Sooo, ghetto kids and Liberal wackos will storm the steps of D.C. on Saturday..huh?



Naomi Wadler Honors Black Girls Whose Stories ‘Don’t Make The Front Page’

Wow, what an impressive young lady.

These kids need to be marching on the DNC headquarters....and demand that they stop releasing violent gun offenders back into their neighborhoods...but since the racist democrats don't care about black lives, except every two years...this is a wasted effort....if they want to see what a gun free America would look like, especially their neighborhoods...they just need to look at Mexico.....where the police and military with their drug cartel allies murder innocent men, women and children in the 10s of thousands every year......because the people their are disarmed and helpless....

I have thought about that too.
--26 out of 27 of the most deadly mass shooters have come from homes where the biological father was absent. That is a statistic that no sane society should ignore.

--The police went to the Parkland shooters home because of disturbances 39 times. That is 39 times!!!! Wouldn't you think that would give people some pause for thought?

--The FBI KNEW Cruz was a problem and they totally dropped the ball. If they had not, he likely would never have made it to the school that day. Have any heads rolled? I haven't heard of it if they have.

--Cruz's temporary volunteer foster mom had to call police three times when he lived with her and she finally had to send him to live with other of his relatives. She knew he had bought the murder weapon and, during the waiting period, notified the Sheriff's office not to allow him to take possession. They told her they had no basis to deny him possession (after those 39 visits they made to the Cruz home.) There were many other warning signs as well.
Nikolas Cruz's Caretaker Claims She Warned Authorities That Parkland Suspect Was 'Ticking Time Bomb'

--An armed security guard was on the scene but he stayed outside with however many Sheriff's deputies, sheltered in place, and listening to the gunfire inside of the school. And they let Cruz walk right past them with other kids and leave the premises. How can anybody anywhere justify that?

And despite dangerous and unstable people out there, they still keep arresting them and then putting them back out on the street. Especially if they are illegal (which Cruz wasn't.)

So. . . .

Is any of that being addressed in today's demonstration in DC and around the country? Nope, it's all about the guns. Dumb.

Yes you are.
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238,
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders..

There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.
You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

California democrats passed a bill to let violent criminals out of prison early, the NRA fought against it...

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...

You never post facts, me boy. Never. You are a lying con troll, and you simply cut and paste NRA talking points. Dipshit.

I love it when the RW loons underestimate a growing movement. If many of them had their way....we would still have black and white bathrooms and separate schools. And many of them call themselves Christians.....

Imagine that, this growing movement is almost like your last growing movement.
View attachment 184425

Not at all, except in your little pea brain. No one can see the future, but this is huge in numbers, and simple in what they want. Just gun law changes. So, we will see if you can continue to hide behind the NRA.

Sure, not at all. The same organizers are working the same game, with a different message....dumbass.

Damn. And I thought my ass was so smart. Guess just smarter than you.
So, you make accusations, but have no proof. Makes you of no interest and no import at all, me con tool.
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238,
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders..

There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.

The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

what other rights are you willing to give up
None. How did you conclude that by citing the constitution I was erasing rights?
sure you are if you are willing to sacrifice one then the others are as meaningless to you
Your right to bear arms, to defend your life and your property will not be infringed in the least if you have to undergo a thorough and universal background check.

Your right to bear arms is not an absolute. If it were, there would be no restriction no on the type of arms you could bear. If the fully automatic firing system was deemed too dangerous to be on American streets, if that firing system requires special restrictions to obtain, how can we see firing systems as dangerous to shoot up school kids?

Yo Nosmo, you stupid miserable dingle berry

Our right to bear arms is an UNALIENABLE ABSOLUTE - an extra-constitutional natural right.

How many Jews would have passed Hitler's background check?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


So, where is your machine gun emplacement? Got any cannons? Did you know you can not buy a new fully automatic rifle? Did you know the gov can regulate gun rights when necessary, per the 2nd amendment? Were you aware that the 2nd can be modified, just as right wing supreme court judges have over the past few years/

So, your rights are not unalienable, and not absolute. Sorry me poor simple con. You loose.
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238,
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders..

There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.

I will be glad to. Because, me boy, I never, ever lie. I am too old to keep track of lies. Unlike you, obviously.

These kids need to be marching on the DNC headquarters....and demand that they stop releasing violent gun offenders back into their neighborhoods...but since the racist democrats don't care about black lives, except every two years...this is a wasted effort....if they want to see what a gun free America would look like, especially their neighborhoods...they just need to look at Mexico.....where the police and military with their drug cartel allies murder innocent men, women and children in the 10s of thousands every year......because the people their are disarmed and helpless....

I have thought about that too.
--26 out of 27 of the most deadly mass shooters have come from homes where the biological father was absent. That is a statistic that no sane society should ignore.

--The police went to the Parkland shooters home because of disturbances 39 times. That is 39 times!!!! Wouldn't you think that would give people some pause for thought?

--The FBI KNEW Cruz was a problem and they totally dropped the ball. If they had not, he likely would never have made it to the school that day. Have any heads rolled? I haven't heard of it if they have.

--Cruz's temporary volunteer foster mom had to call police three times when he lived with her and she finally had to send him to live with other of his relatives. She knew he had bought the murder weapon and, during the waiting period, notified the Sheriff's office not to allow him to take possession. They told her they had no basis to deny him possession (after those 39 visits they made to the Cruz home.) There were many other warning signs as well.
Nikolas Cruz's Caretaker Claims She Warned Authorities That Parkland Suspect Was 'Ticking Time Bomb'

--An armed security guard was on the scene but he stayed outside with however many Sheriff's deputies, sheltered in place, and listening to the gunfire inside of the school. And they let Cruz walk right past them with other kids and leave the premises. How can anybody anywhere justify that?

And despite dangerous and unstable people out there, they still keep arresting them and then putting them back out on the street. Especially if they are illegal (which Cruz wasn't.)

So. . . .

Is any of that being addressed in today's demonstration in DC and around the country? Nope, it's all about the guns. Dumb.

You don't get it.....they don't care. They don't want to solve the actual problem...they want to ban guns and they want to beat republicans at the ballot box....dead kids are simply a means to that end...if they cared, they would address single teenage mothers, and they would keep violent criminals in jail.....they don't care....

Wow. Stupid insults, me con troll. Unproven insults, and unprovable insults as you have leveled, make you lower than sewer slime.
For a person with integrity it would be too hard to live with yourself. So, obviously, you have no integrity.
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?

Not true for two reasons, me boy:
1. No one cares about con trolls like yourself.
2. You obviously do not know what your rights are.

Then, actually, there is 3. You are a con. And scientific studies have proven cons are afraid. In general, cons are cowards.
We know how to use my instead of me. So we’re smarter than you. We’re the ones fighting to keep Rights not the ones trying to give them away. So I guess we do know them. We aren’t really he ones begging the government to provide everything for us because we don’t have the confidence to do it ourselves. So who are the cowards.

Damn, and I thought you were he ones.
You thought? Hahahaha Hahahaha

These kids need to be marching on the DNC headquarters....and demand that they stop releasing violent gun offenders back into their neighborhoods...but since the racist democrats don't care about black lives, except every two years...this is a wasted effort....if they want to see what a gun free America would look like, especially their neighborhoods...they just need to look at Mexico.....where the police and military with their drug cartel allies murder innocent men, women and children in the 10s of thousands every year......because the people their are disarmed and helpless....

I have thought about that too.
--26 out of 27 of the most deadly mass shooters have come from homes where the biological father was absent. That is a statistic that no sane society should ignore.

Fact check your drivel. That is a provably untrue sentence from a bat shit crazy web site.

--The police went to the Parkland shooters home because of disturbances 39 times. That is 39 times!!!! Wouldn't you think that would give people some pause for thought?

--The FBI KNEW Cruz was a problem and they totally dropped the ball. If they had not, he likely would never have made it to the school that day. Have any heads rolled? I haven't heard of it if they have.
Here is the thing, grasshopper. There has to be a crime. Can you name what crime he was charged with??

--Cruz's temporary volunteer foster mom had to call police three times when he lived with her and she finally had to send him to live with other of his relatives. She knew he had bought the murder weapon and, during the waiting period, notified the Sheriff's office not to allow him to take possession. They told her they had no basis to deny him possession (after those 39 visits they made to the Cruz home.) There were many other warning signs as well.
Nikolas Cruz's Caretaker Claims She Warned Authorities That Parkland Suspect Was 'Ticking Time Bomb'
Bad dude, with issues. Got it.
--An armed security guard was on the scene but he stayed outside with however many Sheriff's deputies, sheltered in place, and listening to the gunfire inside of the school. And they let Cruz walk right past them with other kids and leave the premises. How can anybody anywhere justify that?

No one wanted to be killed when he was armed with an ar and they had sidearms. Normal.

And despite dangerous and unstable people out there, they still keep arresting them and then putting them back out on the street. Especially if they are illegal (which Cruz wasn't.)

Many are nut cases. But not subject to arrest. Though you have a simple mind, the issue is not simple.

So. . . .

Is any of that being addressed in today's demonstration in DC and around the country? Nope, it's all about the guns. Dumb.

Yes indeed. Because, me con troll, only removing the AR would have stopped the killing. Otherwise you need to put all potential killers in jail, which is illegal.
But since we can not keep the ar's away from the nut cases, then we should just accept the killings. Dipshit.
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238,
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders..

There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238,
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders..

There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.

He can’t!
Does your source prove otherwise?

My source? I have many, many sources on the subject. Most indicate that they are not anti gun. That, of course, is what the nra tells weak minded cons who want to believe such things. But they seem to be anti A
That’s quite broad...what specific “economics” are we talking about?
Free shit Econ?
The middle class and jobs, mostly for the middle class. Earnings for the middle class. Tax plans, and on and on. Based on your stupid question, way beyond you.
By the way, genius, there is no such thing as free shit economics.

Just come clean and I both know you’re on the Government nuts.
Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows Mexicrats can’t give two shits about the middle class...they’re all about the wetbacks and our lowest grade. You know this Loon. Pull your head from your ass, man up and admit it.
You, me boy, are boring the crap out of me. It is hard to try to continue a conversation with a congenital idiot like yourself. So, back to the pig sty with you, me poor con troll. Because pigs are about at your iq. Should make for lots of stupid drivel, me ignorant con tool.

When I’m outclassed I always try to pretend the other guy is ignorant...that’s my play as well.
I’d duck out and run away’re in over your head with me...I’ve exposed you and made you look like the foolish fuckin clown you are. Thanks for beat it....”me boy”!

You haven't done much except parrot your usual dumb alarmist talking points. Yawn. BTW: neither party is doing much these days to benefit the middle class in this country.
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238,
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders..

There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.


I will be glad to. Because, me boy, I never, ever lie. I am too old to keep track of lies. Unlike you, obviously.

Do you have a reply or are you just too stupid to know how to use the quote function? Oh, I see it's the later. Well not what we're clear on your system ignorance I'll address your lies.

I purchased an AR about a year ago because of the way it is configured allows me to easily change the sighting systems from day to night specific scopes. I shoot neither buckets, refrigerators or people. So why did I buy it? I'm very sure you being the all knowing one, can easily come up with an accurate truthful answer.

My source? I have many, many sources on the subject. Most indicate that they are not anti gun. That, of course, is what the nra tells weak minded cons who want to believe such things. But they seem to be anti A
The middle class and jobs, mostly for the middle class. Earnings for the middle class. Tax plans, and on and on. Based on your stupid question, way beyond you.
By the way, genius, there is no such thing as free shit economics.

Just come clean and I both know you’re on the Government nuts.
Anyone with an iQ over 12 knows Mexicrats can’t give two shits about the middle class...they’re all about the wetbacks and our lowest grade. You know this Loon. Pull your head from your ass, man up and admit it.
You, me boy, are boring the crap out of me. It is hard to try to continue a conversation with a congenital idiot like yourself. So, back to the pig sty with you, me poor con troll. Because pigs are about at your iq. Should make for lots of stupid drivel, me ignorant con tool.

When I’m outclassed I always try to pretend the other guy is ignorant...that’s my play as well.
I’d duck out and run away’re in over your head with me...I’ve exposed you and made you look like the foolish fuckin clown you are. Thanks for beat it....”me boy”!

You haven't done much except parrot your usual dumb alarmist talking points. Yawn. BTW: neither party is doing much these days to benefit the middle class in this country.

I haven’t “done much”? WTF does that even mean?
I’m not exactly here to “do much” that you Loons will approve of.
The GOP just gave tax cuts to the middle class, the GOP is protecting middle class industries through tariffs, the GOP wants to run wetbacks out of here to save middle class wages. WTF have you dirty Mexicrats done for anyone not a filthy illegal or a deranged man in a dress?
What about freedom of life liberty and not getting your ass blown off by a psycho?

That's easy....get rid of democrat gun free zones and the mass shooters won't attack schools.....we know this because the mass shooters we have captured state they attack gun free zones......

Florida school had an armed police man . Not gun free.

They had one guy for 2,000 students not including staff and multiple buildings on campus...and it was a democrat gun free zone so that normal, law abiding people had to leave their guns at home while the deputy stood outside while those kids were being killed.....

Actually, as you know, you are lying. It was not a democrat anything. It was a school that felt that they did not want guns in their school. In FLORIDA, dipshit. Which is generally pretty conservative.
So, what you do not understand was that there was a simple failure in controlling the situation. Bad planning and poor execution.
Now, since there were officers there with guns, that makes it a non-gun free zone. Just supposed pro's with guns instead of amateurs. Problem was, no one expected a mass shooting, and the cop was mixed up. In addition, he had a hand gun, and he knew someone was shooting a much more powerful semi auto gun. So, he took the decision to live. If he had advanced, he knew his chances were between slim and none.
Now, like you I am not an expert on the subject. But unlike you, I have read the writings of those that train professionals and who know what you have no clue of. And they say the obvious, to them. Putting teachers in with handguns (or any gun for that matter) will usually simply increase the casualty totals. A cop or two with no really serious training will also do little good. You need a couple of highly trained guards with the proper guns and communications well laid out. Otherwise, you just can not cope with a guy with a 30 round assault weapon and a bunch of filled clips shooting .223 ammo at high rates. Also, remember, most mass killers do not worry much about dying. The guards, and teachers, like the targets of the attack, have a a good deal of fear to deal with. And fear is one of the main reasons defenses fail.
I watched a 4 star general discussing the same thing on tv. He said the same things the trainers said, with a fair amount more description of the damage of a .223 versus a pistol. Basically, if you are going to protect a school, it will be expensive. And it will seldom be needed. And as such, it will likely be a line item expense that many schools will cut as they need revenue for other purposes.
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238,
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders..

There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.


I will be glad to. Because, me boy, I never, ever lie. I am too old to keep track of lies. Unlike you, obviously.

Do you have a reply or are you just too stupid to know how to use the quote function? Oh, I see it's the later. Well not what we're clear on your system ignorance I'll address your lies.

Funny. I have nearly 40 years in enterprise computer experience, and you suggest I have system ignorance.
And, me boy, I never, ever lie. That is the provence of cons, like yourself.

I purchased an AR about a year ago because of the way it is configured allows me to easily change the sighting systems from day to night specific scopes. I shoot neither buckets, refrigerators or people. So why did I buy it? I'm very sure you being the all knowing one, can easily come up with an accurate truthful answer.
Simple. Very simple. As a con, you are fearful and you expect there may be some need for an ar to protect yourself. I choose a couple of shotguns, but do not live in fear. In my 70 years, I never knew a single person who needed an ar or any other gun for protection. And, I know a lot of people.f
Thats the most common. Quite simply self protection. But I have friends who feel they want them for other purposes, so you could tell me if you want. Though in truth, after hunting for over 50 years, I am much more prone to believe you are simply a NRA nut and value shooting an ar more than considering the saving in lives of hundreds of people, including kids, every year.
BrokeLoser, post: 19565238, There is no constitutional right to play with semi-automatic assault rifles. It just does not exist. You accept there is no constitutional right to play with fully automatic assault rifles.

You don't get to decide where the line is drawn.

Seventy eight percent of American adults don't own firearms and are not and never will be obsessed with guns.

A larger majority for sure do not feel the need to play with assaukt rifles.

Only three percent of American adults own half the firearms. That three percent has to be the most obsessed.

Constitutional rights established by the founders will not be stripped due to raving maniacal paranoia by those who feel the need play with assault rifles.

I hunt and have a number of long guns and a couple pistols. I can tell you, the only real question is about assault weapons. Which, in my humble but correct opinion, have no useful purpose. Except shooting refrigerators and buicks in dumps. And mass shootings, in schools and other locations.
They need to be gone. Period.

Just keep proving how clueless you are troll. You have yet to back up a damn thing you've said.


I will be glad to. Because, me boy, I never, ever lie. I am too old to keep track of lies. Unlike you, obviously.

Do you have a reply or are you just too stupid to know how to use the quote function? Oh, I see it's the later. Well not what we're clear on your system ignorance I'll address your lies.

Funny. I have nearly 40 years in enterprise computer experience, and you suggest I have system ignorance.
And, me boy, I never, ever lie. That is the provence of cons, like yourself.

I purchased an AR about a year ago because of the way it is configured allows me to easily change the sighting systems from day to night specific scopes. I shoot neither buckets, refrigerators or people. So why did I buy it? I'm very sure you being the all knowing one, can easily come up with an accurate truthful answer.
Simple. Very simple. As a con, you are fearful and you expect there may be some need for an ar to protect yourself. I choose a couple of shotguns, but do not live in fear. In my 70 years, I never knew a single person who needed an ar or any other gun for protection. And, I know a lot of people.f
Thats the most common. Quite simply self protection. But I have friends who feel they want them for other purposes, so you could tell me if you want. Though in truth, after hunting for over 50 years, I am much more prone to believe you are simply a NRA nut and value shooting an ar more than considering the saving in lives of hundreds of people, including kids, every year.

All that computer experience and you still haven't figured out if you post above the "[/QUOTE]" you're not posting in your own quote box, but that of the person you're quoting. All that experience in computers and you seem to learned as little about them has you have guns.

Also ARs don't kill hundreds of people every year but those kids and people that can't look away from their phone do. One here in TX killed 12 in one incident.

BTW your little diatribe was far form accurate or truthful, so run along no know-thing troll.


None of your links disprove what I said about interstate sales, all MUST go through FFL dealers who conduct background checks.

Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


So who’s the new “face” of the DNC...the chick with the dick in VA or little wack-job Emma with a gender that is to be determined?
Broke down loser knows these kids are the future voters and they sure as hell won't be voting republican.

The ones that disagree with them sure as hell will be voting republican. They just don't have a few commie millionaires and billionaires to fund their multi-million dollar dog an pony shows.
Really, me boy, calling someone a commie is funny. Do you have proof any one is a commie, or is it simply another unsupportable attack?

Funny. You are saying that Repubs don't have much money, me boy. Who donates the most to candidates for gun issues, repubs or dems. Lets see:

Gun rights interests have given about $42 million to candidates, parties and outside spending groups since 1989, with 89 percent of the funds contributed to candidates and parties going to Republicans. The NRA has provided about $23 million of those funds.

During the 2016 election cycle, the NRA further opened its coffers to make $54.3 million in outside expenditures

Gun control interests, by comparison, have been a blip on the radar screen.

They've given $4.3 million since 1989; 96 percent of their contributions to parties and candidates have gone to Democrats.
Gun Rights vs Gun Control

So, there you go. No comparison. Are you that stupid, that you would suggest that more money goes to gun control than gun rights? You loose, big time.


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