Soros/Funded Media Matters


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Lets keep an eye on da left-wing media...:eusa_shifty:

Media Matters’ Mission to Bury Benghazi

November 13, 2013 By Joseph Klein


The George Soros-funded left-wing propaganda mill known as Media Matters continues its campaign to whitewash the Obama administration’s Benghazi failures and cover-up. Media Matters has seized on CBS’s retraction of its October 27, 2013 60 Minutes story on the Benghazi attacks to discredit anyone who dares question the Obama administration’s actions leading up to, during and following September 11, 2012, when four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, were killed.


Media Matters is now crowing over how Lara Logan and her employer CBS were forced to eat crow. The episode, Media Matters wants us to believe, proves its contention all along that any criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi matter amounts to nothing more than a “right-wing hoax.” For this reason, it had made the debunking of the 60 Minutes story, in its own words, “priority one, priority two, and priority three.”

Here’s the problem for Media Matters and its fellow left-wing revisionists.


The Obama administration owes the American people, and especially the families of the murdered Americans, the truth about what really happened in Benghazi and why. Media Matters’ dismissal of all criticism of the Obama administration’s gross mishandling of the Benghazi matter as a “hoax” is itself a cruel hoax that is insulting to those families.

Media Matters? Mission to Bury Benghazi | FrontPage Magazine

Soros owns andcontrols Think Progress too.

GEORGE SOROS: everything you want to know about the anti/American...

Multi-billionaire funder of leftwing causes and groups
Founder of the Open Society Institute
The prime mover behind the Democratic "Shadow Party" network

See also: Guide to the George Soros Network

Organizations Funded by George Soros and his Open Society Institute

The Shared Agendas of George Soros and Barack Obama

Open Society Institute Democracy Alliance Shadow Party

---> George Soros - Discover the Networks

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Well the lefty slime had to do something because the popularity of Fox, Rush, Hannity, etc. is sooo unfair to their twisted way of thinking. And the fact that they appeal to the low information dopes makes spreading the propaganda a breeze.

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