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Soros - Moveon Threatens Congress

Soros is last I heard one of if not the wealthiest man in the world. That can buy a lot of politics. MoveOn. must believe it has some clout or it would not make such a brazen threat, and it was to the arrogance and premise of the threat I responded to.

Going back to the bigger picture of my argument, our representatives are voted for by US to do what it best for US and this Nation, not cater to special interests who keep the coffers full.

I cannot disagree with a word of that. I only would offer up the fact that the collective membeship of the AMerican Bar Association is a hell of a lot wealthier than George Soros.
those who would seek to make abortion the equivalent to murder in all instances.

Examples, please - of both the persons and their place under the Republican tent. Seems to me, they've had little effect on Party goals or policy - whoever they are.

maineman said:
Plus.... Strom Thurmond

A Dixiecrat, I believe, when he was advocating segregation. You're all confused, man; think, "Party of Lincoln".

maineman said:
Trent Lott

Thrown to the dogs. You're confused again; it is the Democrats who defend their idiots, right or wrong.

maineman said:
Charles Pickering racists....

"Racist" is a pretty severe term to throw around, just because someone is disliked by liberal constituent groups.
However, Pickering's nomination was supported by several past leaders of the NAACP in Mississippi. One of his strongest supporters was Charles Evers, brother of slain civil rights leader Medgar Evers. - Wikipedia

Racist, indeed!
those who would seek to make abortion the equivalent to murder in all instances.

Plus.... Strom Thurmond/Trent Lott/Charles Pickering racists.... they all enjoy a place - in some cases, a place of honor - under the republican tent.

Shame on you. Trent Lott's comments were SO misconstrued it wasn't even funny.

Are you saying one time racists like Strom Thurmond couldn't change their points of view with education? He WAS a product of his environment, and representing his consituents.

My point is, How can Robert Byrd be a "former" racist, while Republicans who ever were still are?
Examples, please - of both the persons and their place under the Republican tent. Seems to me, they've had little effect on Party goals or policy - whoever they are.

and that means they are not welcome under the tent? If the county committee meeting of the republican party meets in city hall, do they ask racists and strict anti-abortionist to leave? do they tell them they are not welcome? Come ON....I acknowledged that the hard right wing did not call the shots for the republican party, but they are certainly not shunned and asked to leave the gathering...anymore than aging hippies and man hating dykes are asked to leave MY party's tent

A Dixiecrat, I believe, when he was advocating segregation. You're all confused, man; think, "Party of Lincoln".

The party of Lincoln used to be the party of black america.... every black american used to vote republican. now, nearly every black american votes democratic..... why IS that?

Thrown to the dogs. You're confused again; it is the Democrats who defend their idiots, right or wrong.

thrown to the dogs? Who IS the senate minority whip?

"Racist" is a pretty severe term to throw around, just because someone is disliked by liberal constituent groups.
if the shoe fits
and that means they are not welcome under the tent? If the county committee meeting of the republican party meets in city hall, do they ask racists and strict anti-abortionist to leave?

THIS you compare to the power and influence enjoyed by MoveOn???!!!

maineman said:
The party of Lincoln used to be the party of black america.... every black american used to vote republican. now, nearly every black american votes democratic..... why IS that?

Why, it means that all Republicans are racists, of course. Sheesh - don't you even read your own party literature?

maineman said:
thrown to the dogs? Who IS the senate minority whip?

Lott will never wield any meaningful power in the Republican Party again. That must be confusing to Lott - when he looks across the aisle and sees scandal and disgrace as the surest paths to success.

maineman said:
if the shoe fits

Perhaps you should explain - to Charles Evers - the error of his ways.
those who would seek to make abortion the equivalent to murder in all instances.

Plus.... Strom Thurmond/Trent Lott/Charles Pickering racists.... they all enjoy a place - in some cases, a place of honor - under the republican tent.

Well how isnt abortion equivalent to murder in all instances... And if being able to see that killing a baby is murder is far right, then I guess 90% of the republican party is extreme right...

Ten years ago I was a democrat... Now I being labeled right a wing extremest by baby killers...

I'm one of your grass roots shop stewards by the way... I abandoned your party because its saturated with a bunch of fools that cant see the forest through the trees...

And what the heck do pro life republicans have to do with moveon.org and its democratic party support
Gunny...I am telling ya.... my party is run by school board moms...and teachers and union shop stewards.... not moveon.org.

I will admit that the far left has a place under our tent....just like the far right wing has a place under the republican tent..... but they do NOT call the shots. I am there.... at the monthly county committee meetings...watching my party operate at the grass roots level and I am telling you you are mistaken.

And I KNOW that you are not beholden to Rush or Sean for your thoughts...but many who are claiming to understand the power of Soros are.

sounds to me Soros is making his point clear they won't get his money unless they do what he tells them to do.. Soros has owned Dem's for years.. nice to see the truth of his owning them is finally coming out
since bailing, you have lost your ability -and your right - to claim to know who drives the democratic bus. I am in the trenches in the county committee and I KNOW who drives the bus....Soros does NOT drive the bus.... regardless of the Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity spinmeisters who proclaim otherwise.

liberal spin again I see...

Soros gave $10 million to the democratic party in 2004!
so what..how much do trial lawyers give to democratic candidates? how much do labor unions give to democratic candidates? a lot more than Soros does. to suggest that Soros owns the democratic party is laughable.
so what..how much do trial lawyers give to democratic candidates? how much do labor unions give to democratic candidates? a lot more than Soros does. to suggest that Soros owns the democratic party is laughable.

Soros is bankrolling alot of Dems programs - Dems do not want to lose the money

When Soros speaks - Dems kiss his ass
And what the heck do pro life republicans have to do with moveon.org and its democratic party support

you need to follow the thread of the conversation and not hop in midstream and act like you have a fucking clue about what is being discussed. That is MY suggestion.
Soros is bankrolling alot of Dems programs - Dems do not want to lose the money

When Soros speaks - Dems kiss his ass

of course democrats don't WANT to lose any money...but they aren't beholden to Soros.

Re: ass kissing. as a democratic county committee member, I know that is incorrect. Nobody kisses Soros' ass, except Mrs. Soros, I would imagine.
of course democrats don't WANT to lose any money...but they aren't beholden to Soros.

Re: ass kissing. as a democratic county committee member, I know that is incorrect. Nobody kisses Soros' ass, except Mrs. Soros, I would imagine.

Soros bankrolls many kook left websites as well

does media matters mean anything to you?

It is controlled by a Soros company

Alot of money is raised there - Dems are held by Soros's strings
Soros has set up a complicated political operation designed to do two things: buy influence among some liberal politicians, and smear people with whom he disagrees.

Now here's a chart of how Soros and a few other wealthy radicals who help him are funneling money into the political process. Stay with me on this. Most of Soros' political money flows through his Open Society Institute. You see it there on the left, which is almost unlimited funding.

Since 2001, according to federal documents, the Open Society Institute has given nearly $20 million to the Tides Foundation right below that. An astounding amount.

Now Tides, in turn, funnels the money to a variety of radical hatchet men who are all well paid. For example, Tides has donated millions to the vile propaganda outfit Media Matters, which specializes in distorting comments made by politicians, pundits, and media people. Media Matters is an Internet site, but directly feeds its propaganda to some mainstream media people including elements at NBC News, columnist Frank Rich and Paul Krugman at The New York Times, columnist Jonathan Alter at Newsweek, and Bill Moyers at PBS. — In fact, as president of the Shoeman Center Foundation, Moyers oversaw at least a $500,000 transfer of money to Media Matters

There is alot of money flowing to libs MM - money they have to have
and I am telling you that the left wing of the democratic party is one source of money for the party...just like the right wing of the republican party.

and I do not pretend to tell you who controls your party...because, clearly, I have no first hand knowledge.

I can, however, tell you who calls the shots in MY party and it is NOT the left wing. It is the middle. It is labor unions and lawyers and teachers....it is not George Soros.
and I am telling you that the left wing of the democratic party is one source of money for the party...just like the right wing of the republican party.

and I do not pretend to tell you who controls your party...because, clearly, I have no first hand knowledge.

I can, however, tell you who calls the shots in MY party and it is NOT the left wing. It is the middle. It is labor unions and lawyers and teachers....it is not George Soros.

Soros funds so many different liberal groups and has even the NY Times is worried over the influence he has

I hope he continues, it will show the voters the Dem party has handed over the car keys to the kook left
This is all so simple. A wealthy organization donates to a political party. The political party starts to move in a direction that the donor does not like. The donor threatens to withhold donation. This is all that it amounts to.

If the Republicans start to advocate more restrictions on gun ownership, it might lose some support from the NRA. The same principal applies.

Anyway, the Democrats have a choice to make. Make concessions to Bush and possibly lose support from move.on and Soros / or stand firm and continue to receive support from move.on and Soros.

That is all that there is to it.

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