Sondland revises Quid Pro Quo testimony

Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
The problem is that Trump cult members will continue to ignore the facts and truth and maintain their blind support of the malignancy in the Oval Office.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
The problem is that Trump cult members will continue to ignore the facts and truth and maintain their blind support of the malignancy in the Oval Office.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Reversed testimony.

Which means he is a liar and all testimony by a liar may be ignored.

That prison cell is getting closer and closer.
...for the Clintons and Obama.
It's funny that you haven't been right about anything Trump related since he got elected!
Come to think of it, neither has the whole DemocRat Party.

And that's a long time.

Repeat after me:

Say it enough times, and maybe, just maybe, your fantasies will come true.
I guess you haven't heard. Your propagandists are famous for keeping you tards in the dark and flat-out lying to you.

Russia interfered in the 2016 election. It's all there in the Mueller report. Read it, tard. Stop being a fucking parrot of the people lying to you.

I can see that due process and empirical evidence is not in your vocabulary.
Stop trying to sound smarter than you're not!

Huh, what?, dribbler.
"Stop trying to sound smarter than you're not!" Lol

Due process involves public scrutiny with the subjects attorneys allowed to be present, dribbler.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Reversed testimony.

Which means he is a liar and all testimony by a liar may be ignored.

That prison cell is getting closer and closer.
...for the Clintons and Obama.
A bit more detail:

5 takeaways from the Gordon Sondland and Kurt Volker testimonies

"Sondland strongly confirms a quid pro quo — but doesn’t connect it to Trump
We knew that Sondland’s lawyer clarified his testimony to the Wall Street Journal, saying Sondland did in fact confirm a quid pro quo.
And now we see that clarification was apparently sent to the impeachment inquiry, too — on Monday. In it, Sondland says there was no other “credible” explanation than a quid pro quo and confirms the testimonies of acting Ukraine ambassador William B. Taylor Jr. and National Security Council aide Tim Morrison and the public comments of Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), all of whom said Sondland had described an explicit quid pro quo.
Sondland said that in “the beginning of September 2019, and in the absence of any credible explanation for the suspension of [hundreds of millions of dollars of military] aid, I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anti-corruption statement” that the Trump team asked Ukraine to make about the investigations. He added that “it would have been natural for me to have voiced what I had presumed to Ambassador Taylor, Senator Johnson, the Ukrainians and Mr. Morrison.”
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Sondland also says, as Taylor and Morrison testified, that he told a top Ukrainian official that the “resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks.”
Importantly, though — and this is key — Sondland doesn’t say this directive came from Trump. He instead says he was acting on his presumption. That could provide Trump a layer of insulation.
At the same time, though, even as Sondland has said Trump insisted to him there was no quid pro quo, everything about the situation he describes indicates there was a quid pro quo in everything but name."


"Sondland, a Trump appointee and Trump donor, too, clearly wasn’t exactly looking to blow the lid off this scandal. But at certain points, he did suggest that the kind of quid pro quos that have been the subject of much debate — and have been confirmed by no fewer than six people, including him now — would indeed be bad and probably illegal.
Sondland’s main defense has been that, while he did push for an investigation into the company that employed Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden, Burisma Holdings, he didn’t know the situation involved the Bidens.
When he was asked why he was drawing that line, he acknowledged it was because that setup was bad.
“Because I believe I testified that it would be improper to do that,” he said.
A member then asked him, “And illegal, right?”
“I’m not a lawyer, but I assume so,” Sondland said."
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Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
That was just an opinion. He wasn't operating on any Trump instructions.
Those political trump picks sure suck, eh?
The time has come for Trump.

And all the cult members can do is watch.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Very interesting.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Reversed testimony.

Which means he is a liar and all testimony by a liar may be ignored.

That prison cell is getting closer and closer.
...for the Clintons and Obama.
Ok :)
UOTE="Thunk, post: 23431672, member: 72570"]Notice how only anti-Trump stuff is leaked from these SECRET CLOSED DOOR hearings?

Notice how many of Trumps own people are either in prison, headed to prison, or cooperating to stay out of prison?[/QUOTE]
That's what kangaroo courts are like. The witnesses are threatened until they do what they are told.
I guess you haven't heard. Your propagandists are famous for keeping you tards in the dark and flat-out lying to you.

Russia interfered in the 2016 election. It's all there in the Mueller report. Read it, tard. Stop being a fucking parrot of the people lying to you.

I can see that due process and empirical evidence is not in your vocabulary.
Stop trying to sound smarter than you're not!

Huh, what?, dribbler.
"Stop trying to sound smarter than you're not!" Lol

Due process involves public scrutiny with the subjects attorneys allowed to be present, dribbler.
Huh? Are you trying to sound smarter than you're not? Hard pass, moron.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Reversed testimony.

Which means he is a liar and all testimony by a liar may be ignored.

That prison cell is getting closer and closer.
...for the Clintons and Obama.
Ok :)
I know.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Reversed testimony.

Which means he is a liar and all testimony by a liar may be ignored.

That prison cell is getting closer and closer.
...for the Clintons and Obama.
For Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Yates, Bruce and Nellie Ohr and numerous others.
UOTE="Thunk, post: 23431672, member: 72570"]Notice how only anti-Trump stuff is leaked from these SECRET CLOSED DOOR hearings?

Notice how many of Trumps own people are either in prison, headed to prison, or cooperating to stay out of prison?
That's what kangaroo courts are like. The witnesses are threatened until they do what they are told.[/QUOTE]

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