Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

Again I respect your opinion. It is what it is. But despite Donald J. Trump's imperfections and that I really REALLY wish he wouldn't engage in juvenile temperament from time to time that makes him unlikable at those times, I do believe he does love America, Americans, and wants his legacy to be that he actually did do well for his country. I have never perceived, sensed, or detected any evil in him.
Trump does not love America. Trump only loves himself. If you haven't figured that out by now there is no hope for you. Continue on.
Trump does not love America. Trump only loves himself. If you haven't figured that out by now there is no hope for you. Continue on.
You are so brainwashed it defies comprehension.

I'm sure whoever did this has already been fired. It's always some type of conspiracy with these nut jobs so I give it 0% chance they will accept any explanation.
It's all part of the process. They need to create their impenetrable bubble. In order to do so their rational needs to be watertight.

If they are proven right, it's "I told you so", if they are proven wrong it's " I told you it was a conspiracy."

Easy. You can never be wrong if you have both sides of the argument covered.
I don't think that anyone believes it will have any affect -
In fact, that is kind of the point.
The purpose could be twofold:
1. To taint the Grand Jury investigation should it not go the way the D.A. wants.
2. To get the propaganda out there to hurt DJT should it not go the way the D.A. wants.

The purpose of all of this is to so damage Donald Trump that he'll have to drop out of the presidential race. I am pretty darn certain the Trump critics on this thread, the Democrats, all who are pushing the woke/neo-Marxist/totalitarian agenda and permanent power/authority for it have that as their goal. They don't care what has to happen or what level of unethical behavior they have to stoop to in order to make it happen. That is their goal.

For sure we can conclude the D.A. already has him convicted in her mind and that was the purpose of that list of 'crimes'. And if she can't make them stick, posting the list puts them into everybody else's minds and the never Trumpers will post them or refer to them again and again pretending they are real.
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"I am hoping that the vast majority of Americans.....will recognize all of this for the malicious prosecution and propaganda machine that it is. The Democrat/progressive machine doesn't care what crimes DJT committed or if he committed any crimes at all.".........
"I don't understand how anyone can NOT see the injustice in the way the man is being treated."

I respectfully demur.
Two times.
To Foxfyre's and to ozro's.

Look, I have no special insight....I ain't a prosecutor, local or federal, nor am I even a lawyer, but........but from reading various responsible 'legacy' sources it seems our law enforcement personnel have a case to make against Don Trump, the man.

To wit:

  • The pay-off to the Porn Queen.....more germane, the lying and cover up of the pay-off. A New York state case.
  • The Mar-A-Lago docs case. He defied a subpoena. A federal subpoena. A federal case.
  • The J6 case --- the appearance seems to indicate to a layman that Don Trump sought to employ a variety of strategies by which he and his allies thought he could reverse or override the will of voters, including pressuring state legislatures to use their own authority to replace swing state electors for Mr Biden with electors for Mr Trump.
  • And now the Georgia 'state' case recordings with Raffensberger, and Watson, and Ralston. All Georgia officials overseeing the election or the legislature. Where again, Don Trump and allies sought to overturn the election results in Georgia.
In short, there is meat on the bone. There's a there there.
It would be dereliction of duty if our law enforcement agencies did not look into each of those developments to determine if a crime was committed. Three grand juries (at least three) have informed the prosecution teams that they think there is a there there involving criminality.

So the investigations and the indictments are par for the course. Standard operating procedure.

Now, as far as Democrats, or the DNC, or any individual or identifiable group who may cheer such prosecutions .....well, .....well, .....duh!!
No one who can fog a mirror can expect an opposing political party to sit on their hands when they see an opponent run afoul of our law enforcement protocols. In short, of course they will applaud and encourage. And help if they can and if appropriate. Duh!!

But that doesn't mean the law enforcement actions are partisan. Law enforcement is umpiring. They likely don't give a rip who the cheerleaders are for either side. They have a job to do --- look into behaviors that appear illegal, determine if they, in their judgement, are illegal; take their conclusions to a grand jury; and then follow that juries conclusion accordingly.

Seems like the way things should be in a land where the rule of law rules.

The Dems, the DNC, or those who are critical of Don Trump are merely along for the ride. And likely.....enjoying it.

The purpose of all of this is to so damage Donald Trump that he'll have to drop out of the presidential race.

Oh come now.

Tut, tut.

What would ever give you the impression they're going after Trump?

Everything that is happening to him, the four different sets of indictments just before he happens to be nominated again - the Russia Collusion hoax and more - these are all just major coincidences.

You're witnessing totally objective, fair minded actors with zero political motivations whatsoever.

A fool would say.
The purpose could be twofold:
1. To taint the Grand Jury investigation should it not go the way the D.A. wants.
2. To get the propaganda out there to hurt DJT should it not go the way the D.A. wants.

The purpose of all of this is to so damage Donald Trump that he'll have to drop out of the presidential race. I am pretty darn certain the Trump critics on this thread, the Democrats, all who are pushing the woke/neo-Marxist/totalitarian agenda and permanent power/authority for it have that as their goal. They don't care what has to happen or what level of unethical behavior they have to stoop to in order to make it happen. That is their goal.
The purpose is to hold him accountable for crimes he committed. What is a neo-Marxist?
Oh come now.

Tut, tut.

What would ever give you the impression they're going after Trump?

Everything that is happening to him, the four different sets of indictments just before he happens to be nominated again - the Russia Collusion hoax and more - these are all just major coincidences.

You're witnessing totally objective, fair minded actors with zero political motivations whatsoever.

A fool would say.
A wise person would say if a person has over 80 federal counts against them, they probably arent a very good person. You, on the other hand, think all of this is some conspiracy against trump. You will even admit that Trump can't be guilty of any crime no matter what evidence is presented. That makes you incapable of having any discussion on this topic.
None of it is really about President Trump.

Each impeachment, every indictment is a message to voters, don't go off script and pull a peoples President in the White House again.
They indict him - he gets more popular.
That just pisses them off.

They indict him again, saying "what the fuck don't you get?
He gets more popular.
That just pisses them off.

They just keeping making more shit up.

He's just more popular with the Trumpies.
So you admit Trump can never be found guilty of any crime no matter what evidence is presented.

Nope, never said that, never even hinted at that.

If we were operating in a vacuum with zero context whatsoever, things would be different.

But after the last 7 years of non-stop lies, harassment, and authoritarianism, we possess context in abundance. A fucking surplus of it.

So much, that in May 2020 I left the Democrat Party forever.

I am clearly the one capable of changing my mind, not you.

I'm sorry reality has been unkind to your brain.
I am hoping that the vast majority of Americans, even those who really REALLY don't like Donald Trump, will recognize all of this for the malicious prosecution and propaganda machine that it is. The Democrat/progressive machine doesn't care what crimes DJT committed or if he committed any crimes at all. They just want him destroyed because he would be a solid barrier to their worst woke/neo-Marxist/totalitarian ambitions.
As you haven't seen or heard all the Grand Jury testimony or evidence I will just assume your post is based on cultish admiration for your orange Messiah and can be dismissed as such.
You are so brainwashed it defies comprehension.

That is absolutely comical. Bless your heart. Trump loves America? How the hell do you even begin to believe that. He is all but wanting to burn it down. And for what, so that he can move back into the White House, which, by the way, he complained about what a shit hole it was. I mean for the love of God, none of his shit was ever about you, Grandmaw's simple shitass rule applies here. What the hell does Donald Trump care about a simple shitass like you?

And all these indictments, all these court proceedings, well Karma is a bitch. Trump refused to pay countless contractors and he used the courts to his advantage, hoping they would eventually tap out. Sadly, many of them did. He used the courts, and bankruptcy laws, to stiff hundreds of investors. I mean what kind of honorable man does that?

Son, he laughs at you. He sits around with his paid for friends and goes, "I got this guy on a messageboard that always defends me, what a flippin dumbass, but hey, that is a vote for me" He laughs at all you morons. You are all "marks", nothing more, nothing less. And while some men might judge their value to society by the size of their pecker, Trump doesn't have that luxury, so he judges his value by the number of "marks" he can corral. Peace out you total dumbass.
Nope, never said that, never even hinted at that.

If we were operating in a vacuum with zero context whatsoever, things would be different.

But after the last 7 years of non-stop lies, harassment, and authoritarianism, we have possess context in abundance. A fucking surplus of it.

So much, that in May 2020 I left the Democrat Party forever.

I am clearly the one capable of changing my mind, not you.

I'm sorry reality has been unkind to your brain.
So you'll accept the juries decisions? Or will you only accept the outcomes if they go your way?
All trump had to do was keep his mouth shut and let the process take its course and then accept the results. Instead he and other republicans put themselves in jeopardy of breaking the law. Keep in mind these indictments arent based off of dem testimony. The testimony is trumps own words and actions as well as those of his fellow republicans.

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