Sons of Anarchy - Best Action/Drama on TV

Looks rock solid!

[ame=]Exclusive 'Sons of Anarchy' Season 6 Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
new season starts in a week or two. looking forward to it

It makes me sad that I cannot set up my DVR yet.


I know what you mean, we got new one over the summer and it won't allow me to set it up until a new one has been listed or an rerun airs.

I think the show isn't as good as it was in the first two seasons, but I still enjoy the show a ton!
(1) Clay gets beaten by the US Marshall and convinces the Marshall that Jax and Tara were behind everything.
(2) Tara gets beaten and raped in jail!
(3) Juice finally get smoked for being the rat.
(4) The US Marshall causes some major problems with Clubs legit businesses.
(5) You see Otto getting tortured daily by the US Marshall.
(6) It wasn't Gemma that turned in Tara, it was Jax's old wife.
(7) Gibbs gets smoked this season.
(8) Clay ends up killing the US Marshall.
(9) The Black Sherrif has completely turned and helps out the Sons like Uncer used to do.
(10) Jimmy Smits character joins the club.
my wife and I just got season 5 in the mial.......... they didn't release it till the other day, we have re-watched all 4 previous seasons the last 3 weeks, gonna catch up just before it airs....
Jeezus did this season start off on a thrill right. I found myself sitting their for a few minutes digesting it all when it ended. Wow, the best episode of any show I have ever seen that I will never watch again!

(1) Otto: First you see the US Marshall enacting his revenge, by having Otto beatened and raped, inferring it happened daily every morning. Nice wake up call. I have to say I feel for Otto. He is the most tragic character in the show. Locked up for a gang that doesn't truly care for him. Blew his parol, but carrying out murders for the gang. Lost one eye and much of the use of his othe eye for the gang. Now he is on death row, receiving daily torture and brutal anal rapes. I truly hope his misery finally comes to an end this season.

(2) Iranian Assholes: Do people seriously get off on torture porn? Jezzus there are sick fucks out there. That whole scene where you see Opie's widow after she was tortured with being cut, burned, beatened and raped for porn videos was just SICK. Then they visit the studio were they are doing the rape and torture porn where there is a pool of piss. Then the Iranian asshole insults Trig's daughter (who not too long ago had to watch his daughter being burned alive) and Trig drowns the douche bag in the tube of piss. SIDE NOTE: Loved that scene, fuck the Iranian assholes!

(3) Corrupt Cop: Nice to see Robocop getting a new gig. That guy is going to cause troubles, I guarantee it! But Robocop looks nearly the same!

(4) Jax's New Partner: Nice bang your new HOT partner (chick from Deadwood) while your previously clean and successful wife is in jail for the club! Nice!

(5) Tara: She is in jail and not looking too happy. She thinks it was Gemma, but the US Marshall tells her it was him. I am very suspect to this. They already linked her to the club and Otto and let her off. Methink Gemma is right it was Wendy. That was why Wendy had a cameo. I can almost guarantee it was her! Glad to see Tara give the thug bitch a woop ass. I have a feeling it's going to come back to bite her and that bitch seeks her revenge.

(6) US Marshal: I can't imagine what I would do if I had the poor to inflict enormous amount of pain on the people that killed my sister. Nevertheless, you can see he is a sick and immoral man. I have no doubt he will flip Clay, but I think he is going to make Tara's life a living hell. I think she ends up getting beat up, raped and even cut up. I hope I am wrong, but this season seems to want to shock people.

(7) School Shooting: Did they really have to go there. I had thoughts seriously about turning my back on the show. That scene was horrendous and put tears in my eyes.
Anyone think Gemma is 100% correct? I think she was the one that gave the story to feds. Regardless of what the US Marshall stated they needed a witness. During Tara's first trial they already exposed that she had a connection to the club and Otto. They would have needed someone to state they talked to her or heard her state she was looking for weapon to get to Otto to kill the nurse.

I wouldn't surprise me if it was Gemma, but I think Wendy was the one.

Her cameo and her faking her lose of desire to get Abel doesn't seem that believable. I think she wants to Tara out of the picture and then will seek the boy or boys!

Her I might end up dead was a foreshadow? Possibly!

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