Soros And Tik Tok

see, again you're a parroting puppet; I've criticized the Kochs here as well. You're just stupid and clueless, like all ideologues are, and can't respond rationally to anything, you need a peer group to cling to and do your thinking for you.
How about the billionaires who have bought supreme court justices?
Democrats are not beholden to their constituents. They serve the WEF who runs their vote harvesting opepatience.
So much like your NAZI predecessors.
View attachment 832623 So much like your NAZI predecessors.
I'm a right winger. Nazis are national socialist. They are disgusting.

The WEF has converted most democrats into censorship loving Nazis. Soros is your master. He pays the bills and calls the shots in the DNC.

You will eat bugs
You will own nothing
You will have 0 privacy
You will support all these policies.
Which ones? The ones you commies and deviants are terrified of?
News just broke today that justice Ginny Thomas was secretly attending Koch brothers donor events while the Koch’s had cases before the court.

Do you not keep up with news?
Soros is paying people to post pro Biden shit. He gave 5.5 million to Accelerate Action and 300K to Gen Z for Change. How many Soros Zombies do we have here?
Soros retired and turned over the business to his son. So he's now retired so he can push dictatorial communism on the USA? hmmm
That's what having billions can do, when you spend it on 'think tanks', media shills, and grooming you morons.
Don't forget, Merrick Garland has been spared the question also of WHO provided pallets of bricks to the protestors during the 2020 riots ? In fact I can't believe how that question isn't top priority for Garlands DOJ and the FBI.

And also how about the question of did government employees like Kamala Harris aid and abed anarchy by helping rioters get out of jail on bond after reeking havoc on the streets of America in which she swore and oath to protect those streets and citizens from criminal behaviors and activities ?
Soros retired and turned over the business to his son. So he's now retired so he can push dictatorial communism on the USA? hmmm
IMO George Soros should be brought in for questioning before Congress, and grilled for everything he's been involved in for decades now. That hearing should be prepared immediately by Congress. The man might actually be an enemy of this country working from within. This needs to be known ASAP.

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