Sorry Dems: Your impeachment party is over

READ?? I’ve written to Speaker Pelosi to halt the impeachment inquiry until we can receive public answers to the following questions. Given the enormity of the question at hand—impeaching a duly elected president—the American public deserves fairness and transparency.

Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) October 3, 2019

Sorry but McCarthy and several of the other republicans in the house and senate who like to flip back and forth on their support for TRUMP are idiots and were clearly warned by TRUMP that democrats don't play by the rules they want to hold republicans to. TRUMP tried to tell republicans when they were the majority to use whatever advantage they had to pass legislation but they were to worried about if they did how the democrats would respond when they had control. Let's just hope republicans have learned playing nice is a losing strategy.
READ?? I’ve written to Speaker Pelosi to halt the impeachment inquiry until we can receive public answers to the following questions. Given the enormity of the question at hand—impeaching a duly elected president—the American public deserves fairness and transparency.

Kevin McCarthy (@GOPLeader) October 3, 2019

Sorry but McCarthy and several of the other republicans in the house and senate who like to flip back and forth on their support for TRUMP are idiots and were clearly warned by TRUMP that democrats don't play by the rules they want to hold republicans to. TRUMP tried to tell republicans when they were the majority to use whatever advantage they had to pass legislation but they were to worried about if they did how the democrats would respond when they had control. Let's just hope republicans have learned playing nice is a losing strategy.

So asking foreign countries in which corrupt Americans have conducted business in to help investigate their corruption, is a bad thing?
American investigators debunked the colossal liar and his entire senior staff's conspiracy theories long ago. I give this admin E for effort, even if I give you D/S..D for dupe and S for hanging tightly onto the illusion of Christian Patriotic Divinity for whatever Trump is planning instead of seeing him as the snake in the garden. And when Rudy influenced the unstable idiot to fire the Ukrainian Ambassador griping about withholding Congressionally approved funds until an acceptable reversal of the already debunked investigation is notarized by Zelensky, I can't believe you concentrate on the lie and believe it. And now we can add Barr and Pompeo to the corruption squad.

What is going to happen to you, jgalt, when the wheels come off the wagon, when you can no longer shut your eyes and ears? I wish you well!
Sorry Dems: Your impeachment party is over

...and to top it all off, the President just sent Pelosi a letter stating that he will ignore their requests for documents. This just keeps getting better and better.

Or, as Obutthole would put it, Trump chose to exercise EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE!!!
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
Trump will be impeached.

And will still be President.

At least until January 20, 2021.

Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.
It's over.

“Not one thing [Volker] has said comports with any of the Democrats’ impeachment narrative, not one thing,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). He also complained that Democrats had refused to allow State Department lawyers to take part in the questioning.

In the late afternoon, another Republican pushed a similar narrative. Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York said Volker’s comments “blew a massive hole” through allegations that Trump sought a quid pro quo from Ukraine’s leader, without offering specifics.

Lawmakers meet with envoy who connected Giuliani with Ukraine officials

Not by a long shot, Forget Volker. Trump stood in the driveway today and not only admitted he wants Ukraine to investigate not only Biden but American investigators, then he added that he wanted the same from China and he has options if he doesn't get what he wants from them. So evidently even with you and a Republican Senate (for now) deep in his pocket (or somewhere nearby) he doesn't believe he can win an election without foreign 'investigations' giving him what he wants.
Tell us again how you want to 'return' to the good old Constitution of 1776. To the checks and balances our founders worked so hard to formulate so that no foreign entity or agents could disrupt this fledgling Democratic Republic they knew is fragile and could return to monarchy oroligarchy. How they termed the word emoluments to forbid influence foreign and domestic, how they empowered subpoena legislation and calls to testify before that body for questions of corruption. Wanna bet they never though the day would come when the President of the United States would bribe, extort or bully dirt on an opponent. Tells us again how important that document is to you for the survival of America for Americans while you defend the corruption called Trump.

So asking foreign countries in which corrupt Americans have conducted business in to help investigate their corruption, is a bad thing?

Never mind that the target of this corruption happens to be running for President. Or at least he was running for President.

Buh bye Joe. :21:

Why just Biden then?

I suppose it has nothing to do with the fact Biden is running for president. Just a coincidence.

Shine on you crazy diamond!
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
Trump will be impeached.

And will still be President.

At least until January 20, 2021.

Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
Trump will be impeached.

And will still be President.

At least until January 20, 2021.

Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
It's over.

“Not one thing [Volker] has said comports with any of the Democrats’ impeachment narrative, not one thing,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). He also complained that Democrats had refused to allow State Department lawyers to take part in the questioning.

In the late afternoon, another Republican pushed a similar narrative. Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York said Volker’s comments “blew a massive hole” through allegations that Trump sought a quid pro quo from Ukraine’s leader, without offering specifics.

Lawmakers meet with envoy who connected Giuliani with Ukraine officials

Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.
...and to top it all off, the President just sent Pelosi a letter stating that he will ignore their requests for documents. This just keeps getting better and better.

Or, as Obutthole would put it, Trump chose to exercise EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE!!!
Are you having gay fantasies about Obama? Please take them somewhere else.
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
Trump will be impeached.

And will still be President.

At least until January 20, 2021.

Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.

Awwwww. Poor baby. Having a hard time knowing that you believed in the guy and he’s let you down.

We told you that this would happen.
It's over.

“Not one thing [Volker] has said comports with any of the Democrats’ impeachment narrative, not one thing,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). He also complained that Democrats had refused to allow State Department lawyers to take part in the questioning.

In the late afternoon, another Republican pushed a similar narrative. Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York said Volker’s comments “blew a massive hole” through allegations that Trump sought a quid pro quo from Ukraine’s leader, without offering specifics.

Lawmakers meet with envoy who connected Giuliani with Ukraine officials

Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?
It's over.

“Not one thing [Volker] has said comports with any of the Democrats’ impeachment narrative, not one thing,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). He also complained that Democrats had refused to allow State Department lawyers to take part in the questioning.

In the late afternoon, another Republican pushed a similar narrative. Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York said Volker’s comments “blew a massive hole” through allegations that Trump sought a quid pro quo from Ukraine’s leader, without offering specifics.

Lawmakers meet with envoy who connected Giuliani with Ukraine officials

That party. was almost as short as Hillary's election celebration.
President Trump will be impeached. It’s a matter of when, not if. One side supports the principle of Congress serving as a check on the President and doing the job of over sight. The other side calls this a witch hunt and political posturing.

Guess what, no matter the option, the Democrats will have the votes to impeach. Why, because when push comes to shove the HoR could technically impeach a ham sandwich. Don’t get me wrong, the Senate can chuck that sandwich in the garbage, but they get it either way.
Sorry Dems: Your impeachment party is over

Love the Reagan quote, but in your case the unspoken addendum is: except when the lawbreaker is the President and his staff and his personal lawyer. Trump "accountable for his actions" in your eyes? Hah!

“We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

- Ronald Reagan
It's over.

“Not one thing [Volker] has said comports with any of the Democrats’ impeachment narrative, not one thing,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). He also complained that Democrats had refused to allow State Department lawyers to take part in the questioning.

In the late afternoon, another Republican pushed a similar narrative. Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York said Volker’s comments “blew a massive hole” through allegations that Trump sought a quid pro quo from Ukraine’s leader, without offering specifics.

Lawmakers meet with envoy who connected Giuliani with Ukraine officials

Let the Democrats keep up their Impeachment fetish. It is a clown show to watch them continuously fail but also show the American People that Democrats cannot accept Election results. More importantly, it shows that Democrats cannot govern.
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
Trump will be impeached.

And will still be President.

At least until January 20, 2021.

Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
And will still be President.

At least until January 20, 2021.

Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.

Awwwww. Poor baby. Having a hard time knowing that you believed in the guy and he’s let you down.

We told you that this would happen.
Always does when you follow a con man.

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