Soros And Tik Tok

George Soros is an evil piece of s*** that obviously worked with the nazis.. If George Soros was a good person, then he wouldn't support democrats.
Why don't you just post this:
Soros is paying people to post pro Biden shit. He gave 5.5 million to Accelerate Action and 300K to Gen Z for Change. How many Soros Zombies do we have here?
Here a Soros there a Soros a Soros everywhere.

You must be a groupie.
James O'Keef Ordered To $100,000.00 To ACORN He Smeared, Conservative Media Yawns

Remember James O’Keefe?

That would be the same James O’Keefe who brought down community organizing and voter registration organization ACORN in his march to becoming a conservative icon for his alleged ‘good works’.

Matthew Phelan and Liz Farkas over at Wonkette have broken the story about the first bit of blowback resulting from O'Keefe's brand of 'journalism'.

It seems that the master of the cleverly edited—if highly deceptive—video reel is now being required to pay the sum of $100,000 to Juan Carlos Vera, a one time California employee of ACORN. Mr. Vera had been portrayed by O’Keefe as being a willing participant when O’Keefe and his accomplice, Hanna Giles, proposed smuggling young women into the United States to work as prostitutes.

While Mr. Vera had no idea he was being surreptitiously video taped—which is not surprising given that California law expressly bars the secret recording of one’s voice or image—there was also something Mr. O’Keefe did not know until after he released the damaging video of his conversation with Vera for broadcast.

I did not LIE PH. You just willing choose to ignore the truth.

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