Sooo, ghetto kids and Liberal wackos will storm the steps of D.C. on Saturday..huh?

Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

Not worried about kids with voices, it's the organizers with an agenda that worry me.
There's two bogeymen for every paranoid Conservative. Which one is it this time? George Soros or the Communist Party of America?

Says the far left drone pushing far left religious dogma.

More proof the far left is truly irony impaired!
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238, There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.


Hell, me boy, I offer to prove anything I have said if you are unable to use google. So, you ask for no proof, just make general statements of displeasure. I think you are just a normal cowardly con, me boy. Get up some nerve and ask a question. Or just go back and suck on your thumb.
Well then show how the NRA committed murder!

Wow. You are dishonest, eh me texas dipshit. Since I neither thought that the NRA nor said that the NRA committed murder, I will let you research that and get back to me. Really, dipshit. If I thought the NRA committed murder I would have told you. But the NRA just supports companies that make assault rifles. Which is not illegal. Immoral, yeah. And they simply lobby for gun and ammo companies, and provide talking points for people who can not reason. You know, me texas idiot. Like you.
What’s an assault rifle?
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

Not worried about kids with voices, it's the organizers with an agenda that worry me.
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

The far left religion that is in control of this movement is the problem, not the kids.

But the far left automatically assumes theses kids will vote (D).

When they have clearly said they do not care about party and will vote out any incumbent that does not do something.

So if anything you far left drones should be afraid of theses kids.
I reject your premise that these kids are merely pawns in a greater game of political chess. Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm not as cynical as you. I give the kids full credit.

But, then again, I know that, as usual, as a Liberal, I'm on the right side of history.

Every time there are calls for reform, the Conservatives provide the resistance. Women's rights? Conservative opposition. Civil rights? Conservative opposition. Gay rights? Conservative opposition. Earth Day? Conservative opposition.

And now gun law reform. Well, guess who opposes that?
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

The far left religion that is in control of this movement is the problem, not the kids.

But the far left automatically assumes theses kids will vote (D).

When they have clearly said they do not care about party and will vote out any incumbent that does not do something.

So if anything you far left drones should be afraid of theses kids.
I reject your premise that these kids are merely pawns in a greater game of political chess. Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm not as cynical as you. I give the kids full credit.

But, then again, I know that, as usual, as a Liberal, I'm on the right side of history.

Every time there are calls for reform, the Conservatives provide the resistance. Women's rights? Conservative opposition. Civil rights? Conservative opposition. Gay rights? Conservative opposition. Earth Day? Conservative opposition.

And now gun law reform. Well, guess who opposes that?
You can reject all you want, it just isn’t right
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

Not worried about kids with voices, it's the organizers with an agenda that worry me.
There's two bogeymen for every paranoid Conservative. Which one is it this time? George Soros or the Communist Party of America?

Says the far left drone pushing far left religious dogma.

More proof the far left is truly irony impaired!
Do you understand there are difference between political positions and religious dogma? I know the Taliban doesn't know the difference. Maybe it's extremists of any and all bents who don't understand it.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

The far left religion that is in control of this movement is the problem, not the kids.

But the far left automatically assumes theses kids will vote (D).

When they have clearly said they do not care about party and will vote out any incumbent that does not do something.

So if anything you far left drones should be afraid of theses kids.
I reject your premise that these kids are merely pawns in a greater game of political chess. Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm not as cynical as you. I give the kids full credit.

But, then again, I know that, as usual, as a Liberal, I'm on the right side of history.

Every time there are calls for reform, the Conservatives provide the resistance. Women's rights? Conservative opposition. Civil rights? Conservative opposition. Gay rights? Conservative opposition. Earth Day? Conservative opposition.

And now gun law reform. Well, guess who opposes that?
You can reject all you want, it just isn’t right
Any rhetorical port in a storm, eh?
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

Not worried about kids with voices, it's the organizers with an agenda that worry me.
There's two bogeymen for every paranoid Conservative. Which one is it this time? George Soros or the Communist Party of America?

Says the far left drone pushing far left religious dogma.

More proof the far left is truly irony impaired!
Do you understand there are difference between political positions and religious dogma? I know the Taliban doesn't know the difference. Maybe it's extremists of any and all bents who don't understand it.
And the left is religious dogma we know
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

The far left religion that is in control of this movement is the problem, not the kids.

But the far left automatically assumes theses kids will vote (D).

When they have clearly said they do not care about party and will vote out any incumbent that does not do something.

So if anything you far left drones should be afraid of theses kids.
I reject your premise that these kids are merely pawns in a greater game of political chess. Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm not as cynical as you. I give the kids full credit.

But, then again, I know that, as usual, as a Liberal, I'm on the right side of history.

Every time there are calls for reform, the Conservatives provide the resistance. Women's rights? Conservative opposition. Civil rights? Conservative opposition. Gay rights? Conservative opposition. Earth Day? Conservative opposition.

And now gun law reform. Well, guess who opposes that?
You can reject all you want, it just isn’t right
Any rhetorical port in a storm, eh?
Well you’re entitled to feel however you want, doesn’t change facts
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?
Why are you afraid of kids with voices?

The far left religion that is in control of this movement is the problem, not the kids.

But the far left automatically assumes theses kids will vote (D).

When they have clearly said they do not care about party and will vote out any incumbent that does not do something.

So if anything you far left drones should be afraid of theses kids.
I reject your premise that these kids are merely pawns in a greater game of political chess. Maybe I'm naive, maybe I'm not as cynical as you. I give the kids full credit.

But, then again, I know that, as usual, as a Liberal, I'm on the right side of history.

Every time there are calls for reform, the Conservatives provide the resistance. Women's rights? Conservative opposition. Civil rights? Conservative opposition. Gay rights? Conservative opposition. Earth Day? Conservative opposition.

And now gun law reform. Well, guess who opposes that?

I love that retarded catchphrase...”wrong side of history”
You wackos aren’t opposed to anything but good people getting ahead and white will champion all that is immoral, indecent, weird and’s what you do. You want nothing more than an anything goes, no boundaries type of koooks will always proclaim to be on the “right side of history”, when your people start to push for acceptance of pedophilia, incest and beastiality you’ll claim to be “on the right side of history” yet again.
Illegal wetbacks fucking over REAL Americans? Conservative opposition. Deranged men in dresses shitting next to little girls? Conservative opposition. Loss of constitutional rights? Conservative opposition.
You Liberals were all dropped on your heads and abused as children...I don’t give a fuck what anyone says.
Wow. You people are terrified of these kids.

That's hilarious.

They're terrified of anyone smarter than them.
Well since they’re so smart, what’s the solution? Tick tock

The elections. So don't worry about it. I here repubs have the whole thing under control.

You might want to learn the difference between "here" and "hear"....dumbass.

Wow. A composition helper. Damn. And I thought you had no use at all. Dipshit.
What is your going rate, me boy. Used to be starvation wages. Which seems to be more than you are worth..

BrokeLoser, post: 19565238, There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.


Hell, me boy, I offer to prove anything I have said if you are unable to use google. So, you ask for no proof, just make general statements of displeasure. I think you are just a normal cowardly con, me boy. Get up some nerve and ask a question. Or just go back and suck on your thumb.
Well then show how the NRA committed murder!

Wow. You are dishonest, eh me texas dipshit. Since I neither thought that the NRA nor said that the NRA committed murder, I will let you research that and get back to me. Really, dipshit. If I thought the NRA committed murder I would have told you. But the NRA just supports companies that make assault rifles. Which is not illegal. Immoral, yeah. And they simply lobby for gun and ammo companies, and provide talking points for people who can not reason. You know, me texas idiot. Like you.

You loony old have to upload this as your’re killing me with the retarded pirate shit...”me boy”!
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238,
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders..

There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.


Hell, me boy, I offer to prove anything I have said if you are unable to use google. So, you ask for no proof, just make general statements of displeasure. I think you are just a normal cowardly con, me boy. Get up some nerve and ask a question. Or just go back and suck on your thumb.

Correction...that is Donald's thumb.....
None. How did you conclude that by citing the constitution I was erasing rights?
sure you are if you are willing to sacrifice one then the others are as meaningless to you
Your right to bear arms, to defend your life and your property will not be infringed in the least if you have to undergo a thorough and universal background check.

Your right to bear arms is not an absolute. If it were, there would be no restriction on the type of arms you could bear. If the fully automatic firing system was deemed too dangerous to be on American street. If that firing system requires special restrictions to obtain, how can we see firing systems as dangerous to shoot up school kids?

Exactly how do plan to enforce your universal background checks, there about 400 million guns in circulation?


f the fully automatic firing system was deemed too dangerous to be on American street.

well actually that is not the standard the supreme court uses

it uses if it useful to the military or not



that was the question asked in miller

if millers shotgun was useful to the military

it was sent back to the lower courts to answer that question

never happened miller died
Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.


I will be glad to. Because, me boy, I never, ever lie. I am too old to keep track of lies. Unlike you, obviously.

Do you have a reply or are you just too stupid to know how to use the quote function? Oh, I see it's the later. Well not what we're clear on your system ignorance I'll address your lies.

Funny. I have nearly 40 years in enterprise computer experience, and you suggest I have system ignorance.
And, me boy, I never, ever lie. That is the provence of cons, like yourself.

I purchased an AR about a year ago because of the way it is configured allows me to easily change the sighting systems from day to night specific scopes. I shoot neither buckets, refrigerators or people. So why did I buy it? I'm very sure you being the all knowing one, can easily come up with an accurate truthful answer.
Simple. Very simple. As a con, you are fearful and you expect there may be some need for an ar to protect yourself. I choose a couple of shotguns, but do not live in fear. In my 70 years, I never knew a single person who needed an ar or any other gun for protection. And, I know a lot of people.f
Thats the most common. Quite simply self protection. But I have friends who feel they want them for other purposes, so you could tell me if you want. Though in truth, after hunting for over 50 years, I am much more prone to believe you are simply a NRA nut and value shooting an ar more than considering the saving in lives of hundreds of people, including kids, every year.

All that computer experience and you still haven't figured out if you post above the "
" you're not posting in your own quote box, but that of the person you're quoting. All that experience in computers and you seem to learned as little about them has you have guns.

Sorry it bothers you, me boy.

Also ARs don't kill hundreds of people every year but those kids and people that can't look away from their phone do. One here in TX killed 12 in one incident.
Having a hard time keeping on subject, me boy: We were talking about mass shootings.
The United States has more mass shootings -- and more people cumulatively killed or injured -- than the other 10 nations combined,
Semi-automatic rifles similar to the AR-15 have been used in high-profile and deadly mass shootings over the years in Aurora, Colo.; Roseburg, Ore.; San Bernadino, Calif.; Newtown, Conn.; Orlando; and in 2017, Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs, Texas, and the Florida High School Shootings.

The facts on mass shootings in the United States


So you have 8 incidents in 19 years with roughly 5,000,000 ARs in private hands. So lets do the math, that's 8 incident days compared to 34,675,000,000 AR ownership days which equals, hell I don't know what the percentage is because I can find a calculator with enough decimal places to calculate it. But statistically it's zero, so you want to take away my rights for a statistically zero chance that I or anyone else will misuse an AR on any given day. And you call that common sense, REALLY???????????????????????????

Last edited:
OKTexas, post: 19585119
But statistically it's zero, so you want to take away my rights for a statistically zero chance that I or anyone else will misuse an AR on any given day. And you call that common sense,

You dont have any rights to be taken away regarding this type of weapon. Your argument ihas been fraudulent. These kids a calling BS on those decades of NRA fraud. They have a right to live. If one AR15 is used to mass murder then its too many. There should be zero in private hands. Your 'Ownership Days' is a bogus variable as well. Fake stats.
OKTexas, post: 19585119
But statistically it's zero, so you want to take away my rights for a statistically zero chance that I or anyone else will misuse an AR on any given day. And you call that common sense,

You dont have any rights to be taken away regarding this type of weapon. Your argument ihas been fraudulent. These kids a calling BS on those decades of NRA fraud. They have a right to live. If one AR15 is used to mass murder then its too many. There should be zero in private hands. Your 'Ownership Days' is a bogus variable as well. Fake stats.

Feel free to prove my stats are fake, I didn't even count the AKs in private hands, if I had the number would have been much higher than 34.675 trillion. BTW selective editing within a quote box to alter the meaning is against posting rules.

OKTexas, post: 19585119
But statistically it's zero, so you want to take away my rights for a statistically zero chance that I or anyone else will misuse an AR on any given day. And you call that common sense,

You dont have any rights to be taken away regarding this type of weapon. Your argument ihas been fraudulent. These kids a calling BS on those decades of NRA fraud. They have a right to live. If one AR15 is used to mass murder then its too many. There should be zero in private hands. Your 'Ownership Days' is a bogus variable as well. Fake stats.
Please explain the "NRA fraud" you're referring to. Also, can't you use the same argument for banning contact sports and alcohol? Both of these kill a hell of a a lot more kids than school shootings ever will.
Minstrel, post: 19585662
Please explain the "NRA fraud" you're referring to. Also, can't you use the same argument for banning contact sports and alcohol? Both of these kill a hell of a a lot more kids than school shootings ever will.

The primary fraud is the citing of their Second Amendment rights being lost as the reason to keep and bear military assault style human killing weapons.

Another act fraud is claiming that any FEDERAL regulation of the 'well regulated militia' of which they must be assembled according to the SA, is a violation of their constitutional rights is more fraud.

Most victims in mass murder shootings are not willing participants in the NRA's sport.

Society can make a moral decision to drive sports out of existence, but it's not for lawmakers to decide on their own.

Banning assault rifles again is entirely a matter to be handled by our Congress. Specifically since it is the will of the majority and the Constitution gives we the people the power to protect ourselves from predatory corporations that would manufacture for proflit a needkess weapon that has become a danger to society,
OKTexas, post: 19585643
BTW selective editing within a quote box to alter the meaning is against posting rules.

I have altered no meaning. If you think I did explain it.

My previous post explains your fraudulent stats.

One mass shooting is too many, Ownership hours are meaningless.

You have no right to keep and bear an AR15, so your entire analysis is a fraud.
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
They told me if I voted for Trump our Constitutional freedoms would suffer.
And they were right!

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