'Sometimes Men Have Babies'

Gender is a fact that cant be changed
Gender is not a fact. Its a social construct. Look it up.
I don't have to look it up. Gender roles in society maybe changeable, but a person's gender is a fact. No need to look up the obvious
Facts dont = truth. You have to provide a context.

Why do the men wear dresses then? What would make them "feel" like women if there is no such thing as gender that is embedded in us, such as women being nurturers and more "feminine appearing" than men, just as an example.
I guess the term "social construct" is another word you dont understand. Well that along with feminine.

Sure I understand. I'm telling you that there are reasons for gender types. Do you think people just made them up to be mean to those confused about their sex and gender? Of course not! It's because males and females have had different roles in society because it only MAKES SENSE. I'm so sorry that there are so many people who have no sense at all. It's a pity.

So, you still have not answered my question. Why do the men want to dress and act like females if gender is NOTHING but a social myth? WHAT makes them feel that they are even women then?
So if someone has children. Am I required to believe that someone who gave birth to a child is that child's father?
Regardless, if you can't figure out that you are a man or a woman (and gender dysphoria occurs happens frequently with these people, as well as suicide), then you've got NO business raising another human being. Sorry. Get a dog or a cat or something.
Who told you they couldnt figure out if they were a man or a woman? i dont recall seeing that in the article.
Regardless, if you can't figure out that you are a man or a woman (and gender dysphoria occurs happens frequently with these people, as well as suicide), then you've got NO business raising another human being. Sorry. Get a dog or a cat or something.
Who told you they couldnt figure out if they were a man or a woman? i dont recall seeing that in the article.

WHY do the men want to act and dress as women if gender doesn't matter?
So if someone has children. Am I required to believe that someone who gave birth to a child is that child's father?
Doesnt matter what you believe. Your assumption is irrelevant to them.

WHY do they want to have breasts and why do they wear makeup and dress up like women?

You know what else is a social construct? Laws. Lol.
Regardless, if you can't figure out that you are a man or a woman (and gender dysphoria occurs happens frequently with these people, as well as suicide), then you've got NO business raising another human being. Sorry. Get a dog or a cat or something.
Who told you they couldnt figure out if they were a man or a woman? i dont recall seeing that in the article.

WHY do the men want to act and dress as women if gender doesn't matter?
Who told you gender didnt matter?
So if someone has children. Am I required to believe that someone who gave birth to a child is that child's father?
Doesnt matter what you believe. Your assumption is irrelevant to them.

WHY do they want to have breasts and why do they wear makeup and dress up like women?

You know what else is a social construct? Laws. Lol.
What does that have to do with my post?

You asked why I know they are confused about their gender and sexuality. Well there you have it.
So if someone has children. Am I required to believe that someone who gave birth to a child is that child's father?
Doesnt matter what you believe. Your assumption is irrelevant to them.

WHY do they want to have breasts and why do they wear makeup and dress up like women?

You know what else is a social construct? Laws. Lol.
What does that have to do with my post?

You asked why I know they are confused about their gender and sexuality. Well there you have it.
There I have what? All you have done is offered an opinion. I asked for proof they were confused.
So if someone has children. Am I required to believe that someone who gave birth to a child is that child's father?
Doesnt matter what you believe. Your assumption is irrelevant to them.

WHY do they want to have breasts and why do they wear makeup and dress up like women?

You know what else is a social construct? Laws. Lol.
What does that have to do with my post?

You asked why I know they are confused about their gender and sexuality. Well there you have it.
There I have what? All you have done is offered an opinion. I asked for proof they were confused.

Um, no one has to prove anything. They do that on their own by dressing like opposite sex, trying to pass themselves off as the opposite sex and having surgeries to try and pass themselves off as the opposite sex. Lol.
Basically, if you are a man who thinks you were born the wrong sex or gender, then you are confused. And the "transGENDERED" obviously attach a LOT of importance to their gender as well.
That they were so messed up in the head about gender roles they had to set up a sex change operation.

But wait ... We want kids. Okay I will spend 20 months dwelling and wallowing in darkness and take one for the team .

But wait I'm not a woman... So that means men can have babies.

They would have been more credible if they had adopted.

Can't be an attention whore and martyr that way though I guess.
When did they say they were messed up in the head regarding gender roles? Why would you tell your child that they caused you stress?
Why would you go through two pregnancies if you despised being a woman?
When did anyone say they despised being a woman?
Uh huh. So they dwelled in darkness for 20 months dealing with gender issues because that makes their story sound better. Got it.
You didnt answer my question. Where did anyone say anything about despising being a woman?
Again. Being pregnant was "the darkest days of my life". Due to gender issues conflicting with their reality. Their words... Not mine.

People who have no issue with their gender don't seek sex changes.

So... Either they are lying about the mental conflict OR ( more likely) they are trying to have it both ways to promote this fake story.
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I don't have to look it up. Gender roles in society maybe changeable, but a person's gender is a fact. No need to look up the obvious
Facts dont = truth. You have to provide a context.

Go lookup the word gender. You are making a fool of yourself in front of the entire world.


How Gender Reassignment Surgery Works Infographic
Not gender reassignment. Different word. Lookup the word "Gender"

The definition has been politicized and changed. Gender reassignment surgery is now called sex reassignment surgery:thup:
I want reassignment surgery------I want to be TALL-----right handed-----very thin----but still a bit curvy-----and---about 17
years old. My sex is no problem to me
You don't think these people have psychological problems?
Are they your problems? If not, why should you care? Have they done you harm? Have they broken laws? If not, why should you care?

Of course they are to society has a whole. there are absolutes in life. The kids the will grow up. Some people think even children should be allowed to pretend to be a different sex before they are even able to rationalize about such things, and for the record, i also have a problem with 10s of millions of black and white babies being slaughtered about you? They are my problem. At some point you have to take a stand for sanity
What? Slow down. Think carefully. Then write.

Your post makes no sense.
I changed has to as the only mistake i can see:thup:
Who imposes these "absolutes", and who gave them the authority to impose them?

What Black babies are being slaughtered about me?

Where's the insanity I must stand against? By what authority should I stand against which insanity? I am not, nor are you, in any position to dictate to others how to live their lives so long as those other do no commit crimes or harm anyone else.
In a world of fantasy and delusion nothing is absolute:uhoh3:
Screw the gay propaganda stuff. Explain to me, how a MAN born a male without surgery can have a child, what are the mechanics of that, exactly? Isn't that impossible, this is a joke, right?
Screw the gay propaganda stuff. Explain to me, how a MAN born a male without surgery can have a child, what are the mechanics of that, exactly? Isn't that impossible, this is a joke, right?

Tell me how a man with surgery can have a child:dunno:

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