Sorry, College Grads, You’ll Probably Never Get Your Social Security Money

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Duh, been saying this for years. Bush recognized this and tried to do something, but the left screeched and hollered that the sky would come tumbling down because people would actually have more control over their own retirement and golly gee, we can't have that.

Over the last month, millions of students have been celebrating their college graduation. These students have been saving, studying, and looking forward toward to that moment for years. Now with graduation behind them, their next big investment could be a car, a house, or even open a portfolio for retirement. Unfortunately, a recent Pew poll found that only eight percent of millennials expect to receive full Social Security benefits when they retire. With a bleak postgraduate job climate, the prospects for government-backed retirement insurance may be even worse. The Social Security system in the U.S. is in financial ruin and requires structural changes in the form of private retirement account options to ensure Millennials receive benefits upon retirement.

Read more: Sorry, College Grads, You?ll Probably Never Get Your Social Security Money | The Daily Caller
Politicians say SS will keep paying out 15, 20, 30 etc. years. But will it?

You know about the Social Security Trust Fund, right? And how it's empty?

They keep telling us it's got oodles of money in it, and that that money will let SS stay solvent for 15 years, 20 years, 22 years, etc., depending on which politician is talking today. But in fact, it's got nothing but government IOUs in it.

All the money was taken out and spent on other non-SS programs years ago. And since SS expenditures exceeded revenues a year or two back, no more money is flowing into the Trust Fund, except that which is immediately taken out and spent the next day. Part of the National Debt is money the govt has "borrowed" from the SS Trust Fund and other such Funds it maintains.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Today the National Debt is about $17.5 trillion. Of that, $5 trillion is owed to the SS Trust Fund and other such funds. That's nearly 30% of the National Debt, owed to these Trust Funds.

That means that, in order for the SS Trust Fund and similar funds to actually keep paying what is owed to SS recipients, the money first has to be paid back into the Trust Funds by the government, and then paid out to SS recipients etc.

And if Social Security and the other programs are actually solvent and able to keep paying for the 20 years or whatever the current politicians are promising before it's emptied, that means that ALL the money owed to the trust funds, must be paid off within those 20 years, so it can be paid out to the recipients.

Have you heard of any plans by any of these politicians, to pay off nearly 30% of the National Debt within the next 20 years?

Neither have I.

They'll have to either balance the budget and start running a surplus, to pay off that 30% of the Debt, or they'll have to start borrowing a LOT more money from China or whomever is foolish enough to keep lending to someone who has no intention of ever paying it back. On top of the $trillions they've already borrowed.

Next time you hear some politician talk about how "solvent" Social Security is, ask him where the money is going to come from to pay off the recipients. Retirees who expect to draw out of SS the money they've been forced to pay in most of their lives. Drawing that money out of a Social Security Trust Fund that in fact is empty, except for a lot of government IOUs.
Politicians say SS will keep paying out 15, 20, 30 etc. years. But will it?

You know about the Social Security Trust Fund, right? And how it's empty?

They keep telling us it's got oodles of money in it, and that that money will let SS stay solvent for 15 years, 20 years, 22 years, etc., depending on which politician is talking today. But in fact, it's got nothing but government IOUs in it.

All the money was taken out and spent on other non-SS programs years ago. And since SS expenditures exceeded revenues a year or two back, no more money is flowing into the Trust Fund, except that which is immediately taken out and spent the next day. Part of the National Debt is money the govt has "borrowed" from the SS Trust Fund and other such Funds it maintains.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Today the National Debt is about $17.5 trillion. Of that, $5 trillion is owed to the SS Trust Fund and other such funds. That's nearly 30% of the National Debt, owed to these Trust Funds.

That means that, in order for the SS Trust Fund and similar funds to actually keep paying what is owed to SS recipients, the money first has to be paid back into the Trust Funds by the government, and then paid out to SS recipients etc.

And if Social Security and the other programs are actually solvent and able to keep paying for the 20 years or whatever the current politicians are promising before it's emptied, that means that ALL the money owed to the trust funds, must be paid off within those 20 years, so it can be paid out to the recipients.

Have you heard of any plans by any of these politicians, to pay off nearly 30% of the National Debt within the next 20 years?

Neither have I.

They'll have to either balance the budget and start running a surplus, to pay off that 30% of the Debt, or they'll have to start borrowing a LOT more money from China or whomever is foolish enough to keep lending to someone who has no intention of ever paying it back. On top of the $trillions they've already borrowed.

Next time you hear some politician talk about how "solvent" Social Security is, ask him where the money is going to come from to pay off the recipients. Retirees who expect to draw out of SS the money they've been forced to pay in most of their lives. Drawing that money out of a Social Security Trust Fund that in fact is empty, except for a lot of government IOUs.

No big deal. Your taxes will be raised to pay back Social Security all the money that was borrowed.
Duh, been saying this for years. Bush recognized this and tried to do something, but the left screeched and hollered that the sky would come tumbling down because people would actually have more control over their own retirement and golly gee, we can't have that.

Over the last month, millions of students have been celebrating their college graduation. These students have been saving, studying, and looking forward toward to that moment for years. Now with graduation behind them, their next big investment could be a car, a house, or even open a portfolio for retirement. Unfortunately, a recent Pew poll found that only eight percent of millennials expect to receive full Social Security benefits when they retire. With a bleak postgraduate job climate, the prospects for government-backed retirement insurance may be even worse. The Social Security system in the U.S. is in financial ruin and requires structural changes in the form of private retirement account options to ensure Millennials receive benefits upon retirement.

Read more: Sorry, College Grads, You?ll Probably Never Get Your Social Security Money | The Daily Caller

We fixed SS in 1983 when it was in far worse shape than it is now.
Duh, been saying this for years. Bush recognized this and tried to do something, but the left screeched and hollered that the sky would come tumbling down because people would actually have more control over their own retirement and golly gee, we can't have that.

Over the last month, millions of students have been celebrating their college graduation. These students have been saving, studying, and looking forward toward to that moment for years. Now with graduation behind them, their next big investment could be a car, a house, or even open a portfolio for retirement. Unfortunately, a recent Pew poll found that only eight percent of millennials expect to receive full Social Security benefits when they retire. With a bleak postgraduate job climate, the prospects for government-backed retirement insurance may be even worse. The Social Security system in the U.S. is in financial ruin and requires structural changes in the form of private retirement account options to ensure Millennials receive benefits upon retirement.

Read more: Sorry, College Grads, You?ll Probably Never Get Your Social Security Money | The Daily Caller
Every bit of that insert item is Chicken Little propaganda straight from the playbook of those finance industry entities with determined interest in privatizing Social Security and taking possession of its enormous trust fund.

The truth is Social Security is absolutely stable. It has been fulfilling its obligation flawlessly for the past 78 years and is reliably projected to do so for the next thirty years with no adjustment in eligibility age or a means test -- which, according to the System's trustees, is the worst possible adjustment scenario.
Bush's "solution" was to privatize Social Security. Let the rubes hand their money over to Wall Street so Wall Street can invest it in those wonderful CDOs and CDSs. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Moving Social Security from defined benefit to defined contribution is a Wall Street predatory wet dream.

The best and simplest solution is to index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population. Raise the eligibilty age to 70 now, then index to 9 percent of the population going forward.

When Social Security was enacted, only 5.4% of the American population was over 65. When Medicare was added in 1964, 9 percent of the population was over 65. Today, more than 13 percent of Americans are over 65. A larger and larger portion drawing from the fund with less and less contributing is an unsustainable track.

We are living longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer. Common sense.
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If SS had been in private hands in 2008 we'd all be in trouble. The Right has forecast doom for SS for as long as I can remember. Their problem is that they hate FDR.
SS should have been made an option for each tax payer.

And then when tens of millions of Americans get old and have squandared every penny they have, or had their retirement funds ripped off by frauds on Wall Street, what then?

SS should have been made an option for each tax payer.

And then when tens of millions of Americans get old and have squandared every penny they have, or had their retirement funds ripped off by frauds on Wall Street, what then?


Millions have squandered and gained before and after SS. Everyone should have a choice to opt in or out. I didn't say it should be trashed. It may be the right choice for some but it's not that difficult to obtain a higher rate of return through low risk ventures.
Duh, been saying this for years. Bush recognized this and tried to do something, but the left screeched and hollered that the sky would come tumbling down because people would actually have more control over their own retirement and golly gee, we can't have that.

Over the last month, millions of students have been celebrating their college graduation. These students have been saving, studying, and looking forward toward to that moment for years. Now with graduation behind them, their next big investment could be a car, a house, or even open a portfolio for retirement. Unfortunately, a recent Pew poll found that only eight percent of millennials expect to receive full Social Security benefits when they retire. With a bleak postgraduate job climate, the prospects for government-backed retirement insurance may be even worse. The Social Security system in the U.S. is in financial ruin and requires structural changes in the form of private retirement account options to ensure Millennials receive benefits upon retirement.

Read more: Sorry, College Grads, You?ll Probably Never Get Your Social Security Money | The Daily Caller

We just need to convince baby boomers to "cross over" to the next life about 6-10 years early and we'll be fine.

Offer tax benefits to their heirs.
The Millenials truly fucked themselves by voting for The Won.

Just sayin'.
There never was a Social Security "trust fund". Politicians can't stand to see money lying around so they stole from social security from the beginning. LBJ made it official when he ordered FICA taxes to be placed in the general fund.
Duh, been saying this for years. Bush recognized this and tried to do something, but the left screeched and hollered that the sky would come tumbling down because people would actually have more control over their own retirement and golly gee, we can't have that.

Over the last month, millions of students have been celebrating their college graduation. These students have been saving, studying, and looking forward toward to that moment for years. Now with graduation behind them, their next big investment could be a car, a house, or even open a portfolio for retirement. Unfortunately, a recent Pew poll found that only eight percent of millennials expect to receive full Social Security benefits when they retire. With a bleak postgraduate job climate, the prospects for government-backed retirement insurance may be even worse. The Social Security system in the U.S. is in financial ruin and requires structural changes in the form of private retirement account options to ensure Millennials receive benefits upon retirement.

Read more: Sorry, College Grads, You?ll Probably Never Get Your Social Security Money | The Daily Caller

We fixed SS in 1983 when it was in far worse shape than it is now.

No it wasn't. And they took the coward's way out. They raised the retirement age to 67, but made sure it would take 44 years to take full effect so most of them would be long dead!

The average life expectancy has outpaced their "fix".
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Actually there's no reason to worry. The war Our Kenyan President will bring about through his policies of "strength through weakness" will eliminate a majority of the population long before the money's gone.
Life expectancy in 1983: 74.6

Life expectancy in 2010: 78.7

Number of years the 1983 Congress raised SS eligibility age: 2

Number of years between 1983 and when SS eligibility age becomes 67: 44.

67 does not become the eligibility age until 2027.

Chickenshit idiot bastards.
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