Sooo, ghetto kids and Liberal wackos will storm the steps of D.C. on Saturday..huh?

OKTexas, post: 19585119
But statistically it's zero, so you want to take away my rights for a statistically zero chance that I or anyone else will misuse an AR on any given day. And you call that common sense,

You dont have any rights to be taken away regarding this type of weapon. Your argument ihas been fraudulent. These kids a calling BS on those decades of NRA fraud. They have a right to live. If one AR15 is used to mass murder then its too many. There should be zero in private hands. Your 'Ownership Days' is a bogus variable as well. Fake stats.
There it is. The real agenda.

OKTexas, post: 19585643
BTW selective editing within a quote box to alter the meaning is against posting rules.

I have altered no meaning. If you think I did explain it.

My previous post explains your fraudulent stats.

One mass shooting is too many, Ownership hours are meaningless.

You have no right to keep and bear an AR15, so your entire analysis is a fraud.
You could not be more wrong if you tried.
OKTexas, post: 19585643
BTW selective editing within a quote box to alter the meaning is against posting rules.

I have altered no meaning. If you think I did explain it.

My previous post explains your fraudulent stats.

One mass shooting is too many, Ownership hours are meaningless.

You have no right to keep and bear an AR15, so your entire analysis is a fraud.

You deleted the numbers on which that claim was based, giving any other reader the impression it was pulled out of thin air, it wasn't as you well know.

Now how about we use your logic on cell phones and take yours away, you have no right to own one and here in TX 12 people died in one incident of a guy paying attention to his cell instead of the road. So if one mass murder is too many, get out your hammer and destroy your phone,

Now feel free to show what kind of little hypocritical bitch you really are.

OKTexas, post: 19585119
But statistically it's zero, so you want to take away my rights for a statistically zero chance that I or anyone else will misuse an AR on any given day. And you call that common sense,

You dont have any rights to be taken away regarding this type of weapon. Your argument ihas been fraudulent. These kids a calling BS on those decades of NRA fraud. They have a right to live. If one AR15 is used to mass murder then its too many. There should be zero in private hands. Your 'Ownership Days' is a bogus variable as well. Fake stats.

Do you feel the same way about the rest of the Bill of Rights?
Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
No one took them seriously, eh?

Washington, DC., New York, California, Texas, Georgia, Colorado, Indiana, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Vermont, Florida, Pennsylvania, Germany, Spain...


Fact about 10% of the population wants to takeaway All guns.
about 60% of the population wants stricter controls.
about 30% wants no control.
its possible to be pro gun & anti dead children at the same time.
I wonder why the gun lovers hold these kids in such bitter contempt. Could it be that the message these kids present is so eloquent and sincere and sensible?

Why don't the gun lovers fight fire with fire? All they have to do is wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then step in and recruit several smart, personable kids who had to step over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Kids who slipped in puddles of blood on the classroom floor. Kids who were fired on and saw the doors of their classrooms turn into shards of broken wood. The kids who have been trained to run with their hands up or shelter in place. Find the kids who have had to attend a different funeral everyday for a week.

Then tell those kids to go forth and articulate the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazines. Get them to make the case for more and more guns and why everyone absolutely must have one at hand 24 hours a day. Teach them to face the cameras and say that guns are benevolent objects of peace. Organize mass rallies and television appearances on their behalf.

That ought to do it! The right message for the right issue. It should be easy, right?
I wonder why the gun lovers hold these kids in such bitter contempt. Could it be that the message these kids present is so eloquent and sincere and sensible?

Why don't the gun lovers fight fire with fire? All they have to do is wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then step in and recruit several smart, personable kids who had to step over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Kids who slipped in puddles of blood on the classroom floor. Kids who were fired on and saw the doors of their classrooms turn into shards of broken wood. The kids who have been trained to run with their hands up or shelter in place. Find the kids who have had to attend a different funeral everyday for a week.

Then tell those kids to go forth and articulate the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazines. Get them to make the case for more and more guns and why everyone absolutely must have one at hand 24 hours a day. Teach them to face the cameras and say that guns are benevolent objects of peace. Organize mass rallies and television appearances on their behalf.

That ought to do it! The right message for the right issue. It should be easy, right?

While I think some of our friends here are wrong when they resort to personal insults instead of addressing and challenging/rebutting/disputing your mostly civil and well thought out arguments here, you are resorting to emotional appeal in the absurd in this post. While both sides are no doubt sincere and passionate, neither, in my opinion, is constructive.

First we need everybody to be clear on one thing. Fully automatic or so-called assault rifles are not legally manufactured or sold in the USA to civilians period.

That AR on the AR-15 rifle does not mean automatic rifle or assault rifle. It is the anagram of ArmaLite Rifle, a company that made quality firearms in the 1950's and developed the first military versions of the automatic rifle, but later sold the patent to Colt who distributed it to many other manufacturers, none of which manufacture automatic or assault rifles for civilian use.

The AR-15 that the Parkland shooter used was a semi-automatic rifle meaning only that the empty cartridge did not have to be manually ejected but it happens automatically. Otherwise it is one trigger pull equals one bullet fired. And it holds 10 rounds a time before it needs to be reloaded. That is fewer than many if not most of the .22 rifles that most of us grew up with. And the Las Vegas shooter did use a bump stock that allows faster shooting if more inaccurate, but it still does not make a rifle fully automatic. The Parkland shooter did not use a bump stock.

In other words, if there had simply been a responsible armed adult able to get a bead on the Parkland shooter, he would not have had any opportunity to murder 17 people and injure others.

These are the facts that the kids need to be taught and to understand. The kids need to understand that an AR-15 as the Parkland shooter had is likely no different than their dad's or uncle's or whomever's deer rifle and no more dangerous. It is a rifle designed and manufactured for the purpose of hunting and pest control just like any other rifle commonly sold to the general public. It is only the design of it that makes it look somehow more sinister or dangerous.

THIS is what those kids should be taught along with the value of having biological fathers in the homes, reverence for life, respect for authority, flag, country, and encouraging religious faith whether or not all will be religious.

The AR-15 is not the problem. Cowardly law enforcement, absentee fathers, communities that encourage anger, violence separation, and lack of reverence for life along with soft targets is the problem. Push for practical and sensible laws that regulate how guns will be sold and used, but know what you're talking about before you march, protest, demonstrate for something that will do absolutely nothing to help and could very well make things worse.
I wonder why the gun lovers hold these kids in such bitter contempt. Could it be that the message these kids present is so eloquent and sincere and sensible?

Why don't the gun lovers fight fire with fire? All they have to do is wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then step in and recruit several smart, personable kids who had to step over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Kids who slipped in puddles of blood on the classroom floor. Kids who were fired on and saw the doors of their classrooms turn into shards of broken wood. The kids who have been trained to run with their hands up or shelter in place. Find the kids who have had to attend a different funeral everyday for a week.

Then tell those kids to go forth and articulate the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazines. Get them to make the case for more and more guns and why everyone absolutely must have one at hand 24 hours a day. Teach them to face the cameras and say that guns are benevolent objects of peace. Organize mass rallies and television appearances on their behalf.

That ought to do it! The right message for the right issue. It should be easy, right?

While I think some of our friends here are wrong when they resort to personal insults instead of addressing and challenging/rebutting/disputing your mostly civil and well thought out arguments here, you are resorting to emotional appeal in the absurd in this post. While both sides are no doubt sincere and passionate, neither, in my opinion, is constructive.

First we need everybody to be clear on one thing. Fully automatic or so-called assault rifles are not legally manufactured or sold in the USA to civilians period.

That AR on the AR-15 rifle does not mean automatic rifle or assault rifle. It is the anagram of ArmaLite Rifle, a company that made quality firearms in the 1950's and developed the first military versions of the automatic rifle, but later sold the patent to Colt who distributed it to many other manufacturers, none of which manufacture automatic or assault rifles for civilian use.

The AR-15 that the Parkland shooter used was a semi-automatic rifle meaning only that the empty cartridge did not have to be manually ejected but it happens automatically. Otherwise it is one trigger pull equals one bullet fired. And it holds 10 rounds a time before it needs to be reloaded. That is fewer than many if not most of the .22 rifles that most of us grew up with. And the Las Vegas shooter did use a bump stock that allows faster shooting if more inaccurate, but it still does not make a rifle fully automatic. The Parkland shooter did not use a bump stock.

In other words, if there had simply been a responsible armed adult able to get a bead on the Parkland shooter, he would not have had any opportunity to murder 17 people and injure others.

These are the facts that the kids need to be taught and to understand. The kids need to understand that an AR-15 as the Parkland shooter had is likely no different than their dad's or uncle's or whomever's deer rifle and no more dangerous. It is a rifle designed and manufactured for the purpose of hunting and pest control just like any other rifle commonly sold to the general public. It is only the design of it that makes it look somehow more sinister or dangerous.

THIS is what those kids should be taught along with the value of having biological fathers in the homes, reverence for life, respect for authority, flag, country, and encouraging religious faith whether or not all will be religious.

The AR-15 is not the problem. Cowardly law enforcement, absentee fathers, communities that encourage anger, violence separation, and lack of reverence for life along with soft targets is the problem. Push for practical and sensible laws that regulate how guns will be sold and used, but know what you're talking about before you march, protest, demonstrate for something that will do absolutely nothing to help and could very well make things worse.
While there is no comfort found in the arcane trivia about the name and history of the AR-15, the notion that this weapon is no more dangerous than any other rifle is simply wrong. The rounds fired from an AR-15 impact victims with nearly three to men's the force (measured in foot pounds per second) than another popular weapon, the Glock 9.

And while morals and flags and respect are important lessons to be taught, their absence are not the problem. Morals and flags and respect don't walk into a school or church or theater or college ncert venue and kill scores of people at a time.

I know that pro gun people love to lead the debate down a rabbit hole by talking about the technical aspects of various weaponry. Sometimes those folks will cite the minutiae of technical specifications then add that those who are not conversant in that minutiae are not informed enough to engage in debate. That is tantamount to saying if you don't know the legnth of the tacks an upholsterer used, you cannot comment on the comfort of the sofa. Another way of sidestepping the importance of the issue and dismissing their critics.
I wonder why the gun lovers hold these kids in such bitter contempt. Could it be that the message these kids present is so eloquent and sincere and sensible?

Why don't the gun lovers fight fire with fire? All they have to do is wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then step in and recruit several smart, personable kids who had to step over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Kids who slipped in puddles of blood on the classroom floor. Kids who were fired on and saw the doors of their classrooms turn into shards of broken wood. The kids who have been trained to run with their hands up or shelter in place. Find the kids who have had to attend a different funeral everyday for a week.

Then tell those kids to go forth and articulate the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazines. Get them to make the case for more and more guns and why everyone absolutely must have one at hand 24 hours a day. Teach them to face the cameras and say that guns are benevolent objects of peace. Organize mass rallies and television appearances on their behalf.

That ought to do it! The right message for the right issue. It should be easy, right?

While I think some of our friends here are wrong when they resort to personal insults instead of addressing and challenging/rebutting/disputing your mostly civil and well thought out arguments here, you are resorting to emotional appeal in the absurd in this post. While both sides are no doubt sincere and passionate, neither, in my opinion, is constructive.

First we need everybody to be clear on one thing. Fully automatic or so-called assault rifles are not legally manufactured or sold in the USA to civilians period.

That AR on the AR-15 rifle does not mean automatic rifle or assault rifle. It is the anagram of ArmaLite Rifle, a company that made quality firearms in the 1950's and developed the first military versions of the automatic rifle, but later sold the patent to Colt who distributed it to many other manufacturers, none of which manufacture automatic or assault rifles for civilian use.

The AR-15 that the Parkland shooter used was a semi-automatic rifle meaning only that the empty cartridge did not have to be manually ejected but it happens automatically. Otherwise it is one trigger pull equals one bullet fired. And it holds 10 rounds a time before it needs to be reloaded. That is fewer than many if not most of the .22 rifles that most of us grew up with. And the Las Vegas shooter did use a bump stock that allows faster shooting if more inaccurate, but it still does not make a rifle fully automatic. The Parkland shooter did not use a bump stock.

In other words, if there had simply been a responsible armed adult able to get a bead on the Parkland shooter, he would not have had any opportunity to murder 17 people and injure others.

These are the facts that the kids need to be taught and to understand. The kids need to understand that an AR-15 as the Parkland shooter had is likely no different than their dad's or uncle's or whomever's deer rifle and no more dangerous. It is a rifle designed and manufactured for the purpose of hunting and pest control just like any other rifle commonly sold to the general public. It is only the design of it that makes it look somehow more sinister or dangerous.

THIS is what those kids should be taught along with the value of having biological fathers in the homes, reverence for life, respect for authority, flag, country, and encouraging religious faith whether or not all will be religious.

The AR-15 is not the problem. Cowardly law enforcement, absentee fathers, communities that encourage anger, violence separation, and lack of reverence for life along with soft targets is the problem. Push for practical and sensible laws that regulate how guns will be sold and used, but know what you're talking about before you march, protest, demonstrate for something that will do absolutely nothing to help and could very well make things worse.
While there is no comfort found in the arcane trivia about the name and history of the AR-15, the notion that this weapon is no more dangerous than any other rifle is simply wrong. The rounds fired from an AR-15 impact victims with nearly three to men's the force (measured in foot pounds per second) than another popular weapon, the Glock 9.

And while morals and flags and respect are important lessons to be taught, their absence are not the problem. Morals and flags and respect don't walk into a school or church or theater or college ncert venue and kill scores of people at a time.

I know that pro gun people love to lead the debate down a rabbit hole by talking about the technical aspects of various weaponry. Sometimes those folks will cite the minutiae of technical specifications then add that those who are not conversant in that minutiae are not informed enough to engage in debate. That is tantamount to saying if you don't know the legnth of the tacks an upholsterer used, you cannot comment on the comfort of the sofa. Another way of sidestepping the importance of the issue and dismissing their critics.

The AR-15 most commonly fires a .223 caliber bullet. A 9mm is the same as .320 caliber. The AR-15 shoots a no more deadly bullet than any other smaller game hunting rifles. Most guides would discourage a hunter for using an AR-15 to hunt something as large as say an elk though many do use them as deer rifles.

The problem is not the gun. Take away the AR-15 and you leave 200 other legal weapons that are just as deadly or more deadly than the AR-15.

This is what the kids need to understand instead of teaching them wrong facts. It is fine that they march, demonstrate, protest but they should be informed with accurate and useful information instead of a lot of nonsense that will not even address much less fix the problem.
I wonder why the gun lovers hold these kids in such bitter contempt. Could it be that the message these kids present is so eloquent and sincere and sensible?

Why don't the gun lovers fight fire with fire? All they have to do is wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then step in and recruit several smart, personable kids who had to step over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Kids who slipped in puddles of blood on the classroom floor. Kids who were fired on and saw the doors of their classrooms turn into shards of broken wood. The kids who have been trained to run with their hands up or shelter in place. Find the kids who have had to attend a different funeral everyday for a week.

Then tell those kids to go forth and articulate the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazines. Get them to make the case for more and more guns and why everyone absolutely must have one at hand 24 hours a day. Teach them to face the cameras and say that guns are benevolent objects of peace. Organize mass rallies and television appearances on their behalf.

That ought to do it! The right message for the right issue. It should be easy, right?

While I think some of our friends here are wrong when they resort to personal insults instead of addressing and challenging/rebutting/disputing your mostly civil and well thought out arguments here, you are resorting to emotional appeal in the absurd in this post. While both sides are no doubt sincere and passionate, neither, in my opinion, is constructive.

First we need everybody to be clear on one thing. Fully automatic or so-called assault rifles are not legally manufactured or sold in the USA to civilians period.

That AR on the AR-15 rifle does not mean automatic rifle or assault rifle. It is the anagram of ArmaLite Rifle, a company that made quality firearms in the 1950's and developed the first military versions of the automatic rifle, but later sold the patent to Colt who distributed it to many other manufacturers, none of which manufacture automatic or assault rifles for civilian use.

The AR-15 that the Parkland shooter used was a semi-automatic rifle meaning only that the empty cartridge did not have to be manually ejected but it happens automatically. Otherwise it is one trigger pull equals one bullet fired. And it holds 10 rounds a time before it needs to be reloaded. That is fewer than many if not most of the .22 rifles that most of us grew up with. And the Las Vegas shooter did use a bump stock that allows faster shooting if more inaccurate, but it still does not make a rifle fully automatic. The Parkland shooter did not use a bump stock.

In other words, if there had simply been a responsible armed adult able to get a bead on the Parkland shooter, he would not have had any opportunity to murder 17 people and injure others.

These are the facts that the kids need to be taught and to understand. The kids need to understand that an AR-15 as the Parkland shooter had is likely no different than their dad's or uncle's or whomever's deer rifle and no more dangerous. It is a rifle designed and manufactured for the purpose of hunting and pest control just like any other rifle commonly sold to the general public. It is only the design of it that makes it look somehow more sinister or dangerous.

THIS is what those kids should be taught along with the value of having biological fathers in the homes, reverence for life, respect for authority, flag, country, and encouraging religious faith whether or not all will be religious.

The AR-15 is not the problem. Cowardly law enforcement, absentee fathers, communities that encourage anger, violence separation, and lack of reverence for life along with soft targets is the problem. Push for practical and sensible laws that regulate how guns will be sold and used, but know what you're talking about before you march, protest, demonstrate for something that will do absolutely nothing to help and could very well make things worse.
While there is no comfort found in the arcane trivia about the name and history of the AR-15, the notion that this weapon is no more dangerous than any other rifle is simply wrong. The rounds fired from an AR-15 impact victims with nearly three to men's the force (measured in foot pounds per second) than another popular weapon, the Glock 9.

And while morals and flags and respect are important lessons to be taught, their absence are not the problem. Morals and flags and respect don't walk into a school or church or theater or college ncert venue and kill scores of people at a time.

I know that pro gun people love to lead the debate down a rabbit hole by talking about the technical aspects of various weaponry. Sometimes those folks will cite the minutiae of technical specifications then add that those who are not conversant in that minutiae are not informed enough to engage in debate. That is tantamount to saying if you don't know the legnth of the tacks an upholsterer used, you cannot comment on the comfort of the sofa. Another way of sidestepping the importance of the issue and dismissing their critics.

The AR-15 most commonly fires a .223 caliber bullet. A 9mm is the same as .320 caliber. The AR-15 shoots a no more deadly bullet than any other smaller game hunting rifles. Most guides would discourage a hunter for using an AR-15 to hunt something as large as say an elk though many do use them as deer rifles.

The problem is not the gun. Take away the AR-15 and you leave 200 other legal weapons that are just as deadly or more deadly than the AR-15.

This is what the kids need to understand instead of teaching them wrong facts. It is fine that they march, demonstrate, protest but they should be informed with accurate and useful information instead of a lot of nonsense that will not even address much less fix the problem.
On another thread I posited that as cultural problems (e.g. violent movies and video games) can be cited as a cause for gun violence, perhaps the very look of the AR-15 and similar weapons could be a contributing factor as well. These guns romanticize gum violence, unleashing the inner Rambo. Is it really necessary to style such weapons as combat weapons? But that is just a theory.

What the kids understand is they are being terrorized by gun violence in their schools, churches and neighborhoods. The technical aspects of the gun are just diversions, background noise that prevents any real action.

The kids are asking for universal background checks, just as the vast majority of Americans are. The kids are asking for the same legal restrictions on assault rifles as there on Thompson sub-machine guns.

No one's right to bear arms, right to self defense, defense of property would be infringed.

Pro-gun folks are eternal pessimists. They seem to see background checks as an inevitable slide to registration which leads only to confiscation. They seem to see the inability to have a weapon fitted out with a high capacity magazine and a semi-automatic firing system as tyranny because they will be defenseless against the hordes of criminals hell bent on coming to their house on a dark and stormy night.

What the kids are not saying is confiscate weapons.
I wonder why the gun lovers hold these kids in such bitter contempt. Could it be that the message these kids present is so eloquent and sincere and sensible?

Why don't the gun lovers fight fire with fire? All they have to do is wait until the next mass school shooting inevitably, sadly happens. Then step in and recruit several smart, personable kids who had to step over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Kids who slipped in puddles of blood on the classroom floor. Kids who were fired on and saw the doors of their classrooms turn into shards of broken wood. The kids who have been trained to run with their hands up or shelter in place. Find the kids who have had to attend a different funeral everyday for a week.

Then tell those kids to go forth and articulate the nobility and virtues of the semi-automatic firing system and high capacity magazines. Get them to make the case for more and more guns and why everyone absolutely must have one at hand 24 hours a day. Teach them to face the cameras and say that guns are benevolent objects of peace. Organize mass rallies and television appearances on their behalf.

That ought to do it! The right message for the right issue. It should be easy, right?

While I think some of our friends here are wrong when they resort to personal insults instead of addressing and challenging/rebutting/disputing your mostly civil and well thought out arguments here, you are resorting to emotional appeal in the absurd in this post. While both sides are no doubt sincere and passionate, neither, in my opinion, is constructive.

First we need everybody to be clear on one thing. Fully automatic or so-called assault rifles are not legally manufactured or sold in the USA to civilians period.

That AR on the AR-15 rifle does not mean automatic rifle or assault rifle. It is the anagram of ArmaLite Rifle, a company that made quality firearms in the 1950's and developed the first military versions of the automatic rifle, but later sold the patent to Colt who distributed it to many other manufacturers, none of which manufacture automatic or assault rifles for civilian use.

The AR-15 that the Parkland shooter used was a semi-automatic rifle meaning only that the empty cartridge did not have to be manually ejected but it happens automatically. Otherwise it is one trigger pull equals one bullet fired. And it holds 10 rounds a time before it needs to be reloaded. That is fewer than many if not most of the .22 rifles that most of us grew up with. And the Las Vegas shooter did use a bump stock that allows faster shooting if more inaccurate, but it still does not make a rifle fully automatic. The Parkland shooter did not use a bump stock.

In other words, if there had simply been a responsible armed adult able to get a bead on the Parkland shooter, he would not have had any opportunity to murder 17 people and injure others.

These are the facts that the kids need to be taught and to understand. The kids need to understand that an AR-15 as the Parkland shooter had is likely no different than their dad's or uncle's or whomever's deer rifle and no more dangerous. It is a rifle designed and manufactured for the purpose of hunting and pest control just like any other rifle commonly sold to the general public. It is only the design of it that makes it look somehow more sinister or dangerous.

THIS is what those kids should be taught along with the value of having biological fathers in the homes, reverence for life, respect for authority, flag, country, and encouraging religious faith whether or not all will be religious.

The AR-15 is not the problem. Cowardly law enforcement, absentee fathers, communities that encourage anger, violence separation, and lack of reverence for life along with soft targets is the problem. Push for practical and sensible laws that regulate how guns will be sold and used, but know what you're talking about before you march, protest, demonstrate for something that will do absolutely nothing to help and could very well make things worse.
While there is no comfort found in the arcane trivia about the name and history of the AR-15, the notion that this weapon is no more dangerous than any other rifle is simply wrong. The rounds fired from an AR-15 impact victims with nearly three to men's the force (measured in foot pounds per second) than another popular weapon, the Glock 9.

And while morals and flags and respect are important lessons to be taught, their absence are not the problem. Morals and flags and respect don't walk into a school or church or theater or college ncert venue and kill scores of people at a time.

I know that pro gun people love to lead the debate down a rabbit hole by talking about the technical aspects of various weaponry. Sometimes those folks will cite the minutiae of technical specifications then add that those who are not conversant in that minutiae are not informed enough to engage in debate. That is tantamount to saying if you don't know the legnth of the tacks an upholsterer used, you cannot comment on the comfort of the sofa. Another way of sidestepping the importance of the issue and dismissing their critics.

The AR-15 most commonly fires a .223 caliber bullet. A 9mm is the same as .320 caliber. The AR-15 shoots a no more deadly bullet than any other smaller game hunting rifles. Most guides would discourage a hunter for using an AR-15 to hunt something as large as say an elk though many do use them as deer rifles.

The problem is not the gun. Take away the AR-15 and you leave 200 other legal weapons that are just as deadly or more deadly than the AR-15.

This is what the kids need to understand instead of teaching them wrong facts. It is fine that they march, demonstrate, protest but they should be informed with accurate and useful information instead of a lot of nonsense that will not even address much less fix the problem.
On another thread I posited that as cultural problems (e.g. violent movies and video games) can be cited as a cause for gun violence, perhaps the very look of the AR-15 and similar weapons could be a contributing factor as well. These guns romanticize gum violence, unleashing the inner Rambo. Is it really necessary to style such weapons as combat weapons? But that is just a theory.

What the kids understand is they are being terrorized by gun violence in their schools, churches and neighborhoods. The technical aspects of the gun are just diversions, background noise that prevents any real action.

The kids are asking for universal background checks, just as the vast majority of Americans are. The kids are asking for the same legal restrictions on assault rifles as there on Thompson sub-machine guns.

No one's right to bear arms, right to self defense, defense of property would be infringed.

Pro-gun folks are eternal pessimists. They seem to see background checks as an inevitable slide to registration which leads only to confiscation. They seem to see the inability to have a weapon fitted out with a high capacity magazine and a semi-automatic firing system as tyranny because they will be defenseless against the hordes of criminals hell bent on coming to their house on a dark and stormy night.

What the kids are not saying is confiscate weapons.

That's not what I'm hearing. I don't know what news sources you are listening to.
Florida student Emma Gonzalez to lawmakers and gun advocates: 'We call BS' - CNN

As for the cultural change that I see as where the emphasis should be, I offered a discussion on this thread. Not one single person left of center was willing to even acknowledge that such was part of the problem:
CDZ - GUNS: a challenge to both liberals and conservatives
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Unkotare, post: 19590631,
Do you feel the same way about the rest of the Bill of Rights?

Not at all. I'm in agreement with Judge Scalia that gun rights are limited when it comes to weapons of war.

It's an NRA lie that an assault rifle ban information infringes in any American's SA right.
Unkotare, post: 19590631,
Do you feel the same way about the rest of the Bill of Rights?

Not at all. I'm in agreement with Judge Scalia that gun rights are limited when it comes to weapons of war.

It's an NRA lie that an assault rifle ban information infringes in any American's SA right.

So, if the government ‘only’ prohibited you from speaking about politics, that one type of limitation wouldn’t pose a threat to the First Amendment in general?
So, if the government ‘only’ prohibited you from speaking about politics, that one type of limitation wouldn’t pose a threat to the First Amendment in general?

I am not a type of weapon. Your argument is stupid it's not funny.

An assault rifle is a 'thing' it has no rights. I am an American citizen. I have a First Amendment right just like every other American citizen.

I dont have the right to shout fire in a theater when there is none. Just like you have the right to own a hunting rifle but not a firearm designed to be used in modern war.
So, if the government ‘only’ prohibited you from speaking about politics, that one type of limitation wouldn’t pose a threat to the First Amendment in general?

I am not a type of weapon. ...

Oh no? A firearm has no intention. It cannot have ill will. It cannot be mentally unstable. It cannot be evil. But you, potentially, could. Which is the real weapon?
Oh no? A firearm has no intention. It cannot have ill will. It cannot be mentally unstable. It cannot be evil. But you, potentially, could. Which is the real weapon?

So you realize your argument is stupid. And now followed up with more stupid.

Evil and mentally unstable people do use firearms and knives and cars to commit murder.

What is your point? Should we give them access through Walmart to the most powerful types of weapons used in modern warfare just because potentially evil people like you want to play with them,

If the potential for engaging in evil action is the same for you and me then my agreement that weapons of war should not be available to whoever wants one means, I must therefore surmise, that I am the least potential evil between the two of us.

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