Sondland revises Quid Pro Quo testimony

Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Reversed testimony.

Which means he is a liar and all testimony by a liar may be ignored.

That prison cell is getting closer and closer.
...for the Clintons and Obama.
For Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Yates, Bruce and Nellie Ohr and numerous others.
Just the tip of the iceberg. There’s going to be thousands. This is a global trafficking ring.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Reversed testimony.

Which means he is a liar and all testimony by a liar may be ignored.

That prison cell is getting closer and closer.
...for the Clintons and Obama.
For Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Yates, Bruce and Nellie Ohr and numerous others.
Why comey? Without that guy you would be cheering on president Clinton's impeachment around now. For lying about having hot sauce in her purse.
I find Volker's transcript to be the more interesting:

"Volker undercuts Sondland’s defense, says Giuliani pushed ‘debunked’ claims
While that may be Sondland’s defense, it’s clearly not Volker’s. Volker testified that it was clear as day what Giuliani was up to.
He also agreed that theories pushed by Trump and Giuliani had been “debunked” and weren’t credible:
Q: So is it your testimony that you understood that Rudy Giuliani’s desire for the Ukrainian government to investigate Burisma had to do with potential money laundering or other criminal conduct by the company itself, and not in connection to either Joe or Hunter Biden?
VOLKER: No. I believe that Giuliani was interested in Biden, Vice President Biden’s son Biden [sic], and I had pushed back on that, and I was maintaining that distinction.
Q: So you were maintaining that distinction, because you understood that that whole theory had been debunked and there was no evidence to support it, right?
A: Yes.
At another point, Volker says he urged Giuliani not to investigate the theories pushed by former Ukrainian prosecutor general Yuri Lutsenko because they were specious.
“I reached out to him to brief him, a couple of key points: Lutsenko is not credible. Don’t listen to what he is saying,” Volker said."


"When Volker was the first witness to submit to a deposition, Republicans insisted that his actual testimony — rather than the select text messages Democrats released — was actually good for Trump.
There is, quite simply, little sign of that here. Volker does say that he didn’t have a quid pro quo communicated to him, but he doesn’t say there wasn’t one.
“Well, you asked what conversations did I have about that quid pro quo, et cetera,” Volker tells a member at one point. “None, because I didn’t know that there was a quid pro quo.”
He adds at several other points, under questioning from Republicans, that a quid pro quo had never been expressly communicated to him by either U.S. or Ukrainian officials.
Q: That message that I heard you very loud and clear today is that there was no quid pro quo at any time ever communicated to you. Is that correct?
VOLKER: Not to me, that is correct.
That’s significant because it suggests this perhaps wasn’t so overt. But Volker has an incentive to argue he didn’t explicitly participate in a quid pro quo that Sondland suggested might be illegal. And as Sondland’s testimony makes clear, it was pretty evident what the arrangement was.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) tweeted after their testimony was released, “The Volker/Sondland transcripts lay it out: @realDonaldTrump wanted to clean up corruption in Ukraine, and ensure taxpayer funded aid wasn’t going to corrupt causes."
The transcripts, in fact, show both Sondland and Volker believed Trump was interested only in investigations that carried personal benefits. Sondland even concedes how problematic the specific investigations were"

So...while everyone dances around the quid pro quo is clear that most of Trump's advisors tried to warn him that his actions were based on debunked conspiracy theories....the same theories that some here give credence to.
I find Volker's transcript to be the more interesting:

"Volker undercuts Sondland’s defense, says Giuliani pushed ‘debunked’ claims
While that may be Sondland’s defense, it’s clearly not Volker’s. Volker testified that it was clear as day what Giuliani was up to.
He also agreed that theories pushed by Trump and Giuliani had been “debunked” and weren’t credible:
Q: So is it your testimony that you understood that Rudy Giuliani’s desire for the Ukrainian government to investigate Burisma had to do with potential money laundering or other criminal conduct by the company itself, and not in connection to either Joe or Hunter Biden?
VOLKER: No. I believe that Giuliani was interested in Biden, Vice President Biden’s son Biden [sic], and I had pushed back on that, and I was maintaining that distinction.
Q: So you were maintaining that distinction, because you understood that that whole theory had been debunked and there was no evidence to support it, right?
A: Yes.
At another point, Volker says he urged Giuliani not to investigate the theories pushed by former Ukrainian prosecutor general Yuri Lutsenko because they were specious.
“I reached out to him to brief him, a couple of key points: Lutsenko is not credible. Don’t listen to what he is saying,” Volker said."


"When Volker was the first witness to submit to a deposition, Republicans insisted that his actual testimony — rather than the select text messages Democrats released — was actually good for Trump.
There is, quite simply, little sign of that here. Volker does say that he didn’t have a quid pro quo communicated to him, but he doesn’t say there wasn’t one.
“Well, you asked what conversations did I have about that quid pro quo, et cetera,” Volker tells a member at one point. “None, because I didn’t know that there was a quid pro quo.”
He adds at several other points, under questioning from Republicans, that a quid pro quo had never been expressly communicated to him by either U.S. or Ukrainian officials.
Q: That message that I heard you very loud and clear today is that there was no quid pro quo at any time ever communicated to you. Is that correct?
VOLKER: Not to me, that is correct.
That’s significant because it suggests this perhaps wasn’t so overt. But Volker has an incentive to argue he didn’t explicitly participate in a quid pro quo that Sondland suggested might be illegal. And as Sondland’s testimony makes clear, it was pretty evident what the arrangement was.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) tweeted after their testimony was released, “The Volker/Sondland transcripts lay it out: @realDonaldTrump wanted to clean up corruption in Ukraine, and ensure taxpayer funded aid wasn’t going to corrupt causes."
The transcripts, in fact, show both Sondland and Volker believed Trump was interested only in investigations that carried personal benefits. Sondland even concedes how problematic the specific investigations were"

So...while everyone dances around the quid pro quo is clear that most of Trump's advisors tried to warn him that his actions were based on debunked conspiracy theories....the same theories that some here give credence to.
Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
Reversed testimony.

Which means he is a liar and all testimony by a liar may be ignored.

That prison cell is getting closer and closer.
...for the Clintons and Obama.
For Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Strozk, Page, Yates, Bruce and Nellie Ohr and numerous others.
The time has come for Trump.

Gordon Sondland, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry, revealed that he told a top Ukrainian official that hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid would “likely” be held up unless the country’s government announced investigations into President Donald Trump’s political rivals — a major reversal from his previous closed-door testimony.

The acknowledgment of a quid pro quo is an explosive shift that threatens to upend claims by the president’s allies that military aid was not used as a bludgeon to advance his domestic political interests.

Sondland reverses himself on Ukraine, confirming quid pro quo
That was just an opinion. He wasn't operating on any Trump instructions.
Sondland's additional statement is rather coy about that.

I am looking forward to the House asking Sondland in open hearings about who told him that the aid was contingent on the public statements.

I am guessing it was Rudy Giuliani- the Presidents bag man.
Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo
Is that the walls closing in on the White House?
In his new testimony, Mr. Sondland said he believed that withholding the aid was “ill-advised,” although he did not know “when, why or by whom the aid was suspended.”

“I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anticorruption statement, Mr. Sondland said.
Sondland Updates Impeachment Testimony, Describing Ukraine Quid Pro Quo


:21: :21: :21:
"I guess maybe something was done by somebody."

And the left really thinks this is devastating.
I guess you haven't heard. Your propagandists are famous for keeping you tards in the dark and flat-out lying to you.

Russia interfered in the 2016 election. It's all there in the Mueller report. Read it, tard. Stop being a fucking parrot of the people lying to you.

I can see that due process and empirical evidence is not in your vocabulary.
Stop trying to sound smarter than you're not!

Huh, what?, dribbler.
"Stop trying to sound smarter than you're not!" Lol

Due process involves public scrutiny with the subjects attorneys allowed to be present, dribbler.

Tell us where it says in the Constitution that the President's attorneys must be allowed to be present at every stage of the impeachment.

Please share that with us.

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