Trump, I’d volunteer to write the amicus brief to the court myself: prosecutors should not be deciding U.S. presidential elections, and if they’re so overzealous that they commit constitutional violations, then the cases should be thrown out & they should be held accountable.
This is a big nothing. The indictment will go forward and you'll forget all about this within a few days.

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