Sondland "revises" his testimony. a lawyer you make a great troll.
Would you go to jail to protect Trump?
Why would Sondland be going to jail?

Well he did lie to congress, which is why he had to "revise" his testimony. Saying that "I don't remember" when you actually do, is perjury, no matter how clever you try to be.
Wrong. He changed his testimony once he got his Schifferbrains talking points from the NYTs.

Please provide me a list of all the people who went to prison for lying to Congress.
Now you`re making up childish names for people just like Trump does. No one has ever sounded smart doing that.
Childish names makes you look dumb?

If you say so.....

How can one "revise" reality? The Schiff fiasco is all bull crap.
Would you be willing to go to jail for Orange Jesus? Sondland woke up.

This shit is getting funnier by the day............

Schifferbrains told us he wanted to keep all this testimony in his Star Chamber so witnesses couldn't "coordinate" their testimony. Now that a few have testified in Schifferbrain's Star Chamber, Sondland all the sudden remembers a different version after seeing the testimony of the other "witnesses" in Schifferbrain's Star Chamber.

Anyone else see some contradictions here?

Actually that's how it works, such as with a grand jury. You get everybodies untainted stories, lock them down, and then start comparing them.

They ran experiments in witness testimony in colleges every day, from psychology to criminal justice. They would have somebody ran into the classroom and do something outrageous, and then run out. They would then ask the students to identify the perp.

They would have a 'plant' in the room, who would start to steer the identification into the guy had red hair, or was wearing a green sweater, or that he was six feet tall, and subsequently the others in the classroom would start to incorporate those 'planted' identifications into their description of the perp.

So the best way to get an accurate picture, is to go with secret depositions.

Which makes the point that his revised testimony is tainted by what he read from the plant in the NYTIMES.
Would you be willing to go to jail for Orange Jesus? Sondland woke up. a lawyer you make a great troll.
Would you go to jail to protect Trump?
Why would Sondland be going to jail?

Well he did lie to congress, which is why he had to "revise" his testimony. Saying that "I don't remember" when you actually do, is perjury, no matter how clever you try to be.
You think it is possible to not remember something when asked about it, but then remember it at a later date?
This shit is getting funnier by the day............

Schifferbrains told us he wanted to keep all this testimony in his Star Chamber so witnesses couldn't "coordinate" their testimony. Now that a few have testified in Schifferbrain's Star Chamber, Sondland all the sudden remembers a different version after seeing the testimony of the other "witnesses" in Schifferbrain's Star Chamber.

Anyone else see some contradictions here?

Is there any doubt this farce has been orchestrated by Schifferbrains? It's just to amateurish to be anything else.
One of the most significant revelations from Tuesday's release is that E.U. Ambassador Gordon Sondland revised his prior testimony to say that he told a top Ukrainian official that U.S. aid would likely not resume until the country issues a corruption statement -- a revelation that was quickly hailed by Democrats of proof of the quid pro quo they have been alleging took place.

Envoy testimony reflects mixed picture on ‘quid pro quo,’ concerns over Giuliani role
Someone whispered "perjury" in his ear.
Why did Mueller lie to THE IG about Strozk and Page's Emails being Irretrievably Erased, before he Wiped Strozk and Page's phones himself, prior to handing them over to THE IG?
He didn't.
This shit is getting funnier by the day............

Schifferbrains told us he wanted to keep all this testimony in his Star Chamber so witnesses couldn't "coordinate" their testimony. Now that a few have testified in Schifferbrain's Star Chamber, Sondland all the sudden remembers a different version after seeing the testimony of the other "witnesses" in Schifferbrain's Star Chamber.

Anyone else see some contradictions here?

Is there any doubt this farce has been orchestrated by Schifferbrains? It's just to amateurish to be anything else.
One of the most significant revelations from Tuesday's release is that E.U. Ambassador Gordon Sondland revised his prior testimony to say that he told a top Ukrainian official that U.S. aid would likely not resume until the country issues a corruption statement -- a revelation that was quickly hailed by Democrats of proof of the quid pro quo they have been alleging took place.

Envoy testimony reflects mixed picture on ‘quid pro quo,’ concerns over Giuliani role
Someone whispered "perjury" in his ear.
Why did Mueller lie to THE IG about Strozk and Page's Emails being Irretrievably Erased, before he Wiped Strozk and Page's phones himself, prior to handing them over to THE IG?
He didn't.
Yes he did.

Strzok, Page Mobile Phones Wiped, Reset After Stint on Mueller Probe

Yet Mueller could not name a single crime Trump committed and neither can Soros dick sucker Schiff.

Would you be willing to go to jail for Orange Jesus? Sondland woke up. a lawyer you make a great troll.
Would you go to jail to protect Trump?
Why would Sondland be going to jail?

Well he did lie to congress, which is why he had to "revise" his testimony. Saying that "I don't remember" when you actually do, is perjury, no matter how clever you try to be.
After having their heads up Trump`s fat ass for 3 years they don`t really know what a lie is. Here`s 12,000 of them.

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