Sondland "revises" his testimony.

President Trump is innocent of their charges. They know it, and we know it. And wouldn't you know, the courts know it.

Actually, the courts are ruling against Trump...
Are you referring to the corrupt Obama appointees?

.......and yet Trump Humpers are the ones who keep getting indicted and going to jail.
Actually, Trump told the truth--he was first targeted by the unholy FBI alliance and then a witness who gave wrongful info earlier, has revised his testimony to show President Trump did no quid pro quo, and has been telling the truth all along:

The Democrats are lying, and they know that they are lying. Not all their rabid followers know that they lied. Poor superbadbro. *sigh* Please try to stay positive when President Trump ensures that record numbers of all Americans have good-paying jobs. ;)

Wow Trump Humpers will defend his lies until the end. I really don't understand how this guy got you folks to be so loyal, just be careful if he ever tries to get you to drink some grape kool-aid.

You seem obsessed with humping Trump.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.............
Actually, the courts are ruling against Trump...
Are you referring to the corrupt Obama appointees?

.......and yet Trump Humpers are the ones who keep getting indicted and going to jail.
Actually, Trump told the truth--he was first targeted by the unholy FBI alliance and then a witness who gave wrongful info earlier, has revised his testimony to show President Trump did no quid pro quo, and has been telling the truth all along:

The Democrats are lying, and they know that they are lying. Not all their rabid followers know that they lied. Poor superbadbro. *sigh* Please try to stay positive when President Trump ensures that record numbers of all Americans have good-paying jobs. ;)

Wow Trump Humpers will defend his lies until the end. I really don't understand how this guy got you folks to be so loyal, just be careful if he ever tries to get you to drink some grape kool-aid.

We like to hear the truth, Suberbadbro.

If that were true you wouldn't be a Trump Humper.

We don't like the litany of lies proffered by your dear Democrat House and Senate conspirators against President Trump.

.....but you love hearing all the lies that comes from Trump and his minions.
This "breathtaking" news is an illustration of how stupid the whole thing is. Is anyone paying attention to the facts?

This guy told his counterpart that it was "most likely" that Ukraine wouldn't get the aid unless they not only started an investigation of Bidens' corruption, but made a public announcement of same.

Hello? Hello?

They didn't do either and they still timely got the aid.

No wonder The People are finally figuring out this is a big brouhaha about NOTHING AT ALL.

A potential thought crime. O my fucking gawd!
Yeah, he does a complete 180 after being coached about what others said. And you think that is credible.

Well, it wasn't a "Complete 180". More like maybe a 30. More like, "Well, what I saw at the time was funky, but now that I've heard what others have said, um, yeah, I'm seeing what Rudy and Trump were up to in a new light."

Here's the real problem. The "Transcript" that Trump touts shows that there was a Quid Pro Quo...

Sondland is one of Trump's guys... someone State didn't want because he had no experience.
Actually, Trump told the truth--he was first targeted by the unholy FBI alliance and then a witness who gave wrongful info earlier, has revised his testimony to show President Trump did no quid pro quo, and has been telling the truth all along:

So in your bizarre world... all these career diplomats, Army officers and intelligence experts are all lying, and the Game Show Host is telling the truth?
Yeah, he does a complete 180 after being coached about what others said. And you think that is credible.

Well, it wasn't a "Complete 180". More like maybe a 30. More like, "Well, what I saw at the time was funky, but now that I've heard what others have said, um, yeah, I'm seeing what Rudy and Trump were up to in a new light."

Here's the real problem. The "Transcript" that Trump touts shows that there was a Quid Pro Quo...

Sondland is one of Trump's guys... someone State didn't want because he had no experience.
Not unless you add imagination to it. Imagination and fact are two different values, sir. And your imaginings carry no weight in a court of law. The fact that not in your wildest wishful dreams is there any quid quo pro in any of the President's words. So imagine all you like. It still isn't quid pro quo.
Yeah, he does a complete 180 after being coached about what others said. And you think that is credible.

Well, it wasn't a "Complete 180". More like maybe a 30. More like, "Well, what I saw at the time was funky, but now that I've heard what others have said, um, yeah, I'm seeing what Rudy and Trump were up to in a new light."

Here's the real problem. The "Transcript" that Trump touts shows that there was a Quid Pro Quo...

Sondland is one of Trump's guys... someone State didn't want because he had no experience.
Not unless you add imagination to it. Imagination and fact are two different values, sir. And your imaginings carry no weight in a court of law. The fact that not in your wildest wishful dreams is there any quid quo pro in any of the President's words. So imagine all you like. It still isn't quid pro quo.
This is clear and obvious to anyone not suffering from TDS.
Yeah, he does a complete 180 after being coached about what others said. And you think that is credible.

Well, it wasn't a "Complete 180". More like maybe a 30. More like, "Well, what I saw at the time was funky, but now that I've heard what others have said, um, yeah, I'm seeing what Rudy and Trump were up to in a new light."

Here's the real problem. The "Transcript" that Trump touts shows that there was a Quid Pro Quo...

Sondland is one of Trump's guys... someone State didn't want because he had no experience.
The transcript shows no such thing. Learn to read.
He "revised" his testimony -

After, according to him - he read what he had been supposed to say in -

Wait for it.

The New York Times.
This shit is getting funnier by the day............

Schifferbrains told us he wanted to keep all this testimony in his Star Chamber so witnesses couldn't "coordinate" their testimony. Now that a few have testified in Schifferbrain's Star Chamber, Sondland all the sudden remembers a different version after seeing the testimony of the other "witnesses" in Schifferbrain's Star Chamber.

Anyone else see some contradictions here?

Is there any doubt this farce has been orchestrated by Schifferbrains? It's just to amateurish to be anything else.
Envoy testimony reflects mixed picture on ‘quid pro quo,’ concerns over Giuliani role
Someone whispered "perjury" in his ear.
And so he committed it by changing his story to fit Schifferbrain's narrative?

Interesting theory.
Lol, no.

Don't be stupider than you have to be, kid.
I'll leave that to you and your leftist ilk.
How do you plan on leaving your stupidity to someone else?

How did everyone leave theirs to you?
He "revised" his testimony -

After, according to him - he read what he had been supposed to say in -

Wait for it.

The New York Times.
Yep, he read the testimony of other witnesses that Schifferbrains leaked to the NYTs. That's how he knew what to say.
Not unless you add imagination to it. Imagination and fact are two different values, sir. And your imaginings carry no weight in a court of law. The fact that not in your wildest wishful dreams is there any quid quo pro in any of the President's words. So imagine all you like. It still isn't quid pro quo.

Honey, we've thrown people in jail for a lot less than what we've currently got on Trump.

No imagination at all. Nearly everyone involved, including Trump's own guys, are admitting that there was an attempt to shake down the Ukraine to fake an investigation on Biden.
Not unless you add imagination to it. Imagination and fact are two different values, sir. And your imaginings carry no weight in a court of law. The fact that not in your wildest wishful dreams is there any quid quo pro in any of the President's words. So imagine all you like. It still isn't quid pro quo.

Honey, we've thrown people in jail for a lot less than what we've currently got on Trump.

No imagination at all. Nearly everyone involved, including Trump's own guys, are admitting that there was an attempt to shake down the Ukraine to fake an investigation on Biden.
Yeah, but we have moved on from the Dimwinger racist law enforcement of the South from years ago. We try to do things today following the law and Constitution.

Sorry, your ilk’s lynching days are long gone.
He "revised" his testimony -

After, according to him - he read what he had been supposed to say in -

Wait for it.

The New York Times.
Yep, he read the testimony of other witnesses that Schifferbrains leaked to the NYTs. That's how he knew what to say.

The president chimed in, via Twitter: “I would love to send Ambassador Sondland, a really good man and great American,

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