Sons of the Confederates demand their racist flag on license plates

The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!

The cons on this forum keep downplaying the racism in the south, saying it's a small minority. This shows it's pretty widespread.

The confederates were racists, and after the war they bred racist children that were resentful of losing the war. And their children had racist children, so now there's a lot more racists. They are the American terrorists.

please link to those demands
You know the Constitution of the United States described blacks a 3/5th of a man...that sounds pretty racist to me.

And as Whitehall said, the ships that brought the slaves here, they weren't flying the Stars and Bars.

P.S. - You know that the Emancipation Proclamation only affected the South, Slavery was still as legal as it ever was everywhere else.

Most slaves came on Northern owned ships.

4% came to north America, 100% of the bitching and whining is from their descendants
Most low information lefties aren't even aware that the flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for two hundred years was the Union Jack or the French flag or the Stars and Stripes. The Confederacy only lasted four years. Shouldn't we call the Brit flag racist?
Neither the colonies or the US was founded on White supremacy.

The CSA was.

Bull shit, this country was founded with slavery as a fixed, permanent institution. The United States of America was created as a slave state.
Actually, the elimination of slavery was built in.

That is why we have the amendment process.

It was going to die out with the invention of the internal combustion engine anyway, without the 600,000+ dead.
When Lee surrendered everybody should have gone home. If it had been up to the men who fought that war and respected each other, they would have.


Second Lieutenant George A. Custer had his photo taken with ex-classmate, friend, and captured Confederate prisoner, Lt. J.B. Washington, an aide to General Johnston, at Fair Oaks, Virginia, 1862
That for political reasons, the Northern lawmakers made the argument that Blacks were property and therefore should not be counted in the census?

Sounds pretty racist to me.
. The northern lawmakers told the South if they consider their slaves as property to be counted as a full person, then the north would count their cattle in the Census. 3/5 rule was the compromise.

A racist compromise. There were no "good guys" from our modern perspective.

Speak for yourself. I consider those, who despite growing up with the institution as part of normal society, saw past the norms of THEIR time and decided to begin the long fight against slavery to be the "Good guys".
When Lee surrendered everybody should have gone home. If it had been up to the men who fought that war and respected each other, they would have.


Second Lieutenant George A. Custer had his photo taken with ex-classmate, friend, and captured Confederate prisoner, Lt. J.B. Washington, an aide to General Johnston, at Fair Oaks, Virginia, 1862

Booth shooting Lincoln led to the raping of the South.

What an ass.
The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!

The cons on this forum keep downplaying the racism in the south, saying it's a small minority. This shows it's pretty widespread.

The confederates were racists, and after the war they bred racist children that were resentful of losing the war. And their children had racist children, so now there's a lot more racists. They are the American terrorists.

Actually, it was the Union government that committed all the terrorism, including mass murder, mass rape, burning cities to the ground and stealing private property.
Most low information lefties aren't even aware that the flag that flew off the stern of slave ships for two hundred years was the Union Jack or the French flag or the Stars and Stripes. The Confederacy only lasted four years. Shouldn't we call the Brit flag racist?
Neither the colonies or the US was founded on White supremacy.

The CSA was.

Bull shit, this country was founded with slavery as a fixed, permanent institution. The United States of America was created as a slave state.
Eh? Not that I am affirming the other poster, but quite a few founding fathers and early Presidents opposed slavery.

It wasn't a fixed institution in states that opposed slavery, and during the period before the civil war it was viewed as a state issue and not a federal one.

None of my ancestors as far as I know owned slaves, and that is going back to mayflower days.

So, if you are trying to suggest that slavery was ever fully endorsed by the Federal government without dissenting opinions at the highest levels, that would be false.
The confederate flag is no different than the ISIS flag. It's a symbol of terrorism. There are nine states that have that flag on their license plates, and Texans want it on their plates. Guess what, the confederates LOST THE WAR!

The cons on this forum keep downplaying the racism in the south, saying it's a small minority. This shows it's pretty widespread.

The confederates were racists, and after the war they bred racist children that were resentful of losing the war. And their children had racist children, so now there's a lot more racists. They are the American terrorists.

You think that publicly displaying this is a bad thing?

You know what the difference is between the North and the South?
In the south you know who your enemies are. No guess work.

In the north? Whole 'nother ball game.

Frankly, it is my preference that people be who they are. I don't want people to hide it. If you hide it, then it doesn't exist. That, to me, is more dangerous than this. I want to see you coming. We call that profiling.
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Trying to hold on to the past is why this country is falling behind. The confederates need to wake up and realize THEY LOST! You will NEVER bring back slavery.
Trying to hold on to the past is why this country is falling behind. The confederates need to wake up and realize THEY LOST! You will NEVER bring back slavery.

The Sons of the Confederacy are not trying to bring slavery back.
They are not a white supremacy group ... They don't try to re-fight the Civil War.

You have no idea what or who you are talking about.

Trying to hold on to the past is why this country is falling behind. The confederates need to wake up and realize THEY LOST! You will NEVER bring back slavery.
Who advocates bringing back slavery, except Obama's Muslim pals?
Left wing idiots fought in the street and in the courts for the right to deface Old Glory, wear the Flag on he seats of their filthy pants and burn it in the streets. Liberal artsy idiots defaced the Catholic image of the Virgin Mary with feces and hung the Crucifix in a vat of urine in the name of art. Freedom of speech goes both ways.
Left wing idiots fought in the street and in the courts for the right to deface Old Glory, wear the Flag on he seats of their filthy pants and burn it in the streets. Liberal artsy idiots defaced the Catholic image of the Virgin Mary with feces and hung the Crucifix in a vat of urine in the name of art. Freedom of speech goes both ways.
Wow! What a great excuse for your stupidity.
Trying to hold on to the past is why this country is falling behind. The confederates need to wake up and realize THEY LOST! You will NEVER bring back slavery.

The Sons of the Confederacy are not trying to bring slavery back.
They are not a white supremacy group ... They don't try to re-fight the Civil War.

You have no idea what or who you are talking about.

The confederacy is in the past, get over it. YOU LOST! YOU LOST! YOU LOST! That's not going to change.
Trying to hold on to the past is why this country is falling behind. The confederates need to wake up and realize THEY LOST! You will NEVER bring back slavery.

The reason this country is falling behind is the fact that it has adopted a lot of policies endorsed by idiots like you.
The confederacy is in the past, get over it. YOU LOST! YOU LOST! YOU LOST! That's not going to change.

The last person you would have to explain the Civil War to would be a member of the Sons of the Confederacy.
If you had the slightest clue what they do ... And why they exist ... You wouldn't look so stupid posting what you are posting.

This is getting silly, nobody is trying to bring back slavery. The Confederate flag is part of history and when I look at it I see a symbol of history and a faction of people who fought for what they believed in. The Civil war was not all about slavery by a long shot
This is getting silly, nobody is trying to bring back slavery. The Confederate flag is part of history and when I look at it I see a symbol of history and a faction of people who fought for what they believed in. The Civil war was not all about slavery by a long shot

The liberal Yankee carpetbaggers like to say things like that to intimidate you into not speaking up about the crime against humanity known as the "Civil War."

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