Sooo, ghetto kids and Liberal wackos will storm the steps of D.C. on Saturday..huh?

And they refused to interview a kid that actually lost a family member, unlike any of the Douglas five. All this is pure commie propaganda..

You don't know what you are talking about and must have seen Judge Jeanine make that stupid claim.

Not only has the MSM ignored him, the commie organizers wouldn't allow him to speak at the rally. Just google "Hunter Pollack".

Wow. You people are terrified of these kids.

That's hilarious.
Whats terrifying is the fact that so many liberals in our media and halls of Congress and in our brain warped cities think these children are all knowing and worth listening to even though most of them couldn't tell you what the 1st amendment is.... Now that's scary!

LOL! The vast majority of those "children" are more well-informed, more articulate, and more well-spoken (not to mention, more well-behaved, polite, and civil), than the vast majority of posters on this message board.
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?

Never was granted by the framers, too have assault weapons or even for each person to have a gun, it was for state militias.
any weapon is an assault weapon. you should look up the definition. k?

A knife is an assault weapon. you know that right? or are you stupid?

Don't play ignorant with me.
You have no response! Go figure
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?

Never was granted by the framers, too have assault weapons or even for each person to have a gun, it was for state militias.

Link us to that statute in the Bill Of Rights please? Thanks in advance.

then they keep arms to keep the slaves in line.
So no link? Just nonsense? Go figure
LOL Fucking leftists....that's it throw rocks at someone who is shooting at you. Good gawd

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says

SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. - There’s a rocky controversy when it comes to school safety in one Pennsylvania County.

The superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District is in the spotlight after telling lawmakers in Harrisburg his students protect themselves against potential school shooters with rocks.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” said Dr. David Helsel, testifying to the House Education Committee last week in Harrisburg.

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says
Assault rocks! You can’t have those until you’re 21 if you buy them at Walmart, it’s considered ammo.
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
Change is coming. These young people are the voters of tomorrow.:113:
Where do you think I’m gonna go? LOL, foolery
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?


Naomi Wadler Honors Black Girls Whose Stories ‘Don’t Make The Front Page’

Wow, what an impressive young lady.

These kids need to be marching on the DNC headquarters....and demand that they stop releasing violent gun offenders back into their neighborhoods...but since the racist democrats don't care about black lives, except every two years...this is a wasted effort....if they want to see what a gun free America would look like, especially their neighborhoods...they just need to look at Mexico.....where the police and military with their drug cartel allies murder innocent men, women and children in the 10s of thousands every year......because the people their are disarmed and helpless....

I have thought about that too.
--26 out of 27 of the most deadly mass shooters have come from homes where the biological father was absent. That is a statistic that no sane society should ignore.

--The police went to the Parkland shooters home because of disturbances 39 times. That is 39 times!!!! Wouldn't you think that would give people some pause for thought?

--The FBI KNEW Cruz was a problem and they totally dropped the ball. If they had not, he likely would never have made it to the school that day. Have any heads rolled? I haven't heard of it if they have.

--Cruz's temporary volunteer foster mom had to call police three times when he lived with her and she finally had to send him to live with other of his relatives. She knew he had bought the murder weapon and, during the waiting period, notified the Sheriff's office not to allow him to take possession. They told her they had no basis to deny him possession (after those 39 visits they made to the Cruz home.) There were many other warning signs as well.
Nikolas Cruz's Caretaker Claims She Warned Authorities That Parkland Suspect Was 'Ticking Time Bomb'

--An armed security guard was on the scene but he stayed outside with however many Sheriff's deputies, sheltered in place, and listening to the gunfire inside of the school. And they let Cruz walk right past them with other kids and leave the premises. How can anybody anywhere justify that?

And despite dangerous and unstable people out there, they still keep arresting them and then putting them back out on the street. Especially if they are illegal (which Cruz wasn't.)

So. . . .

Is any of that being addressed in today's demonstration in DC and around the country? Nope, it's all about the guns. Dumb.
View attachment 184476
None of your links disprove what I said about interstate sales, all MUST go through FFL dealers who conduct background checks.

Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


So who’s the new “face” of the DNC...the chick with the dick in VA or little wack-job Emma with a gender that is to be determined?

You can take your pick - Minimally 75 kids from Parkland interviewed and all every bit as brilliant.

Don't watch - It'll trigger you Bigly :)

Only LefTards get all giddy when unwise children speak about shit they know nothing about...sane, logical, wise, intelligent adults just laugh inside.

No leftards, but lots of adults with working minds. No one is giddy. And it is not the unwise children. Because they do know what they are talking about, since they were there being shot, or shot at, or watching friends die, or waiting to be killed. There are wise adults, just not you or your con trolls, who simply insult the kids who are much more knowledgeable than you. But you do show that you are as low as sewer slime, because you insult the kids to try to make points that you can not make. Because, of course, you are wrong.
They will BEG Father Government to strip them of constitutional rights granted by our founders...they will beg to be protected from themselves and the very same lowlifes they stand shoulder to shoulder with....haha
Think about can’t make this shit up. Do we really need to wonder why nobody sane can take these Loons serious?
Change is coming. These young people are the voters of tomorrow.:113:
Oh yes and it’s going to be great when communism shows up. Always is.
That history escapes leftists
LOL Fucking leftists....that's it throw rocks at someone who is shooting at you. Good gawd

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says

SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. - There’s a rocky controversy when it comes to school safety in one Pennsylvania County.

The superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District is in the spotlight after telling lawmakers in Harrisburg his students protect themselves against potential school shooters with rocks.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” said Dr. David Helsel, testifying to the House Education Committee last week in Harrisburg.

Pennsylvania students will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says
Assault rocks! You can’t have those until you’re 21 if you buy them at Walmart, it’s considered ammo.

What happens when some daffy loon tells you to go after a shooter with a rock...

They should carry a rock the size of a grapefruit. And when a shooter shows up just beat yourself in the head with it chanting “I wish this was a gun” over and over until they get shot.

Yeah...the fact is if you go after a shooter with a rock you're likely going to die.

Then leftists wonder why we think they are freaking stupid

As an amendment to that for those proposing the students use rocks to defend themselves, that will work if a sociopathic terrorist comes in with intention to throw rocks. Meanwhile. . .

What’s the phrase? Don’t bring a rock to a gunfight? Right?

These kids need to be marching on the DNC headquarters....and demand that they stop releasing violent gun offenders back into their neighborhoods...but since the racist democrats don't care about black lives, except every two years...this is a wasted effort....if they want to see what a gun free America would look like, especially their neighborhoods...they just need to look at Mexico.....where the police and military with their drug cartel allies murder innocent men, women and children in the 10s of thousands every year......because the people their are disarmed and helpless....

I have thought about that too.
--26 out of 27 of the most deadly mass shooters have come from homes where the biological father was absent. That is a statistic that no sane society should ignore.

--The police went to the Parkland shooters home because of disturbances 39 times. That is 39 times!!!! Wouldn't you think that would give people some pause for thought?

--The FBI KNEW Cruz was a problem and they totally dropped the ball. If they had not, he likely would never have made it to the school that day. Have any heads rolled? I haven't heard of it if they have.

--Cruz's temporary volunteer foster mom had to call police three times when he lived with her and she finally had to send him to live with other of his relatives. She knew he had bought the murder weapon and, during the waiting period, notified the Sheriff's office not to allow him to take possession. They told her they had no basis to deny him possession (after those 39 visits they made to the Cruz home.) There were many other warning signs as well.
Nikolas Cruz's Caretaker Claims She Warned Authorities That Parkland Suspect Was 'Ticking Time Bomb'

--An armed security guard was on the scene but he stayed outside with however many Sheriff's deputies, sheltered in place, and listening to the gunfire inside of the school. And they let Cruz walk right past them with other kids and leave the premises. How can anybody anywhere justify that?

And despite dangerous and unstable people out there, they still keep arresting them and then putting them back out on the street. Especially if they are illegal (which Cruz wasn't.)

So. . . .

Is any of that being addressed in today's demonstration in DC and around the country? Nope, it's all about the guns. Dumb.
View attachment 184476
Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


So who’s the new “face” of the DNC...the chick with the dick in VA or little wack-job Emma with a gender that is to be determined?

You can take your pick - Minimally 75 kids from Parkland interviewed and all every bit as brilliant.

Don't watch - It'll trigger you Bigly :)

Only LefTards get all giddy when unwise children speak about shit they know nothing about...sane, logical, wise, intelligent adults just laugh inside.

No leftards, but lots of adults with working minds. No one is giddy. And it is not the unwise children. Because they do know what they are talking about, since they were there being shot, or shot at, or watching friends die, or waiting to be killed. There are wise adults, just not you or your con trolls, who simply insult the kids who are much more knowledgeable than you. But you do show that you are as low as sewer slime, because you insult the kids to try to make points that you can not make. Because, of course, you are wrong.
Those kids no nothing their experience didn’t educate them in civics
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?

Not true for two reasons, me boy:
1. No one cares about con trolls like yourself.
2. You obviously do not know what your rights are.

Then, actually, there is 3. You are a con. And scientific studies have proven cons are afraid. In general, cons are cowards.
Interstate Gun Sales
Federal law for interstate gun sales and other transfers – those occurring between two people who are not Federal Firearm Licensees (FFLs) who live in different states — is pretty straightforward. A person who is not an FFL cannot acquire a handgun from anyone – an FFL or any other person – who lives in another state. A person (the “transferee”) acquiring a long gun must do so through a licensed dealer (FFL). It can be an FFL in any state, the transfer must comply with the laws of the FFL’s and the transferee’s states.

Buying and Selling a Firearm: Online and Interstate Gun Sales | OutdoorHub

Your ignorance is so profound you are a waste of my time.

Up your game Gomer

Private Gun Sale Laws by State - FindLaw
Internet Gun Sales and Background Checks, Explained
Universal Background Checks | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

None of your links disprove what I said about interstate sales, all MUST go through FFL dealers who conduct background checks.

Like Emma, I call BS! ^ ^ ^


So who’s the new “face” of the DNC...the chick with the dick in VA or little wack-job Emma with a gender that is to be determined?

Wow. So thanks for telling everyone what a wack job you are. I mean, throwing insults is childish. But then, you are in fact much worse than childish. Thanks for clarifying what a low life you are.
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?

Not true for two reasons, me boy:
1. No one cares about con trolls like yourself.
2. You obviously do not know what your rights are.

Then, actually, there is 3. You are a con. And scientific studies have proven cons are afraid. In general, cons are cowards.
We know how to use my instead of me. So we’re smarter than you. We’re the ones fighting to keep Rights not the ones trying to give them away. So I guess we do know them. We aren’t really he ones begging the government to provide everything for us because we don’t have the confidence to do it ourselves. So who are the cowards.

These kids need to be marching on the DNC headquarters....and demand that they stop releasing violent gun offenders back into their neighborhoods...but since the racist democrats don't care about black lives, except every two years...this is a wasted effort....if they want to see what a gun free America would look like, especially their neighborhoods...they just need to look at Mexico.....where the police and military with their drug cartel allies murder innocent men, women and children in the 10s of thousands every year......because the people their are disarmed and helpless....

I have thought about that too.
--26 out of 27 of the most deadly mass shooters have come from homes where the biological father was absent. That is a statistic that no sane society should ignore.

Fact check your drivel. That is a provably untrue sentence from a bat shit crazy web site.

--The police went to the Parkland shooters home because of disturbances 39 times. That is 39 times!!!! Wouldn't you think that would give people some pause for thought?

--The FBI KNEW Cruz was a problem and they totally dropped the ball. If they had not, he likely would never have made it to the school that day. Have any heads rolled? I haven't heard of it if they have.
Here is the thing, grasshopper. There has to be a crime. Can you name what crime he was charged with??

--Cruz's temporary volunteer foster mom had to call police three times when he lived with her and she finally had to send him to live with other of his relatives. She knew he had bought the murder weapon and, during the waiting period, notified the Sheriff's office not to allow him to take possession. They told her they had no basis to deny him possession (after those 39 visits they made to the Cruz home.) There were many other warning signs as well.
Nikolas Cruz's Caretaker Claims She Warned Authorities That Parkland Suspect Was 'Ticking Time Bomb'
Bad dude, with issues. Got it.
--An armed security guard was on the scene but he stayed outside with however many Sheriff's deputies, sheltered in place, and listening to the gunfire inside of the school. And they let Cruz walk right past them with other kids and leave the premises. How can anybody anywhere justify that?

No one wanted to be killed when he was armed with an ar and they had sidearms. Normal.

And despite dangerous and unstable people out there, they still keep arresting them and then putting them back out on the street. Especially if they are illegal (which Cruz wasn't.)

Many are nut cases. But not subject to arrest. Though you have a simple mind, the issue is not simple.

So. . . .

Is any of that being addressed in today's demonstration in DC and around the country? Nope, it's all about the guns. Dumb.

Yes indeed. Because, me con troll, only removing the AR would have stopped the killing. Otherwise you need to put all potential killers in jail, which is illegal.
But since we can not keep the ar's away from the nut cases, then we should just accept the killings. Dipshit.
The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Is the government attempting to stop them? I must have missed that.
Your position seems to be that you support the parts of the constitution as you interpret it and would deny other parts of the constitution you disagree with.

If you want people to support your alleged 'right' to bear a military style weapon, you must also support the right of people to protest it.

There was once a time when noble people would say "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I will defend your right to say it."

Nobility is gone. Today people say "I have the right to bear any type of weapon I chose, and you should sit down, shit up and accept that."
Why are you afraid of my rights?

Not true for two reasons, me boy:
1. No one cares about con trolls like yourself.
2. You obviously do not know what your rights are.

Then, actually, there is 3. You are a con. And scientific studies have proven cons are afraid. In general, cons are cowards.
We know how to use my instead of me. So we’re smarter than you. We’re the ones fighting to keep Rights not the ones trying to give them away. So I guess we do know them. We aren’t really he ones begging the government to provide everything for us because we don’t have the confidence to do it ourselves. So who are the cowards.

Damn, and I thought you were he ones.

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