Sons of the Confederates demand their racist flag on license plates

In a pole 70% say the Confederate flag is not racist. Read the comments and learn something.

Is the confederate flag racist

LOL! So?
Just showing you where your stance is in the matter, no one cares

Thats not what your stats say lol
let just say 7 out 10 don't care about your opinion.

That also is not what your stats say
If the Confederate flag is a symbol of terrorism and should not be displayed in public...what about the political party that fought a war under it...the democrat party...who used that flag as a symbol....and fought as a party to keep blacks as slaves.....

So...if you can't display the Confederate flag...should the Democrat party be disbanded.....?
There was no political party within the CSA that identified itself as the Democratic Party.

They were the Confederate Party if anything. It may have been composed of former southern Democrats and pro-Confederate Whigs, but there was no Democratic party in the CSA.

That said, as far as this flag license plate flap goes - if the state issues license specialty plates to groups for a fee (which, face it, is the reason they issue these plates primarily - revenue) - then the question is can the state pick and chose which "speech" is allowed.

Many say: No. The states can't pick and choose what speech is allowed.

Well, except for the fact that they can, and do. For instance, you can't get a custom plate that contains a vulgarity.

That being said. Seriously if you have time in your every day life to whine about the confederate flag. GET A JOB
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.
The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!.
So going by your theory any county that lost a was must change their flag?
The Germans don't fly the nazi flag.

And if the swastika on the flag cannot be shown because of the nazi party and what they did.....and the black isis flag can't be shown because of what they did.......then the Confederate flag, which the democrats fought under to keep slavery.....took up arms against their fellow citizens in order to keep slavery.....then should the party that fought under the symbol of that flag be outlawed?
I could fly an ISIS or Nazi flag, and the government could not do one fucking thing about it.

That is why this is called a free country.
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.
That is so stupid it does not even deserve an explanation of what a twisted interpretation of the 3/5 Compromise it is.
Have you seen the latest auto trade commercial?

THey have the Dukes Of Hazzard driving around in their old Gen Lee.

Very careful to NOT show the top of the car, which in the show was covered by a Confederate Flag.

Is it weird to you that the Dukes of Hazzard was a big nation wide hit, what with your view on the flag?

Its weird that a show about a pair of white outlaws who regularly ran the police off the road and on street chases was a hit.

Actually no I'm not, white law breaking is fun / funny

Not really. REbels, criminals, ect. are often the stars of shows.

BUt it is strange to me that the ire at this old flag has grown recently.

One would think that as time passes that old wounds would heal, not grow worse.

It is almost as though the old injustices are not really what the issue is.
With a President picking the scabs, nothing heals.
The state has no obligation to provide vanity plates.In fact it shouldn't at all it's an unnecessary expense

If you want a confederate flag on your car feel free to put a decal in a window or get one of those vinyl wraps for your car
The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!.
So going by your theory any county that lost a was must change their flag?
The Germans don't fly the nazi flag.

Do we have to ban all Confederate flags? Or just the stars and bars? And which flags do you think we should ban next?
Start banning Confederate flags and you will see resistance, possibly violent resistance.
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.

Most slaves came on Northern owned ships.
The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!.
So going by your theory any county that lost a was must change their flag?
The Germans don't fly the nazi flag.
Because the where dumb enough to make it illegal
The don't have free speech
The state has no obligation to provide vanity plates.In fact it shouldn't at all it's an unnecessary expense

If you want a confederate flag on your car feel free to put a decal in a window or get one of those vinyl wraps for your car
I think vanity plates are profitable, otherwise states would not provide the option.
Have you seen the latest auto trade commercial?

THey have the Dukes Of Hazzard driving around in their old Gen Lee.

Very careful to NOT show the top of the car, which in the show was covered by a Confederate Flag.

Is it weird to you that the Dukes of Hazzard was a big nation wide hit, what with your view on the flag?

Its weird that a show about a pair of white outlaws who regularly ran the police off the road and on street chases was a hit.

Actually no I'm not, white law breaking is fun / funny

Not really. REbels, criminals, ect. are often the stars of shows.

BUt it is strange to me that the ire at this old flag has grown recently.

One would think that as time passes that old wounds would heal, not grow worse.

It is almost as though the old injustices are not really what the issue is.
With a President picking the scabs, nothing heals.

"What scabs? There's no such thing as scabs'


White people
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.

Most slaves came on Northern owned ships.
You have a link?Most came on Spanish or dutch ships,supplied by fellow Africans,so what your point?
The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!

The cons on this forum keep downplaying the racism in the south, saying it's a small minority. This shows it's pretty widespread.

The confederates were racists, and after the war they bred racist children that were resentful of losing the war. And their children had racist children, so now there's a lot more racists. They are the American terrorists.
The entire country was racist at that time. Removal of all aspects of the confederate flag would require the same for the American flag. But anti-southern bigots want it just one way.
As a southerner, I think it's important to note that many southerners who fly the flag aren't particularly racist. In fact, in my experience, yankees (northeasterners) are the most racist Americans.
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.

The 3/5s clause is often mistakenly used to condemn the was created to weaken the powers of the slave states, to reduce their representation in the Congress...

The ships that brought the slaves here originally carried the flags of Europe, and the slaves were captured by fellow Africans.....we got stuck with a European and African practice and we ended it......

And the South was the only place where Lincoln could free the slaves on his own without a bill from congress...since they were in a state of insurrection......and at the conclusion of the war.....the Republicans ended slavery......
As a southerner, I think it's important to note that many southerners who fly the flag aren't particularly racist. In fact, in my experience, yankees (northeasterners) are the most racist Americans.

Its funny because the accused always say the accuser is the real *insert negative characteristic here*
As a southerner, I think it's important to note that many southerners who fly the flag aren't particularly racist. In fact, in my experience, yankees (northeasterners) are the most racist Americans.

Especially white, liberal North Eastern parts of the country....
Ever watch Blade the TV series? Blade wasn't playing by the rules and he was the star of that show.

"Old injustices"? But those "old injustices" were LESS old in the 80s when the show aired. Why was it cool for the Duke Boys to show the Confederate Flag then, but not now?

The one about Vampires (vampires arent real).

It wasnt cool then either but blacks didnt have as big of a voice as they do now

Vampires aren't real? And the rest of TV is?

You can find 2 outlaws faster than a vampire. I'll bet money on it. Now dont go so silly that you start talking about how his sword is real ok.

Blade was a rebel playing outside the rules, and he was the star of the show, as if fairly normal.

Blacks didn't have as big a voice in the late 80s?

You dont have to repeat yourself for effect. No they didnt have AS BIG OF a voice then

That's silly. They had plenty of voice. And they said nothing about it.

Really? They had plenty of voice is your response?

And if Treason is a big part of why the flag is so "bad", then why wouldn't all the white people who are loyal Americans had a problem with it?

I've looked for complaints raised about the flag in regards to the show, and I have been able to find NOTHING.

It was presented and accepted by the nation wide viewing audience as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

No, it was accepted by YOU and your folks but you are not a representation of everyone. I never watched the show. So there! It was an unwatchable turd of a show. My opinion wins

The show was fiction. Obviously. THe fact that many of the elements were fantasy does not change the fact that a black rebel was the star of the show, which you denied happened.

The bolded is a lie.

So, you're old enough to have watched the show, even if you didn't?

Do you recall ANY controversy among blacks or anyone else offended by the Confederate Flag or the GEneral Lee?

Because I don't.

What you remember doesnt matter. What matters is people dont like it. I'm not going to shove a turd in your pants and talk about how you didnt have a problem with it when you were in diapers

The Flag was presented and accepted by the nation wide viewing audience as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

No, repeating it doesnt make it true

1. You stated that rebels and criminals are the stars of TV shows, if they are white. Blade was a rebel, and a criminal, and he was black and certainly the star of his show. What part of that are you claiming is a lie?

2. It matters if people did NOT, "don't like it" then. For all the reasons you libs are pushing NOW for hating the flag would have been just as relevant, if not more so 30 years ago. This shows that your stated reasons for being "offended" by this symbol of regional pride is b.s.

3. No, that fact that the show was a nation wide hit, shows that what I said is true. The flag, and the Gen. Lee were presented as harmless symbols of regional pride. The viewing audience showed their tacit acceptance of this with the high ratings the show got. I am not just repeating my view, I am trying to get you to address an historical fact (of the show's success).
The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!

The cons on this forum keep downplaying the racism in the south, saying it's a small minority. This shows it's pretty widespread.

The confederates were racists, and after the war they bred racist children that were resentful of losing the war. And their children had racist children, so now there's a lot more racists. They are the American terrorists.
The entire country was racist at that time. Removal of all aspects of the confederate flag would require the same for the American flag. But anti-southern bigots want it just one way.

The entire world was racist and large parts of the world still are far more racist than the United States.....just ask the first Pakistani Prime Minister of England or France....oh...wait......

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