Sons of Anarchy - Best Action/Drama on TV

Jeezus did this season start off on a thrill right. I found myself sitting their for a few minutes digesting it all when it ended. Wow, the best episode of any show I have ever seen that I will never watch again!

(1) Otto: First you see the US Marshall enacting his revenge, by having Otto beatened and raped, inferring it happened daily every morning. Nice wake up call. I have to say I feel for Otto. He is the most tragic character in the show. Locked up for a gang that doesn't truly care for him. Blew his parol, but carrying out murders for the gang. Lost one eye and much of the use of his othe eye for the gang. Now he is on death row, receiving daily torture and brutal anal rapes. I truly hope his misery finally comes to an end this season.

(2) Iranian Assholes: Do people seriously get off on torture porn? Jezzus there are sick fucks out there. That whole scene where you see Opie's widow after she was tortured with being cut, burned, beatened and raped for porn videos was just SICK. Then they visit the studio were they are doing the rape and torture porn where there is a pool of piss. Then the Iranian asshole insults Trig's daughter (who not too long ago had to watch his daughter being burned alive) and Trig drowns the douche bag in the tube of piss. SIDE NOTE: Loved that scene, fuck the Iranian assholes!

(3) Corrupt Cop: Nice to see Robocop getting a new gig. That guy is going to cause troubles, I guarantee it! But Robocop looks nearly the same!

(4) Jax's New Partner: Nice bang your new HOT partner (chick from Deadwood) while your previously clean and successful wife is in jail for the club! Nice!

(5) Tara: She is in jail and not looking too happy. She thinks it was Gemma, but the US Marshall tells her it was him. I am very suspect to this. They already linked her to the club and Otto and let her off. Methink Gemma is right it was Wendy. That was why Wendy had a cameo. I can almost guarantee it was her! Glad to see Tara give the thug bitch a woop ass. I have a feeling it's going to come back to bite her and that bitch seeks her revenge.

(6) US Marshal: I can't imagine what I would do if I had the poor to inflict enormous amount of pain on the people that killed my sister. Nevertheless, you can see he is a sick and immoral man. I have no doubt he will flip Clay, but I think he is going to make Tara's life a living hell. I think she ends up getting beat up, raped and even cut up. I hope I am wrong, but this season seems to want to shock people.

(7) School Shooting: Did they really have to go there. I had thoughts seriously about turning my back on the show. That scene was horrendous and put tears in my eyes.

I think the school shooting served a purpose for the show but we won't see what that is yet, the kid apparently used a gun that is linked to SAMCRO. Otto is enduring a living hell for sure, if I were him I would try to just off myself.
Jeezus did this season start off on a thrill right. I found myself sitting their for a few minutes digesting it all when it ended. Wow, the best episode of any show I have ever seen that I will never watch again!

(1) Otto: First you see the US Marshall enacting his revenge, by having Otto beatened and raped, inferring it happened daily every morning. Nice wake up call. I have to say I feel for Otto. He is the most tragic character in the show. Locked up for a gang that doesn't truly care for him. Blew his parol, but carrying out murders for the gang. Lost one eye and much of the use of his othe eye for the gang. Now he is on death row, receiving daily torture and brutal anal rapes. I truly hope his misery finally comes to an end this season.

(2) Iranian Assholes: Do people seriously get off on torture porn? Jezzus there are sick fucks out there. That whole scene where you see Opie's widow after she was tortured with being cut, burned, beatened and raped for porn videos was just SICK. Then they visit the studio were they are doing the rape and torture porn where there is a pool of piss. Then the Iranian asshole insults Trig's daughter (who not too long ago had to watch his daughter being burned alive) and Trig drowns the douche bag in the tube of piss. SIDE NOTE: Loved that scene, fuck the Iranian assholes!

(3) Corrupt Cop: Nice to see Robocop getting a new gig. That guy is going to cause troubles, I guarantee it! But Robocop looks nearly the same!

(4) Jax's New Partner: Nice bang your new HOT partner (chick from Deadwood) while your previously clean and successful wife is in jail for the club! Nice!

(5) Tara: She is in jail and not looking too happy. She thinks it was Gemma, but the US Marshall tells her it was him. I am very suspect to this. They already linked her to the club and Otto and let her off. Methink Gemma is right it was Wendy. That was why Wendy had a cameo. I can almost guarantee it was her! Glad to see Tara give the thug bitch a woop ass. I have a feeling it's going to come back to bite her and that bitch seeks her revenge.

(6) US Marshal: I can't imagine what I would do if I had the poor to inflict enormous amount of pain on the people that killed my sister. Nevertheless, you can see he is a sick and immoral man. I have no doubt he will flip Clay, but I think he is going to make Tara's life a living hell. I think she ends up getting beat up, raped and even cut up. I hope I am wrong, but this season seems to want to shock people.

(7) School Shooting: Did they really have to go there. I had thoughts seriously about turning my back on the show. That scene was horrendous and put tears in my eyes.

I think the school shooting served a purpose for the show but we won't see what that is yet, the kid apparently used a gun that is linked to SAMCRO. Otto is enduring a living hell for sure, if I were him I would try to just off myself.

I think they wanted to create a controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook and other school shooting controversies.

Might be hard for Otto to off himself. He just killed an innocent woman, after offing that guy in the hospital. His list of items are probably limited. probably hard to find sharp objects to cut his wrists. Maybe hang himself, but that might be limited also. Who knows.
Jeezus did this season start off on a thrill right. I found myself sitting their for a few minutes digesting it all when it ended. Wow, the best episode of any show I have ever seen that I will never watch again!

(1) Otto: First you see the US Marshall enacting his revenge, by having Otto beatened and raped, inferring it happened daily every morning. Nice wake up call. I have to say I feel for Otto. He is the most tragic character in the show. Locked up for a gang that doesn't truly care for him. Blew his parol, but carrying out murders for the gang. Lost one eye and much of the use of his othe eye for the gang. Now he is on death row, receiving daily torture and brutal anal rapes. I truly hope his misery finally comes to an end this season.

(2) Iranian Assholes: Do people seriously get off on torture porn? Jezzus there are sick fucks out there. That whole scene where you see Opie's widow after she was tortured with being cut, burned, beatened and raped for porn videos was just SICK. Then they visit the studio were they are doing the rape and torture porn where there is a pool of piss. Then the Iranian asshole insults Trig's daughter (who not too long ago had to watch his daughter being burned alive) and Trig drowns the douche bag in the tube of piss. SIDE NOTE: Loved that scene, fuck the Iranian assholes!

(3) Corrupt Cop: Nice to see Robocop getting a new gig. That guy is going to cause troubles, I guarantee it! But Robocop looks nearly the same!

(4) Jax's New Partner: Nice bang your new HOT partner (chick from Deadwood) while your previously clean and successful wife is in jail for the club! Nice!

(5) Tara: She is in jail and not looking too happy. She thinks it was Gemma, but the US Marshall tells her it was him. I am very suspect to this. They already linked her to the club and Otto and let her off. Methink Gemma is right it was Wendy. That was why Wendy had a cameo. I can almost guarantee it was her! Glad to see Tara give the thug bitch a woop ass. I have a feeling it's going to come back to bite her and that bitch seeks her revenge.

(6) US Marshal: I can't imagine what I would do if I had the poor to inflict enormous amount of pain on the people that killed my sister. Nevertheless, you can see he is a sick and immoral man. I have no doubt he will flip Clay, but I think he is going to make Tara's life a living hell. I think she ends up getting beat up, raped and even cut up. I hope I am wrong, but this season seems to want to shock people.

(7) School Shooting: Did they really have to go there. I had thoughts seriously about turning my back on the show. That scene was horrendous and put tears in my eyes.

I think the school shooting served a purpose for the show but we won't see what that is yet, the kid apparently used a gun that is linked to SAMCRO. Otto is enduring a living hell for sure, if I were him I would try to just off myself.

I think they wanted to create a controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook and other school shooting controversies.

Might be hard for Otto to off himself. He just killed an innocent woman, after offing that guy in the hospital. His list of items are probably limited. probably hard to find sharp objects to cut his wrists. Maybe hang himself, but that might be limited also. Who knows.

Thats very true, what he is going through is the worst thing a man could ever experience, my god.
Alive (85%+)
Abel and Thomas

More Likely Alive (50-85%)
Bobby Munson
Happy (Fan Fav)
Big Fat SAO in glasses
Mike (Black Guy that took Pope's spot)
Alverz (Not really seeing him this season)
Romero (don't see him being off'ed)
Black Sherriff (drawing plank on his name) - not even sure he is back

More Likely Dead (25-49%)
Tig or Gibbs (I think one of these two fan favs bites the dust)
The Prospect (prospect don't make it too long on SOA)
Opie's Whore Widow (I think the Iranians get her)
Tara (I think she might have a tragic ending)
Juice (He might get his)

Dead (<25%)
Clay (I believe he finally get killed)
Otto (please put this guy out of his misery, not sure if I could watch him get tortured anymore)
Wendy (I think it is Wendy who turned in Tara. I think she will get discovered and dealt with)
US Marshall Evil Bastard (He is going to have a bad ending!)
I think the Iranians are finished bro, didn't they get chased out?

One got shot, one was drowned in his own piss, but one got away. The leader I might add is the one that got away. Gibbs came back and stated he got away, so methink that was a foreshadow!
Sorry G, Ray Donovan is the best thing running right now...

Never saw it. The shows I watch religiously are Walking Dead, SOA, the Americans, Game of Thrones and Vikings. Thank god for DVR, otherwise I probably would have seen any of these shows!
(7) School Shooting: Did they really have to go there. I had thoughts seriously about turning my back on the show. That scene was horrendous and put tears in my eyes.

Yes, they did need to go there.

I'm going to take a wild guess that the show's main demographic is white males, aged 15-35 who sympathise with violent criminal behaviour.

I can think of nothing short of a 10 year old (white male) shooting up his private school with an automated weapon to elicite something besides hilarity among this demographic group who "loved the scene" of the "Persian" getting drowned in urine (BTW, I liked this too).

However, this will also be a plot element: The gun will be traced back to SAMC, and every ATF agent in the USA will be crawling up Jax butt.
Jeezus did this season start off on a thrill right. I found myself sitting their for a few minutes digesting it all when it ended. Wow, the best episode of any show I have ever seen that I will never watch again!

(1) Otto: First you see the US Marshall enacting his revenge, by having Otto beatened and raped, inferring it happened daily every morning. Nice wake up call. I have to say I feel for Otto. He is the most tragic character in the show. Locked up for a gang that doesn't truly care for him. Blew his parol, but carrying out murders for the gang. Lost one eye and much of the use of his othe eye for the gang. Now he is on death row, receiving daily torture and brutal anal rapes. I truly hope his misery finally comes to an end this season.

After he brutally killed the nurse (stabbing her to death with a crucifix) who was only trying to help him, I have no sympathy for the blind, butt-fucked, tongueless, Otto.

Plus, who's to say he doesn't enjoy his morning rondevous?
(6) US Marshal: I can't imagine what I would do if I had the poor to inflict enormous amount of pain on the people that killed my sister. Nevertheless, you can see he is a sick and immoral man. I have no doubt he will flip Clay, but I think he is going to make Tara's life a living hell. I think she ends up getting beat up, raped and even cut up. I hope I am wrong, but this season seems to want to shock people.

At its heart, SOA like most TV, is written with a liberal slant.

Life for Cops that do not behave as the ACLU approves, does not end well.
Jeezus did this season start off on a thrill right. I found myself sitting their for a few minutes digesting it all when it ended. Wow, the best episode of any show I have ever seen that I will never watch again!

(1) Otto: First you see the US Marshall enacting his revenge, by having Otto beatened and raped, inferring it happened daily every morning. Nice wake up call. I have to say I feel for Otto. He is the most tragic character in the show. Locked up for a gang that doesn't truly care for him. Blew his parol, but carrying out murders for the gang. Lost one eye and much of the use of his othe eye for the gang. Now he is on death row, receiving daily torture and brutal anal rapes. I truly hope his misery finally comes to an end this season.

After he brutally killed the nurse (stabbing her to death with a crucifix) who was only trying to help him, I have no sympathy for the blind, butt-fucked, tongueless, Otto.

Plus, who's to say he doesn't enjoy his morning rondevous?

Jeezus did this season start off on a thrill right. I found myself sitting their for a few minutes digesting it all when it ended. Wow, the best episode of any show I have ever seen that I will never watch again!

(1) Otto: First you see the US Marshall enacting his revenge, by having Otto beatened and raped, inferring it happened daily every morning. Nice wake up call. I have to say I feel for Otto. He is the most tragic character in the show. Locked up for a gang that doesn't truly care for him. Blew his parol, but carrying out murders for the gang. Lost one eye and much of the use of his othe eye for the gang. Now he is on death row, receiving daily torture and brutal anal rapes. I truly hope his misery finally comes to an end this season.

After he brutally killed the nurse (stabbing her to death with a crucifix) who was only trying to help him, I have no sympathy for the blind, butt-fucked, tongueless, Otto.

Plus, who's to say he doesn't enjoy his morning rondevous?

Good point. If it was real life no one would have sympathy for the guy!
FD - I've never seen the show, but I can imagine mom and all of us brats being transporting back to now and the show coming on our TV. Mom would have watched for maybe three minutes given what I have read of the show, and her words would have been, 'who watches this crap, it goes off now.' And off it would go. It's sort of funny to think of the ways of today when meaningless violence is so appealing. Deep inside humankind must reside the evolutionary soul of kill or be killed. It is like a play in which the HS boy or girl vicariously gets back at all those who wronged her, whether purposely or not. Imagine now for contrast a show in which people help each other in need, not because the plot is revenge against an evil, but just because that would help another. Is fantasy more than simply diversion, is it required so we only kill each other some of the time.
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FD - I've never seen the show, but I can imagine mom and all of us brats being transporting back to now and the show coming on our TV. Mom would have watched for maybe three minutes given what I have read of the show, and her words would have been, 'who watches this crap, it goes off now.' And off it would go. It's sort of funny to think of the ways of today when meaningless violence is so appealing. Deep inside humankind must reside the evolutionary soul of kill or be killed. It is like a play in which the HS boy or girl who vicariously gets back at all those who wronged her, whether purposely or not. Imagine now for contrast a show in which people help each other in need, not because the plot is revenge against an evil, but just because that would help another. Is fantasy more than simply diversion, is it required so we only kill each some of the time.

If you've never seen the show, then why are you posting into a thread titled "Sons of Anarchy- Best Action/Drama on TV?"

Deep inside midcan, there must be empty space between his ears.
(7) School Shooting: Did they really have to go there. I had thoughts seriously about turning my back on the show. That scene was horrendous and put tears in my eyes.

Yes, they did need to go there.

I'm going to take a wild guess that the show's main demographic is white males, aged 15-35 who sympathise with violent criminal behaviour.

I can think of nothing short of a 10 year old (white male) shooting up his private school with an automated weapon to elicite something besides hilarity among this demographic group who "loved the scene" of the "Persian" getting drowned in urine (BTW, I liked this too).

However, this will also be a plot element: The gun will be traced back to SAMC, and every ATF agent in the USA will be crawling up Jax butt.

I'm black and I love SOA.:(
Jeezus did this season start off on a thrill right. I found myself sitting their for a few minutes digesting it all when it ended. Wow, the best episode of any show I have ever seen that I will never watch again!

(1) Otto: First you see the US Marshall enacting his revenge, by having Otto beatened and raped, inferring it happened daily every morning. Nice wake up call. I have to say I feel for Otto. He is the most tragic character in the show. Locked up for a gang that doesn't truly care for him. Blew his parol, but carrying out murders for the gang. Lost one eye and much of the use of his othe eye for the gang. Now he is on death row, receiving daily torture and brutal anal rapes. I truly hope his misery finally comes to an end this season.

After he brutally killed the nurse (stabbing her to death with a crucifix) who was only trying to help him, I have no sympathy for the blind, butt-fucked, tongueless, Otto.

Plus, who's to say he doesn't enjoy his morning rondevous?

Good point.
(7) School Shooting: Did they really have to go there. I had thoughts seriously about turning my back on the show. That scene was horrendous and put tears in my eyes.

Yes, they did need to go there.

I'm going to take a wild guess that the show's main demographic is white males, aged 15-35 who sympathise with violent criminal behaviour.

I can think of nothing short of a 10 year old (white male) shooting up his private school with an automated weapon to elicite something besides hilarity among this demographic group who "loved the scene" of the "Persian" getting drowned in urine (BTW, I liked this too).

However, this will also be a plot element: The gun will be traced back to SAMC, and every ATF agent in the USA will be crawling up Jax butt.

I'm black and I love SOA.:(

Do you think black males make up the MAIN DEMOGRAPHIC for SOA viewers?
Yes, they did need to go there.

I'm going to take a wild guess that the show's main demographic is white males, aged 15-35 who sympathise with violent criminal behaviour.

I can think of nothing short of a 10 year old (white male) shooting up his private school with an automated weapon to elicite something besides hilarity among this demographic group who "loved the scene" of the "Persian" getting drowned in urine (BTW, I liked this too).

However, this will also be a plot element: The gun will be traced back to SAMC, and every ATF agent in the USA will be crawling up Jax butt.

I'm black and I love SOA.:(

Do you think black males make up the MAIN DEMOGRAPHIC for SOA viewers?

I know a few of my friends who watch it, but overall probably not.
I'm black and I love SOA.:(

Do you think black males make up the MAIN DEMOGRAPHIC for SOA viewers?

I know a few of my friends who watch it, but overall probably not.

The only reason I mention white males is because the main characters are white males.

Although Jimmy Smits is an appeal to the OG hispanic demographic, I'm pretty sure they watch the show more for the gratuitous sex scenes.


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