Something Weird Is Going on in Fulton County, Where Trump Is Expected to Be Indicted

I take my cue from the Bible I think. As something of a historian, including religious historian, the Bible is full of examples where God took some of the shadiest and/or least likely characters, dusted them off, and used them to accomplish great things. And when they are in the job they were intended to be, they accomplish those great things in spite of themselves.

That's the way I see Donald Trump. It wasn't choosing the least worse for me but choosing the unknown vs the unacceptable. I had no clue what kind of President he would make but I voted for him because I did have a pretty solid sense of what kind of President Hillary would make and I wanted no part of it. I did resonate with the vision that DJT presented us with during that campaign, i.e. the MAGA vision of a strong, free, prosperous America in a peaceful world. That is what MAGA represents for me.

Well again the Donald can be at times, petty, petulant, obnoxious, unlikable but he delivered on campaign rhetoric that turned out to be honest to goodness promises like no other President in my lifetime. If it was important, he didn't give up after one or two tries like ALL the others have done, but he kept at it until he found a solution and could get it done or at least get it started.

He made Obama look really bad and they know how bad it will make Biden look if he gets back in there and does it again. He could even cause some dismantling of and disenchantment with the deep state machine they've been creating over the last 50+ years. Which of course is why all the unethical, malicious, vicious prosecution is going on.

I don't vote for the personality. In 2024, if Trump is the nominee, I will be voting for the track record.
Respectable post and realistic opinion.
I vote on the best choice, in '16 I just couldn't vote for Hillary the witch. Take that as biblical, but she indeed is a wicked witch.
I could not vote for Biden, it would have been a vote for mediocracy, and history has proven this.
I reserve the right to bitch and whine about having to vote for the lesser of two evils. It's still voting for evil.
But as I said before, the best person for the job is smart enough not to want the job.
So we are stuck with voting for the least bad choice. That's my 2¢, and it's worth every penny.
I can accept that though I hope that if he is the nominee you will hold your nose and vote for him because the alternative is just too vile and horrible to consider. Nobody loves everybody and nobody is loved by everybody.

The emotional side of me is pretty beat up and fatigued as they try to wear us down with all of this malicious prosecution/persecution. For that reason I spend time wishing for a less controversial figure. But the man delivered good things as President in spite of his sometimes off putting personality and I can vote for him again with a clear conscience.
You are delusional. What good things did Trump deliver? Did he build his beautiful wall? How about that trade deficit with China, it get any better? And that measly ass tax cut you got, tariffs ate every bit of it up. Those corporate tax cuts were suppose to result in a massive increase in capital spending, even though anyone that can still remember Macro 101 knew better. It didn't pan out, capital spending decreased after the corporate tax cut, stock buybacks and rent seeking increased. Yeah, a few workers got "bonuses", and every damn one of those bonuses was expensed out under the OLD CORPORATE TAX RATE.

The economy, prior to Covid, wasn't all that great and when you factor in Quantitative Easing and massive deficit spending, it was like going to Capital Grille on a credit card right before declaring bankruptcy and saying you are kicking ass. It was an illusion, purchased with printed dollars. A con man cons, that is what they do, and that is all Trump is. Wake up.
This is a big nothing. The indictment will go forward and you'll forget all about this within a few days.


Just another transgression of "Democracy busting" by the imbecilic crooks who portend to be the adults in the room defending it at all costs.

And the mindless hordes who follow along are the real danger.

Count yourself among them.
You have zero problem with a prosecutor who files an indictment while the jury is still out, but he's the one in denial.

Yeah, makes perfect sense.
There is no evidence that the prosecutor filed the indictment. Probably a computer hack by some right wing money grabbing site like PJ Media.

Just another transgression of "Democracy busting" by the imbecilic crooks who portend to be the adults in the room defending it at all costs.

And the mindless hordes who follow along are the real danger.

Count yourself among them.
If the grand jury decides there is enough evidence to indict, this WILL go forward whether you want it to or not. Of course trumps lawyers MAY file some type of motion, but it will be dismissed. Have a great day, traitor!
There is no evidence that the prosecutor filed the indictment. Probably a computer hack by some right wing money grabbing site like PJ Media.

Kind of ironic that your name is Winston.

You certainly give off 1984 vibes.
I am one of those, I do not want another Trump presidency. At the same time, I don't understand how anyone can NOT see the injustice in the way the man is being treated. Maybe I am selfish, but it makes me think I could be treated unjustly as well.
If they get away with this, we are done as a free country. If you aren't part of the elite, you're going to be screwed.

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