Song related to the man

Jagger is possibly the best frontman in rock & roll history...
This tune always puts a smile on my kisser...

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Bobby Rush - Bowlegged Woman, Knock-Kneed Man
That's TWO body parts

Well except for the Rolling Rock. I would hope my friends would destroy the evidence....

I have a great story about Rolling Rock Beer, and the only time I ever consumed it in massive volumes... It all started at The Hilton San Francisco Airport Hotel on a Sunday morning and involved Rolling Rock, Stolichnaya oyster shooters and Burlingame, Ca. Police Department's finest...
Well except for the Rolling Rock. I would hope my friends would destroy the evidence....

I have a great story about Rolling Rock Beer, and the only time I ever consumed it in massive volumes... It all started at The Hilton San Francisco Airport Hotel on a Sunday morning and involved Rolling Rock, Stolichnaya oyster shooters and Burlingame, Ca. Police Department's finest...

I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and speculate that the boys in blue were not there because they wanted some beer.
David Bowie: "All the Madmen"

A song about his brother who was afflicted with serious mental issues including schizophrenia, supposedly with images of the institution he was in (Warning -- disturbing images)

The lyric at the end goes "Zane Zane Zane, ouvre le chien" ("open the dog") although it sounds more to me like "ouvre les chiens" (open the dogs), which either way may be nothing more than dadaist surrealism. There's at least one theory on what "open the dog" refers to but it's even more disturbing so we'll leave it at that.

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