Sorry Dems: Your impeachment party is over

It's over.

“Not one thing [Volker] has said comports with any of the Democrats’ impeachment narrative, not one thing,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). He also complained that Democrats had refused to allow State Department lawyers to take part in the questioning.

In the late afternoon, another Republican pushed a similar narrative. Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York said Volker’s comments “blew a massive hole” through allegations that Trump sought a quid pro quo from Ukraine’s leader, without offering specifics.

Lawmakers meet with envoy who connected Giuliani with Ukraine officials

President Trump has demanded a roll call vote on the impeachment inquiry, the fact that Nancy is balking tells me that it isn't as popular with the D caucus as the Lame Stream Media suggests.

The libs aren't used to someone fighting back

Lame stream?
Regurgitating Knees news, gateway pundit zero college?
Love his Teen peeking and vagina grabbing?
I do although my wife is complaining
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
And will still be President.

At least until January 20, 2021.

Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.
Only the mentality of someone around Jr high keeps doing trumpkins shit. Wanna be taken seriously, talk like an adult.
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.
Only the mentality of someone around Jr high keeps doing trumpkins shit. Wanna be taken seriously, talk like an adult.

Don't hold your breath.
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.
Only the mentality of someone around Jr high keeps doing trumpkins shit. Wanna be taken seriously, talk like an adult.
Spot on! He should stick to mature words, like "butthurt".

President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment
You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.
Only the mentality of someone around Jr high keeps doing trumpkins shit. Wanna be taken seriously, talk like an adult.

Don't hold your breath.
Well he's not the only one or side doing Jr high name calling shit.
You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.
Only the mentality of someone around Jr high keeps doing trumpkins shit. Wanna be taken seriously, talk like an adult.
Spot on! He should stick to mature words, like "butthurt".

President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment
Did I call someone a name?


You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.

You Trump haters are so obsessed with Impeachment yet fail at every attempt as well as fail to move forward out of fear and lack of competence. Shit or get off the pot.

There has yet to be an attempt, spanky.

Russian Collusion was an attempt. Getting his tax returns is an attempt. Everything Democrats do with Trump is rooted in Impeachment.

Nope. You are imagining impeachment attempts.

They are all paths and basis Democrats are using for Impeachment. Keep playing semantics but the truth remains that Democrats and their base are obsessed with it since Day 1 of Trump Election. It was you people that wanted to hold Trump and GOP accountable for accepting Election results yet refused to do so yourselves.
Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."
Love the Reagan quote, but in your case the unspoken addendum is: except when the lawbreaker is the President and his staff and his personal lawyer. Trump "accountable for his actions" in your eyes? Hah!

Thanks I think it is very clever also... But this unspoken addendum you speak of is just an assumption on your part, and surely you know what happens when you assume... :21:
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.

You Trump haters are so obsessed with Impeachment yet fail at every attempt as well as fail to move forward out of fear and lack of competence. Shit or get off the pot.

There has yet to be an attempt, spanky.

Russian Collusion was an attempt. Getting his tax returns is an attempt. Everything Democrats do with Trump is rooted in Impeachment.

Nope. You are imagining impeachment attempts.

They are all paths and basis Democrats are using for Impeachment. Keep playing semantics but the truth remains that Democrats and their base are obsessed with it since Day 1 of Trump Election. It was you people that wanted to hold Trump and GOP accountable for accepting Election results yet refused to do so yourselves.

The reason for all the bullshit about "impeachment" is that the real issues like 3.5% unemployment are too uncomfortable for the D's to talk about.
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
I hope you're right because the dems made their point about Trump's continued violation of law. And they should move onto educ and healthcare. But I suspect they'll continue.
Sadly I'm pretty sure nothing else will get done until.this is over.

Not necessarily.

If the Republicans sweep the Congress next year, America will be able to move forward.

If they don't , this impeachment crapola won't end until January 2033 at the end of the 2nd Kushner Administration.
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
He does tell the truth. He swore an oath to defend The Constitution and faithfully carry out his duties.

So it begs the question as to why Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff regularly violate their oaths of office.
Oh come on. He's already been caught lying.

He also has a record of covering up criminal activities.

He has no credibility whatsoever.
Another slobber-knocker of a week for the Democrats. Here's summing it all up in a way even they can understand. The reason they keep losing is because they call this "winning."

Oct 4.jpg
Another slobber-knocker of a week for the Democrats. Here's summing it all up in a way even they can understand. The reason they keep losing is because they call this "winning."

View attachment 282882
As support for the impeachment process grows among not just Americans,but also republicans.... But you trumpkins are quite skilled at self delusion....
Last edited:
^lol^ he think Jim Jordan tells the truth.
Probably. But the Dems in the House will have carried out their duties. That’s what matters. Elected representatives doing their job.

You mean doing 1 part of their job.

Seems they've been pretty hyperfocused on it since 2016.

To the detriment of all else.

Nah. You’re an apologist for a corrupt president. It’s your legacy. Enjoy it.

You really should not post drunk.

You make no sense.

I don't have to apologize for anyone or anything.

So fuck you.

Trumps legacy will be sending all you to an early grave with strokes and heart attacks because you didn't get your candidate or your way.
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.
Only the mentality of someone around Jr high keeps doing trumpkins shit. Wanna be taken seriously, talk like an adult.
I'll stop with the stupid nicknames as soon as Cheeto Jesus does.
Love the Reagan quote, but in your case the unspoken addendum is: except when the lawbreaker is the President and his staff and his personal lawyer. Trump "accountable for his actions" in your eyes? Hah!

Thanks I think it is very clever also... But this unspoken addendum you speak of is just an assumption on your part, and surely you know what happens when you assume... :21:
Didja ever think you'd defend corruption in the highest office and entire staff of our land? How did you get to that place?
Sounds like he touched a sensitive spot. You tRumplings are getting more and more desperate as impeachment gets closer.

You Trump haters are so obsessed with Impeachment yet fail at every attempt as well as fail to move forward out of fear and lack of competence. Shit or get off the pot.

There has yet to be an attempt, spanky.

Russian Collusion was an attempt. Getting his tax returns is an attempt. Everything Democrats do with Trump is rooted in Impeachment.

Nope. You are imagining impeachment attempts.

You are correct, they never happened.

Even though Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris were calling for impeachment at the time.

And Adam Schitt said he had "stone cold" evidence for impeachment.

This ones goes the same way.....a failure.

This one will end in Trump's impeachment.
Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."

You've failed. The post was edited after my reply.
You Trump haters are so obsessed with Impeachment yet fail at every attempt as well as fail to move forward out of fear and lack of competence. Shit or get off the pot.

There has yet to be an attempt, spanky.

Russian Collusion was an attempt. Getting his tax returns is an attempt. Everything Democrats do with Trump is rooted in Impeachment.

Nope. You are imagining impeachment attempts.

They are all paths and basis Democrats are using for Impeachment. Keep playing semantics but the truth remains that Democrats and their base are obsessed with it since Day 1 of Trump Election. It was you people that wanted to hold Trump and GOP accountable for accepting Election results yet refused to do so yourselves.

The reason for all the bullshit about "impeachment" is that the real issues like 3.5% unemployment are too uncomfortable for the D's to talk about.

Incorrect. The unemployment rate is low. Great.

It has been going down since 2010. MAGA!

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