Sons of the Confederates demand their racist flag on license plates

Vampires aren't real? And the rest of TV is?

You can find 2 outlaws faster than a vampire. I'll bet money on it. Now dont go so silly that you start talking about how his sword is real ok.

Blade was a rebel playing outside the rules, and he was the star of the show, as if fairly normal.

Blacks didn't have as big a voice in the late 80s?

You dont have to repeat yourself for effect. No they didnt have AS BIG OF a voice then

That's silly. They had plenty of voice. And they said nothing about it.

Really? They had plenty of voice is your response?

And if Treason is a big part of why the flag is so "bad", then why wouldn't all the white people who are loyal Americans had a problem with it?

I've looked for complaints raised about the flag in regards to the show, and I have been able to find NOTHING.

It was presented and accepted by the nation wide viewing audience as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

No, it was accepted by YOU and your folks but you are not a representation of everyone. I never watched the show. So there! It was an unwatchable turd of a show. My opinion wins

The show was fiction. Obviously. THe fact that many of the elements were fantasy does not change the fact that a black rebel was the star of the show, which you denied happened.

The bolded is a lie.

So, you're old enough to have watched the show, even if you didn't?

Do you recall ANY controversy among blacks or anyone else offended by the Confederate Flag or the GEneral Lee?

Because I don't.

What you remember doesnt matter. What matters is people dont like it. I'm not going to shove a turd in your pants and talk about how you didnt have a problem with it when you were in diapers

The Flag was presented and accepted by the nation wide viewing audience as a harmless symbol of regional pride.

No, repeating it doesnt make it true

1. You stated that rebels and criminals are the stars of TV shows, if they are white. Blade was a rebel, and a criminal, and he was black and certainly the star of his show. What part of that are you claiming is a lie?

Do you know the span of time from Dukes of Hazard to Blade? Anywho, heres what I said: Its weird that a show about a pair of white outlaws who regularly ran the police off the road and on street chases was a hit.

Then you stated rebels were stars too. Great! But a rebel and an outlaw can be the same thing but they dont have to be. You know the difference.

2. It matters if people did NOT, "don't like it" then. For all the reasons you libs are pushing NOW for hating the flag would have been just as relevant, if not more so 30 years ago. This shows that your stated reasons for being "offended" by this symbol of regional pride is b.s.

No it doesnt, plus your recollection of whether someone had a problem with it doesnt amount to jack. My recollection is that many did. I guess my recollection wins. See your problem is that when someone says they are offended instead of being a human being and listening to go the asshole route to determine why someone being offended isnt true. I just told you its offensive. Dont believe me? Doesnt matter...your belief doesnt have shit to do with anything

3. No, that fact that the show was a nation wide hit, shows that what I said is true. The flag, and the Gen. Lee were presented as harmless symbols of regional pride. The viewing audience showed their tacit acceptance of this with the high ratings the show got. I am not just repeating my view, I am trying to get you to address an historical fact (of the show's success).

You can say regional pride until you're blue in the face. It also represents racism and slavery. A show about a fast car with a flag on the top doesnt mean people watched for the flag dumbass. Show me the show that featured your dumb ass flag as the star and the viewers for that. I guess since Blade was a hit people support black vampires that carry swords on their backs too!

Wait, I love the walking dead and its a hit....That means that people want to be attacked by a zombie since that happens.

You fail at logic

1. ANd my point was that these characters were the stars, shown in a good light, and proudly displayed the Confederate Flag on their car, The GEneral Lee. The flag was presented as a harmless symbol of regional pride. And the show was a highly rated hit, across the nation.

2. Since the show was a hit, it showed that people were willing to accept that a couple of good old boys could proudly display the Confederate Flag and still be good guys. That was clearly my point. Don't play stupid.

3. I did not say they watched "for" the flag, dumbass. I said the viewing audience showed their tacit acceptance of that view of the flag (harmless symbol of regional pride) with the high ratings the show got.

4. Knock of the lame strawmen. YOu aren't fooling anyone.
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.
That is so stupid it does not even deserve an explanation of what a twisted interpretation of the 3/5 Compromise it is.


That for political reasons, the Northern lawmakers made the argument that Blacks were property and therefore should not be counted in the census?

Sounds pretty racist to me.

You would have preferred that the slaves be counted and thus give the slave states MORE power in the Federal Government, to promote their agenda of spreading slavery to new states?
Since the show was a hit does that also mean people accept running from the police and running them off the road too? No, you're making a leap of logic that is illogical.

If you don't understand why that shirt offends some people- you need a history lesson.

And those people it offends most? They vote for the political party that owned slaves and kept blacks from voting...until they couldn't and then they hooked them on government welfare in return for votes.....
You bigots come up with real bullshit propaganda. It was the dems that gave blacks the right to vote. You just ain't got them to pick your cotton for slave wages any more. Poor babies.
The internal combustion engine replaced black ag workers decades ago.

Most still haven't found a job.
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.
That is so stupid it does not even deserve an explanation of what a twisted interpretation of the 3/5 Compromise it is.


That for political reasons, the Northern lawmakers made the argument that Blacks were property and therefore should not be counted in the census?

Sounds pretty racist to me.

You would have preferred that the slaves be counted and thus give the slave states MORE power in the Federal Government, to promote their agenda of spreading slavery to new states?

Ok I'm done talking to you. It's clear that you'll excuse anything. Yeah blacks should be happy they were counted as less than a man :rolleyes: because you say so...fuck off
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.
That is so stupid it does not even deserve an explanation of what a twisted interpretation of the 3/5 Compromise it is.


That for political reasons, the Northern lawmakers made the argument that Blacks were property and therefore should not be counted in the census?

Sounds pretty racist to me.

You would have preferred that the slaves be counted and thus give the slave states MORE power in the Federal Government, to promote their agenda of spreading slavery to new states?
Without the Great Compromise creating a bicameral legislature, one house representing the states, and the other the people, and the 3/5's Compromise, which settled the issue of taxation and representation there would be no Constitution or GOUSA.

We could never form this nation with the all or nothing attitude prevalent today.
Since the show was a hit does that also mean people accept running from the police and running them off the road too? No, you're making a leap of logic that is illogical.
Running from the police is perfectly acceptable to libs, if it is a black running.

Too bad for so many of them that their pants fall down and they get caught when they trip.
The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!

The cons on this forum keep downplaying the racism in the south, saying it's a small minority. This shows it's pretty widespread.

The confederates were racists, and after the war they bred racist children that were resentful of losing the war. And their children had racist children, so now there's a lot more racists. They are the American terrorists.
Nothing racist about a flag. Now let's talk about Obama's logo.
Since the show was a hit does that also mean people accept running from the police and running them off the road too? No, you're making a leap of logic that is illogical.
Running from the police is perfectly acceptable to libs, if it is a black running.

Too bad for so many of them that their pants fall down and they get caught when they trip.

Try harder
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.
Applying 3/5 rule for slaves limited the South's strength in representation in the Congress.
That for political reasons, the Northern lawmakers made the argument that Blacks were property and therefore should not be counted in the census?

Sounds pretty racist to me.
. The northern lawmakers told the South if they consider their slaves as property to be counted as a full person, then the north would count their cattle in the Census. 3/5 rule was the compromise.
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.
That is so stupid it does not even deserve an explanation of what a twisted interpretation of the 3/5 Compromise it is.


That for political reasons, the Northern lawmakers made the argument that Blacks were property and therefore should not be counted in the census?

Sounds pretty racist to me.

You would have preferred that the slaves be counted and thus give the slave states MORE power in the Federal Government, to promote their agenda of spreading slavery to new states?

Ok I'm done talking to you. It's clear that you'll excuse anything. Yeah blacks should be happy they were counted as less than a man :rolleyes: because you say so...fuck off

Actually they should. If they were counted as full citizens the slaver states would have had MORE POWER to protect and expand their pro-slavery agenda.

Are you really that unaware of history that you don't know that?

Dumb ass.
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.
Applying 3/5 rule for slaves limited the South's strength in representation in the Congress.
Also made them subject to taxes they were not willing to pay.

3/5 of a tax bill is more than the 0/0 they were wanting to pay.
That for political reasons, the Northern lawmakers made the argument that Blacks were property and therefore should not be counted in the census?

Sounds pretty racist to me.
. The northern lawmakers told the South if they consider their slaves as property to be counted as a full person, then the north would count their cattle in the Census. 3/5 rule was the compromise.

A racist compromise. There were no "good guys" from our modern perspective.
Do any of y'all in this thread have the slightest clue what the Sons of the Confederacy (or Daughters of the Confederacy) do ... Why they are an organization?
Do you know the requirements for being a member ... Are you aware of the activities they undertake?

Ok I'm done talking to you. It's clear that you'll excuse anything. Yeah blacks should be happy they were counted as less than a man :rolleyes: because you say so...fuck off
Think jackass! The reason was explained multiple times. Counting slaves as 3/5 for Census purpose doesn't benefit the South in representation. Jeez Louise.
Most low information lefties aren't even aware that the flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for two hundred years was the Union Jack or the French flag or the Stars and Stripes. The Confederacy only lasted four years. Shouldn't we call the Brit flag racist?
Neither the colonies or the US was founded on White supremacy.

The CSA was.

Bull shit, this country was founded with slavery as a fixed, permanent institution. The United States of America was created as a slave state.

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