Soooo many idiotic threads with absolutely 0 substance to them. Obama has no record?

Put in place the infrastructure and systems that have kept us from being attacked on our own soil since 9/11. I realize to some people, protecting the citizens from fanatics that roam the world isn't a good thing, but it happens to be the number 1 responsibility of the President.

Yes and he also helped spend us into oblivian as well as grew the size of our govt significantly. Simply remembering the good is not the proper way to analyze his presidency.

Goverment spending under Obama has increased at its lowest rate for the past 70 years. So come back when you're in reality you retard

Were talking about Bush you incompetent baffoon. Lrn2read
I started a thread listing his accomplishments within the past few days. And since this one is just the usual suspects posting the usual slurs, I'm sure you can forgive my taking a pass on this one.

I started a thread listing his accomplishments within the past few days. And since this one is just the usual suspects posting the usual slurs, I'm sure you can forgive my taking a pass on this one.


Where's my drink damnit.
Yes and he also helped spend us into oblivian as well as grew the size of our govt significantly. Simply remembering the good is not the proper way to analyze his presidency.

Goverment spending under Obama has increased at its lowest rate for the past 70 years. So come back when you're in reality you retard

Were talking about Bush you incompetent baffoon. Lrn2read

He was confused because you two were saying Booosh did something that wasn't a catastrophe LOL...
The desperation of the threads by libs on here is thick. No discussions of his record. No pros or cons to his presidency. Just Romney hates....

Civil liberties
Children post birth

So we got it. Romney is evil incarnate. Thing is you have yet to prove Obama isn't. We know Obama is for giving away the kitchen table but what does he have to offer that he couldn't have accomplished in his first two years? The chances of him having a willing congress like that post 2012 is nill to none. So what's in it for America if he wins?

Well, America won't be run by the Evil Mormon Cult, which is all I care about.

The rest is managable.
The desperation of the threads by libs on here is thick. No discussions of his record. No pros or cons to his presidency. Just Romney hates....

Civil liberties
Children post birth

So we got it. Romney is evil incarnate. Thing is you have yet to prove Obama isn't. We know Obama is for giving away the kitchen table but what does he have to offer that he couldn't have accomplished in his first two years? The chances of him having a willing congress like that post 2012 is nill to none. So what's in it for America if he wins?

Start here:

What the heck has Obama done so far?

Once you go through that, come back and let me know. I have lots more.
The desperation of the threads by libs on here is thick. No discussions of his record. No pros or cons to his presidency. Just Romney hates....

Civil liberties
Children post birth

So we got it. Romney is evil incarnate. Thing is you have yet to prove Obama isn't. We know Obama is for giving away the kitchen table but what does he have to offer that he couldn't have accomplished in his first two years? The chances of him having a willing congress like that post 2012 is nill to none. So what's in it for America if he wins?

that's really funny.... no one says romney is evil incarnate except for rightwingers claiming that's what the "left" is saying.

as for the stupid threads... yeah, the rightwingnut loons really should stop spamming the board with them.

let me know when i hear a decent argument about why we should go back to the same failures who messed everything up in the first place.
We know Obama is for giving away the kitchen table but what does he have to offer that he couldn't have accomplished in his first two years? The chances of him having a willing congress like that post 2012 is nill to none. So what's in it for America if he wins?

More socialism, distribution of wealth, marxism, black theology, corrupt DOJ, war on oil, war on Christian values, war on the unborn, higher taxes, more out of control spending, second defrauding and illegal election of a non natural born citizen, possible total collapse of America as we know it.

(Feel free to add to the list.)

Just what the liberals want.

I don't want 4 more years of useless cliches from polerider.

Vote for anyone but Obama, please.
Romney is totally FOS. No plans to do anything about the debt, just cutting taxes on the bloated rich, destroying Medicare/aid, Health Reform, SS- more Pentagon spending, cutting regs on Wall St, pollution...BRILLIANT! MORE incompetent, dishonest screwing with the nonrich, the country and the world. Pub dupes!! LOL! Arrrrrggggghhhhh...

Shit.......tell me this guy isnt walking around these days with a red hot poker shoved far up his ass??? need a beer and a plan and probably a good vacation. Your level of angst these days is getting off the charts. Best buckle up your chinstrap s0n...........June is going to be one fucked up month for the far left. An appetizer for conservatives for November. And Ive been waiting a long time for this...............gonna be a hoot!!!:coffee:
I should clarify. When we say Obama has no record, we mean he has no good record.

Averted DEPRESSION, ended Iraq, got OBL, Gaddafi, Mubarak, Tunisia with NO USA casualties, ACA-best, most popular social program EVER,, most financial reform in decades, end of DADT, 30 months of growth despite total Pub noncooperation since 2/2010...- change the channel. You are brainwashed LOL

Prolonging a Recession isn't what I would call as good. There is no evidence that anything he did averted a depression. Bush ended Iraq years ago. Obama doesnt get to claim credit for implimenting Bush's Iraq plan. Nor does he get to claim credit for the Arab Spring which is destabilizing the region and putting it into the ands of radicals. How the heck is giving the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda power throughout the Middle East and Africa a good thing?

Seriously, you are making my point for me.

Quick civics lesson. The pres can't make a law, as he has no such power in our political structure. He can only try to convince. Congress can pass a bill and send it to the senate. The senate can then pass or not pass the bill. Problem is, for the past year plus, congress has been controlled by the repubs, who have passed no bills on to the senate that had any potential to improve the economy. Prior to that, the senate repubs filibustered any bills that had any chance of helping the economy. So, as usual, we have the bobble heads saying that it is the fault of the pres. They take no credit for the lack of improvement. But they love taking the political advantage for a poor economy. Political crap, and unamerican without question.
Averted DEPRESSION, ended Iraq, got OBL, Gaddafi, Mubarak, Tunisia with NO USA casualties, ACA-best, most popular social program EVER,, most financial reform in decades, end of DADT, 30 months of growth despite total Pub noncooperation since 2/2010...- change the channel. You are brainwashed LOL

Prolonging a Recession isn't what I would call as good. There is no evidence that anything he did averted a depression. Bush ended Iraq years ago. Obama doesnt get to claim credit for implimenting Bush's Iraq plan. Nor does he get to claim credit for the Arab Spring which is destabilizing the region and putting it into the ands of radicals. How the heck is giving the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda power throughout the Middle East and Africa a good thing?

Seriously, you are making my point for me.

Quick civics lesson. The pres can't make a law, as he has no such power in our political structure. He can only try to convince. Congress can pass a bill and send it to the senate. The senate can then pass or not pass the bill. Problem is, for the past year plus, congress has been controlled by the repubs, who have passed no bills on to the senate that had any potential to improve the economy. Prior to that, the senate repubs filibustered any bills that had any chance of helping the economy. So, as usual, we have the bobble heads saying that it is the fault of the pres. They take no credit for the lack of improvement. But they love taking the political advantage for a poor economy. Political crap, and unamerican without question.

Nonsense, that is YOUR OPINION NOT FACT. And congress is divided. It's not controlled by anyone. There are dozens upon dozens of bills in Harry Reid's trash bin that were passed to him from the house. Many with democratic votes.
Prolonging a Recession isn't what I would call as good. There is no evidence that anything he did averted a depression. Bush ended Iraq years ago. Obama doesnt get to claim credit for implimenting Bush's Iraq plan. Nor does he get to claim credit for the Arab Spring which is destabilizing the region and putting it into the ands of radicals. How the heck is giving the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda power throughout the Middle East and Africa a good thing?

Seriously, you are making my point for me.

Quick civics lesson. The pres can't make a law, as he has no such power in our political structure. He can only try to convince. Congress can pass a bill and send it to the senate. The senate can then pass or not pass the bill. Problem is, for the past year plus, congress has been controlled by the repubs, who have passed no bills on to the senate that had any potential to improve the economy. Prior to that, the senate repubs filibustered any bills that had any chance of helping the economy. So, as usual, we have the bobble heads saying that it is the fault of the pres. They take no credit for the lack of improvement. But they love taking the political advantage for a poor economy. Political crap, and unamerican without question.

Nonsense, that is YOUR OPINION NOT FACT. And congress is divided. It's not controlled by anyone. There are dozens upon dozens of bills in Harry Reid's trash bin that were passed to him from the house. Many with democratic votes.

You know bills that make it so corperations can dumb mercury in drinking water should be but in the trash can unless you are a republican who likes drinking mercury
Prolonging a Recession isn't what I would call as good. There is no evidence that anything he did averted a depression. Bush ended Iraq years ago. Obama doesnt get to claim credit for implimenting Bush's Iraq plan. Nor does he get to claim credit for the Arab Spring which is destabilizing the region and putting it into the ands of radicals. How the heck is giving the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda power throughout the Middle East and Africa a good thing?

Seriously, you are making my point for me.

Quick civics lesson. The pres can't make a law, as he has no such power in our political structure. He can only try to convince. Congress can pass a bill and send it to the senate. The senate can then pass or not pass the bill. Problem is, for the past year plus, congress has been controlled by the repubs, who have passed no bills on to the senate that had any potential to improve the economy. Prior to that, the senate repubs filibustered any bills that had any chance of helping the economy. So, as usual, we have the bobble heads saying that it is the fault of the pres. They take no credit for the lack of improvement. But they love taking the political advantage for a poor economy. Political crap, and unamerican without question.

Nonsense, that is YOUR OPINION NOT FACT. And congress is divided. It's not controlled by anyone. There are dozens upon dozens of bills in Harry Reid's trash bin that were passed to him from the house. Many with democratic votes.


What happened to the American Jobs Act?

Obstruction is not our friend, my friend.
Averted DEPRESSION, ended Iraq, got OBL, Gaddafi, Mubarak, Tunisia with NO USA casualties, ACA-best, most popular social program EVER,, most financial reform in decades, end of DADT, 30 months of growth despite total Pub noncooperation since 2/2010...- change the channel. You are brainwashed LOL

Prolonging a Recession isn't what I would call as good. There is no evidence that anything he did averted a depression. Bush ended Iraq years ago. Obama doesnt get to claim credit for implimenting Bush's Iraq plan. Nor does he get to claim credit for the Arab Spring which is destabilizing the region and putting it into the ands of radicals. How the heck is giving the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda power throughout the Middle East and Africa a good thing?

Seriously, you are making my point for me.

Quick civics lesson. The pres can't make a law, as he has no such power in our political structure. He can only try to convince. Congress can pass a bill and send it to the senate. The senate can then pass or not pass the bill. Problem is, for the past year plus, congress has been controlled by the repubs, who have passed no bills on to the senate that had any potential to improve the economy. Prior to that, the senate repubs filibustered any bills that had any chance of helping the economy. So, as usual, we have the bobble heads saying that it is the fault of the pres. They take no credit for the lack of improvement. But they love taking the political advantage for a poor economy. Political crap, and unamerican without question.

Well it appears our immediate past and current presidents don't know this. Our current president says he's going "around" congress to get what he wants with Executive Orders. While it may not be "law" it will stand as such until it is either challenged and defeated or repealed by the next POTUS.

And how do you know the House has sent bills that won't help over to the senate?? Have you read them all?? You know the one's Harry won't even bring to the floor for discussion.
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