Sorry but the economy is starting to move

Mrs. Clean and I went to Chatanooga over the weekend to attend a niece's wedding.

The airports were packed, each flight we took was full to capacity, the hotels were fully booked and the restaurants all had lines to get in.

If this recession that we keep hearing about is so awful, and nobody's working, where are all these people getting the money to travel?
Remember its OK that your country is healing from the wounds it recieved under historically falied ideas.

Sorry but I don't see this country healing from the failed New Deal policies any time soon, TM.

Maybe you need to study the history of recession in this country.

You see just having an opinion you feel comfy with is not a good exchange for an opinion based on facts.

The corps are in a position that they need to hire to increase profits.

They wont hold back hiring to benifit the right leaning politicians for much longer.

Remember they really only care about profits and they will toss the right under the bus to make more money.
The right doesnt have a chance in hell when the hiring begins.

I bet there are alot of right wingers praying we dont recover soon.
From, at this point the DOW is down 125 points so it might be tad early to start the celebration.

Core consumer prices increased in May at their hottest pace in nearly three years, putting further pressure on cash-strapped consumers and adding to the headaches of the Federal Reserve.

The Labor Department said Wednesday U.S. consumer prices rose 0.2% last month, doubling forecasts from economists for a rise of 0.1%.

The increase was led by higher prices for new vehicles, which saw their prices jump 1.1%, food and housing.

When volatile food and energy costs are removed, consumer prices grew by 0.3%, exceeding forecasts from economists for a rise of 0.2%. That marks the largest monthly gain since July 2008, two months before the implosion of investment bank Lehman Brothers that helped crater the economy.

The government said consumer prices jumped 3.6% year-over-year, exceeding estimates for 3.4% and good for the largest increase since October 2008 when they climbed 3.7%. Core prices gained 1.5%, compared with forecasts for 1.4%.

The hotter-than-expected inflation data combined with a dreary report that showed manufacturing activity in New York State unexpectedly contracted in June to send U.S. stock futures tumbling more than 100 points into the red Wednesday morning.The inflation report underscores the Fed's limited options in injecting new stimulus into a U.S. economic recovery that may have stalled out in recent months. That’s because further quantitative easing may only increase the pressure on inflation.
Whos celebrating ?

Im telling you that things are starting to move and that the coprs will need to hire soon to see profits.

They cut to the bone.

Put all the work on their bare bones employee crews.

Productivity soared and now it has reached its peak.

They have bought new equipment in a plan to do more business.

Now they have new equipment( they bought that somewhere and that somewhere hired people to build it right?).

They have too few employees to handle the new equipment.

They will need to hire people to run, repair said new equipment and will need someone to help sell , package and distribute whatever this new equipment produces huh?

They will not wait a year and a half for you to elect republicans.

They are going to start hiring and things are going to be better by election day.

Then what will you do?
Maybe you need to study the history of recession in this country.

You see just having an opinion you feel comfy with is not a good exchange for an opinion based on facts.

No thanks, I've got better things to do, like pick my nose.

Ideology trumps everything where I come from, philosophically.

The corps are in a position that they need to hire to increase profits. They wont hold back hiring to benifit the right leaning politicians for much longer.

Gee, so why is the 3rd largest Gas/Electric Utility company in the United States CUTTING 1200 non-union jobs right now and in a total hiring freeze for non-union positions? Their plan to raise profits is to cut costs, specifically the cost of employing people.

Remember they really only care about profits and they will toss the right under the bus to make more money.

You're right that they only care about profits, but the quickest way to increase those profits is to DECREASE overhead, not increase it.
Some people do think ideology trumps facts, those people are fools.

Because people are cutting back on things like electricity.
This doesnt mean things are not starting to move does it.

They have decreased overhead.

They have done all of that that they can and still exsist.

That is my point silly.

They went bare bones and then found profit in that.

They then bought new equipment and are ready for the next move.

You dont buy new equipment to just sit on it do you?
Some people do think ideology trumps facts, those people are fools.

Because people are cutting back on things like electricity.
This doesnt mean things are not starting to move does it.

They have decreased overhead.

They have done all of that that they can and still exsist.

That is my point silly.

They went bare bones and then found profit in that.

They then bought new equipment and are ready for the next move.

You dont buy new equipment to just sit on it do you?

Why are you allowing evil companies to keep this money in the first place?
Some people do think ideology trumps facts, those people are fools.

The line between Insanity and Genius is very slight, TM.

Because people are cutting back on things like electricity.
This doesnt mean things are not starting to move does it.

Actually, NO people are NOT cutting back on their electric usage. Utility companies are seing demand increase and profits soar in the last few years.

They have decreased overhead. They have done all of that that they can and still exsist. That is my point silly. They went bare bones and then found profit in that. They then bought new equipment and are ready for the next move.
You dont buy new equipment to just sit on it do you?

Except that not all of these companies ARE investing in new equipment or the like. In fact the company I work for has flat out told regulators.... "We will NOT do any maintenance work that isn't emergency in nature or which you have not allowed us to immediately recoup the cost of from rate payers."
Whos celebrating ?

Im telling you that things are starting to move and that the coprs will need to hire soon to see profits.

They cut to the bone.

Put all the work on their bare bones employee crews.

Productivity soared and now it has reached its peak.

They have bought new equipment in a plan to do more business.

Now they have new equipment( they bought that somewhere and that somewhere hired people to build it right?).

They have too few employees to handle the new equipment.

They will need to hire people to run, repair said new equipment and will need someone to help sell , package and distribute whatever this new equipment produces huh?

They will not wait a year and a half for you to elect republicans.

They are going to start hiring and things are going to be better by election day.

Then what will you do?

I think you might be overstating the case with respect to corps buying new equipment. It may be that they are replacing existing equipment so they can be more productive with the employees they have now. I don't think most businesses will hire significant numbers of new employees until permanent demand picks up and they have a firmer idea of labor costs. I don't see the latter happening until after Nov 2012.
CEO Confidence Survey | The Conference Board

The Conference Board Measure of CEO Confidence™, which had bounced back in the final quarter of 2010, improved further in the first quarter of 2011. The Measure now reads 67, up from 62 last quarter (a reading of more than 50 points reflects more positive than negative responses).

Says Lynn Franco, Director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center: “CEOs’ confidence has improved, yet again, and expectations are that the economy will continue to expand in the coming months. As for the employment outlook, CEOs are more bullish than last year, with half now saying they intend to ramp up hiring.”

read the writing on the wall.

They said they are going to start hiring because they think the time is right.

They are not going to forgo profits to help you win the elections.

Read um and weep
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The reports are always a month or two after the fact and the facts are that consumer spending is feeling the pinch of high food and energy prices. Sure people are gong on vacations and stuff but not to the extent they have in the past. The good news is the fall of gas prices but $3.60 is still hurting the economic recovery and food prices are not falling. These are 2 items we cannot live without. We may be in a perpetual state of slow growth/decline cycle for the foreseeable future. If fuel prices would drop another 50 cents and stay there it might break that cycle but I do not foresee $3 gas in the future. Too much unrest and speculation in the markets to allow that.
The people who do the hiring are saying the are going to hire folks.

More jobs more money in the economy more money in the economy more hiring and on and on and on.

Think of what the right will do when we come into Nov 2012 with an economy steaming along.

They are talking about hiring NOW , that is a year and a half of a growing economy you will not be able to deny.
The greatest fear of the right is now forming.

An economy that is doing well.

How sad to have to hope for American failure to win elections.

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