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Sony hack takes a very serious turn



Perhaps if you tried a breakfast OTHER than paint chips and Thunderbird, you'd be able to follow along in these discussions..

I'm just sayin...
Sounds like the whole thing is a publicity stunt to gin up interest in a sucky movie.

Disney never had to do this with the "Toy Story" franchise.

Also, NK is yet more fruit of the poisoned "Dems working for Communists", McCarthy tried to warn us about.

More evidense that Frankie is an idiot that will leave no stone unturned to politicise anything and everything to blame Obama and the dems for everything negative that happens in the universe.

Note to Frank: Try to act like an American. These people are threatening America. Can you please just for once summon up a purely patriotic response and leave your stupid neo con blame game somewhere else for this very serious discussion?

Benghazi didn't work because your blame was baseless. Get over it.

This is an attack threatened on American movie goers. It is purely a free speech issue. Are you REALLY going to try to politicise the first ammendment?
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eQUOTE="cereal_killer, post: 10360769, member: 36528"]Things just took a very serious turn (not that the hacking was to be taken lightly)

This may be just a threat/scare tactic to keep asses out of the seats for this film or some serious shit is about to go down.

I don't know how I feel at this point. My first reaction is that theatre's should just call it off, pull the film. The possibility of losing a lot of lives--or a few lives-- for a silly movie is just not worth it. On the other hand, nothing could happen. I don't know folks, is it worth it?

Sony Hackers Threaten People Who See The Interview Invoke 9 11[/QUOTE]

Yes. No country or group of foreign terrorists has the right to dictate the terms of our right of freedom of speech which includes what we have the right to read or now in the age of public video and filmed message view in a movie theater or in our homes.

This right does not include some forms of illegal activity such as the making and selling of child porn. Although as disgusting as it is I don't know how our government legally can arrest Americans for viewing it.

We cannot allow scum like Kim Il to threaten us. Play the movie. I know I will seek it out on PirateBay as soon as it is available. Just try and stop me Kimmie you Crazy Ass Gook Fuck. Sorry for the unPC comment. Still...Piss on him and those stupid enough to put up with his regime in N Korea.
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If this President had any balls, the North Koreans wouldn't be making threats about harming American movie goers. If one incident occurred and could be traced back to NK, a real CIC would nuke their asses.

Sony and the theatre owners are in fear because of a weak President.
Things just took a very serious turn (not that the hacking was to be taken lightly)

This may be just a threat/scare tactic to keep asses out of the seats for this film or some serious shit is about to go down.

I don't know how I feel at this point. My first reaction is that theatre's should just call it off, pull the film. The possibility of losing a lot of lives--or a few lives-- for a silly movie is just not worth it. On the other hand, nothing could happen. I don't know folks, is it worth it?

Sony Hackers Threaten People Who See The Interview Invoke 9 11

I try not to take anything posted on Huffingglue too seriously.

That said, yielding to terrorists is the worst possible move. IF the threat is credible, then we should launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Pyongyang. It has to be nuclear because unless they are crushed in the first wave, they will use Nukes on Seoul.

And really, isn't it long past time for North Korea to cease to exist?

We should check with Israel to see if the threat is credible, since they have a competent administration and intelligence system. Then move very quickly to neuter then snarling little beast.
There are a few pubs reporting on it (Mashable, Variety) Sony Hackers Threaten 9 11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen 8216 The Interview 8217 Variety

Probably more as the day goes on.

I get what you're saying about yielding to these terrorist threats and agree to a point BUT what if something does happen and American's lose their lives? Was it worth it? I think there comes a time when we have to set aside our pride and do the RESPONSIBLE thing. Then again there's repercussion's to that decision as well.

As I type this out I think I found my answer and you touched on it. If they determine the threat is credible they should pull it, go on the offensive, eliminate the threat and release it a little later. If its nothing but hot air release it.

One thing is for certain I do think this will have a very serious impact on theatre's that are playing it. People will steer clear of them and go to another theatre that isn't playing it and see something else.

We can't make a decision based on "what if X happens" and "what does your intelligence think-- do they have WMDs?"

Especially decisions about the principle of Free Speech we purport to believe in. Once we start caving just because somebody tweeted a sabre rattle, we've abandoned all that, and once we abandon that we have nothing left. Either we stand for it or we don't. So I say run it in every movie theater there is, simultaneously.
You're preaching to the choir :) I get that. For the sake of this discussion, lets say that people are killed. IED, VBIED, suicide bombers or whatever does that change the dialogue in this country? Do we continue to take this stand or do we re-evaluate?

No. Our freedom of speech is absolute.
Looks like Sony made the mistake of asking Al Sharpton for forgiveness ... and instead Al is going to decide what movies Sony can make and who can make them.

The conversation with Sharpton was supposed to be private and he instead goes out the door and holds a press-conference on the subjects they discussed. Sharpton says that Hollywood is living in the 50s. He figures changing the racial makeup of Hollywood will change that.
I disagree. The film will be shown. Real terrorists.....like real revolutionaries....don't signal their plans.
Then you AGREE with my second comment.

Don't you see -- that itself is bowing. It empowers the gadflies who come up with this crap. Why encourage them? Whether it derived genuinely from NK or from some creative hack in his mom's basement in Indiana makes little difference if the conclusion either way is, "look at me, I can command the United States to do my bidding"
Again for the sake of this discussion the threat was determined real and credible: do you think when 100? (insert a smaller or larger number if you wish) American's lose their lives at a movie theatre, that people will demand the Presidents and members of the intelligences communities heads, or will they shrug it off as a terrible tragedy? Attribute it to 'we made a stand".

They...a lot of folks keep saying the thousands of troops killed and many hundreds of thousands injured in the last decade or so did so to protect "our freedoms". We spit on their sacrifice if we can't absorb a few dozen kiilled by terrorists. This is especially true if these movie goers have been for warned and choose to go out and watch the movie anyway. IMHO any theater goers that die are ACTUALLY dying for our rights far more than anyone getting killed in Ubeckystan for the oil companies.
Sounds like the whole thing is a publicity stunt to gin up interest in a sucky movie.

Disney never had to do this with the "Toy Story" franchise.

Also, NK is yet more fruit of the poisoned "Dems working for Communists", McCarthy tried to warn us about.
Seriously 12 pages and crazy Frank is the only one who gets it? Everything from scripts to completed movies were supposedly stolen and released to the public yet no one can provide any links where they can be downloaded.
You don't know where to look. Some of them have been taken down under threats of legal action already but there's still some out there. This happened on the 24th of November so things are drying up.....and no I won't provide links ;)

Dunno... I just looked for any hacked emails and couldn't find anything but the reporting...no actual hacked emails. Seems if this was true there would be something out there to see. Clearly there is nothing for SONY to whine about if we have to beg Cereal Killer for a glimpse of these emails. :lol:
If this President had any balls, the North Koreans wouldn't be making threats about harming American movie goers. If one incident occurred and could be traced back to NK, a real CIC would nuke their asses.

Sony and the theatre owners are in fear because of a weak President.

You are full of it. We nuke people over a threat? Seriously, dude - please pull your head out of your ass.
Sounds like the whole thing is a publicity stunt to gin up interest in a sucky movie.

Disney never had to do this with the "Toy Story" franchise.

Also, NK is yet more fruit of the poisoned "Dems working for Communists", McCarthy tried to warn us about.
Seriously 12 pages and crazy Frank is the only one who gets it? Everything from scripts to completed movies were supposedly stolen and released to the public yet no one can provide any links where they can be downloaded.
You don't know where to look. Some of them have been taken down under threats of legal action already but there's still some out there. This happened on the 24th of November so things are drying up.....and no I won't provide links ;)

Dunno... I just looked for any hacked emails and couldn't find anything but the reporting...no actual hacked emails. Seems if this was true there would be something out there to see. Clearly there is nothing for SONY to whine about if we have to beg Cereal Killer for a glimpse of these emails. :lol:

Most of it has already been taken down including 4 or 5 unreleased movies.

Its mostly pretty boring stuff. Crap about regurgitating films that nobody botherd to watch and other drab white-noise.

Not posting them due to liability issues.
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Tme for obumble to normalize relationships with North Korea and find out what we can do to please Kim Jong Un.
No. Our freedom of speech is absolute.
No, you can't shout fire in a crowded theater. But they are interfering with our right to go full retard watching a dumb comedy.

Wrong issue. One cannot shout fire in a crowded movie theater, What about a theater that has only one viewer sitting next to an exit? :lol:

I digress....

What we have here is us looking for an excuse to step on this crazy Korean Cocroach. If we can gin up enough angst over this fat fuck we would be doing the world a solid wasting him. We would CERTAINLY be doing the North Koreans a solid and they would even appreciate it after they all went to counsellors and got it out of their minds that he is a living god. These are some of the dumbest people on the planet. I really don't see how Kimmie could get enough people to come here and blow up theaters.

What we need to do is designate a handfull of theaters for bait and advertise heavely that the movie would be premired in them and have the FBI watch them closely. Of course we would not allow any actual movie goers to go inside. Just round up any Koreans buying tickets and grill em to sort out the terrorists if there aren't any. Then when none are found we go public telling the world what lying pussies Kim and his crew are and go about our business as usual with regular showings of the lame comedy film.

As for SONY. They made their own bed and can deal with the emails on their own. If they were too cheap to protect their servers from hackers then piss on them.

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