Songs about California

California is the world's largest lunatic asylum, except they keep escaping and running off to Texas.
The FBI is already doing it.


California is Legend. The Heart of the USA
Never been there, I see.
It wasn't always like that. 10 years ago it was a paradise, a way to heaven and the center of the world.
But the main thing is that there are beautiful girls.
It wasn't always like that. 10 years ago it was a paradise, a way to heaven and the center of the world.
But the main thing is that there are beautiful girls.

Ok the. So how many times have you been to California?
Ok the. So how many times have you been to California?
No matter. Everyone knows that California was the center of the world. There's Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, beautiful girls and all that.
no 10 years ago it was not a paradise....try 30-40 years ago.....
But it was still great. Was there at that time in America at least one state that could compare with California?

I think it all started with the mortgage crisis.
No matter. Everyone knows that California was the center of the world. There's Silicon Valley, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, beautiful girls and all that.

Ok, Great. Then I who have never been to Russia, do hereby declare myself to be the self-professed expert of everything having to do with Russia.

Because I said so. Now excuse me: I have to go drink a pint of vodka, get drunk on my ass, do the Slavik Squat, then get into a wreck and a fistfight on the freeway, while someone films it with their dashcam. Then I shall put on my spandex jogging suit and gold bling, get my gold-plated AK-47, and go be a gangster, like most Russians do.
Ok, Great. Then I who have never been to Russia, do hereby declare myself to be the self-professed expert of everything having to do with Russia.

Because I said so. Now excuse me: I have to go drink a pint of vodka, get drunk on my ass, do the Slavik Squat, then get into a wreck and a fistfight on the freeway, while someone films it with their dashcam. Then I shall put on my spandex jogging suit and gold bling, get my gold-plated AK-47, and go be a gangster, like most Russians do.
People wouldn't dream about California just like that.

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