Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

Respectable post and realistic opinion.
I vote on the best choice, in '16 I just couldn't vote for Hillary the witch. Take that as biblical, but she indeed is a wicked witch.
I could not vote for Biden, it would have been a vote for mediocracy, and history has proven this.
I reserve the right to bitch and whine about having to vote for the lesser of two evils. It's still voting for evil.
But as I said before, the best person for the job is smart enough not to want the job.
So we are stuck with voting for the least bad choice. That's my 2¢, and it's worth every penny.
Again I respect your opinion. It is what it is. But despite Donald J. Trump's imperfections and that I really REALLY wish he wouldn't engage in juvenile temperament from time to time that makes him unlikable at those times, I do believe he does love America, Americans, and wants his legacy to be that he actually did do well for his country. I have never perceived, sensed, or detected any evil in him.
You are delusional. What good things did Trump deliver? Did he build his beautiful wall? How about that trade deficit with China, it get any better? And that measly ass tax cut you got, tariffs ate every bit of it up. Those corporate tax cuts were suppose to result in a massive increase in capital spending, even though anyone that can still remember Macro 101 knew better. It didn't pan out, capital spending decreased after the corporate tax cut, stock buybacks and rent seeking increased. Yeah, a few workers got "bonuses", and every damn one of those bonuses was expensed out under the OLD CORPORATE TAX RATE.

The economy, prior to Covid, wasn't all that great and when you factor in Quantitative Easing and massive deficit spending, it was like going to Capital Grille on a credit card right before declaring bankruptcy and saying you are kicking ass. It was an illusion, purchased with printed dollars. A con man cons, that is what they do, and that is all Trump is. Wake up.
I won't repeat it all yet again, most especially for the reading dysfunctional. Thank you for understanding and do have a nice day.
So you think this was purposely done, knowing wack jobs like you would immediately be dismissive of the entire process? LOL ok if you say so.
Of course it was purposely done. Something like that doesn't happen by accident. That's a fact regardless of how much of a wack job you think I am.
You'll be crying in a few days when this has absolutely no affect on Donald Trump being indicted in Georgia. I cant wait.

I never said it would have any affect, dipshit.

Nor will I be crying.

You just make shit up, it's clearly the only way you think you can "win" a debate.
Lol, if he does go he will have secret service protection. He will be alright. Also he won't be there long, DeSantis will pardon him.

Maybe Biden will show him some Christian tolerance and grant a pardon
OK, so maybe we should get to the bottom of who leaked it then.

And what is your prediction regarding that actually happening?

Given we still don't know who leaked the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade repeal over a year ago, a betting man would say the odds are not good.
I think the odds are probably good. Probably some law clerk who jumped the gun. Something that they will probably address considering all the public interest.

What are your predictions of you or for that matter anyone on the right accepting any explanation for the fuckup?

Slim to none comes to mind.

Just another transgression of "Democracy busting" by the imbecilic crooks who portend to be the adults in the room defending it at all costs.

And the mindless hordes who follow along are the real danger.

Count yourself among them.
Well, I give you this much. You nailed the real danger on the head, "the mindless hordes". What you are unwilling to realize is, you are one of the members of that horde. I mean take this thread for example, you immediately jump to the conclusion that the DA filed that supposed indictment. Are you kidding me. Fani Willis has been proceeding cautiously and thoroughly. She has been dotting the I's and crossing the T's. No way in hell she makes that amateur mistake, her record speaks for itself. Of course, you haven't look into that. Nope, "mindless hordes" comes to mind when you start out a thread with a post from PJ Media. I mean here is a thought, why not get your news from the guy holding the sign at the intersection that says, "Homeless, any help appreciated", because you can't even click the damn link to PJ Media without them asking you for money. Honestly, you would probably get a more accurate read on the news.
I never said it would have any affect, dipshit.

Nor will I be crying.

You just make shit up, it's clearly the only way you think you can "win" a debate.
You're crying right now. You said, and I quote, "Whatever happens now, this process is tarnished beyond recognition."

No, it's not. Sure the right wing nut jobs will be crying about this on TV for the next 24 hours, but then the indictment will be released and nothing will happen. This is all meaningless, not a gotcha moment like you think it is.
I think the odds are probably good. Probably some law clerk who jumped the gun. Something that they will probably address considering all the public interest.

Yeah, so who leaked the Roe decision then?

15 months later, still no idea huh?

What are your predictions of you or for that matter anyone on the right accepting any explanation for the fuckup?

Oh, we on the "Right" would be a hell of a lot less skeptical if the "fuckups" didn't always go in one direction.

And there's the rub.
I think the odds are probably good. Probably some law clerk who jumped the gun. Something that they will probably address considering all the public interest.

What are your predictions of you or for that matter anyone on the right accepting any explanation for the fuckup?

Slim to none comes to mind.
I'm sure whoever did this has already been fired. It's always some type of conspiracy with these nut jobs so I give it 0% chance they will accept any explanation.
You dont deserve to be tolerated. You traffic in lies and conspiracies.
You dont deserve to be tolerated. You traffic in lies and conspiracies.


Remember that time I went on and on about how the President was actually a Russian asset?

I bloviated about that one for years on end, only for it to turn out to be a total waste of millions in tax payer dollars and an out and out lie.

I'm so bad.

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