Sorry Dems: Your impeachment party is over

You Trump haters are so obsessed with Impeachment yet fail at every attempt as well as fail to move forward out of fear and lack of competence. Shit or get off the pot.

There has yet to be an attempt, spanky.

Russian Collusion was an attempt. Getting his tax returns is an attempt. Everything Democrats do with Trump is rooted in Impeachment.

Nope. You are imagining impeachment attempts.

You are correct, they never happened.

Even though Maxine Waters and Kamala Harris were calling for impeachment at the time.

And Adam Schitt said he had "stone cold" evidence for impeachment.

This ones goes the same way.....a failure.

This one will end in Trump's impeachment. will.
There has yet to be an attempt, spanky.

Russian Collusion was an attempt. Getting his tax returns is an attempt. Everything Democrats do with Trump is rooted in Impeachment.

Nope. You are imagining impeachment attempts.

They are all paths and basis Democrats are using for Impeachment. Keep playing semantics but the truth remains that Democrats and their base are obsessed with it since Day 1 of Trump Election. It was you people that wanted to hold Trump and GOP accountable for accepting Election results yet refused to do so yourselves.

The reason for all the bullshit about "impeachment" is that the real issues like 3.5% unemployment are too uncomfortable for the D's to talk about.

Incorrect. The unemployment rate is low. Great.

It has been going down since 2010. MAGA!

It shot up the fastest after 2016.
Love the Reagan quote, but in your case the unspoken addendum is: except when the lawbreaker is the President and his staff and his personal lawyer. Trump "accountable for his actions" in your eyes? Hah!

Thanks I think it is very clever also... But this unspoken addendum you speak of is just an assumption on your part, and surely you know what happens when you assume... :21:

Didja ever think you'd defend corruption in the highest office and entire staff of our land? How did you get to that place?

I warned you about assuming stuff bullwinkle...

Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."

You've failed. The post was edited after my reply.

Nice try, but U2Edge's post was exactly as it's shown when you responded and tried to claim the House is different than the House of Representatives. See post #34, where your response quotes his statement. Thankfully it's too late for you to edit it, so your original response to U2Edge and your attempt to save face by lying in the above post are memorialized for all to see.
Another slobber-knocker of a week for the Democrats. Here's summing it all up in a way even they can understand. The reason they keep losing is because they call this "winning."
As support for the impeachment process grows among not just Americans,but also republicans.... But you trumpkins are quite skilled at self delusion....
Yes we are. Be we can't help it. We are the crazy fools who deluded ourselves into thinking we'd beat a career politician in 2016 and we did, that the Comey thing would blow over and it did, that we could get out of the Paris Accord and we did, that we could make controlling the southern border a real issue again and we did, that we could get ISIS in check and we did, that we weren't going to allow Iran to get away with their nuclear deal and we did, that we could lower unemployment and boost the economy and we did, that we could save the Supreme Court and we did, that we could keep Little Kim in check and we did, that we could fight trade imbalance and we are, and that the entire Russia-Mueller thing was just another snow-job and it was!
But we're still waiting for your impeachment promise! What day is THAT going to happen? Any day now? :21:

Real Case on Trump.png
Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."

You've failed. The post was edited after my reply.

Nice try, but U2Edge's post was exactly as it's shown when you responded and tried to claim the House is different than the House of Representatives. See post #34, where your response quotes his statement. Thankfully it's too late for you to edit it, so your original response to U2Edge and your attempt to save face by lying in the above post are memorialized for all to see.

Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."

You've failed. The post was edited after my reply.

Nice try, but U2Edge's post was exactly as it's shown when you responded and tried to claim the House is different than the House of Representatives. See post #34, where your response quotes his statement. Thankfully it's too late for you to edit it, so your original response to U2Edge and your attempt to save face by lying in the above post are memorialized for all to see.

Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."

You've failed. The post was edited after my reply.

Nice try, but U2Edge's post was exactly as it's shown when you responded and tried to claim the House is different than the House of Representatives. See post #34, where your response quotes his statement. Thankfully it's too late for you to edit it, so your original response to U2Edge and your attempt to save face by lying in the above post are memorialized for all to see.

You appear to be correct in that the post was not edited.

Therefore, I must admit to having misread the post that I responded to. An error on my part.

I must have hastily assumed that he was referring to the Senate because the Republicans have no power to decide impeachment in the House. My accusation of the edit was misguided. For this, I apologize to U2Edge.

I'll endeavor to read more carefully moving forward.
Pretty good example here, of how the two ends exist in entirely different universes now.

The Trumpsters are assuming that this whole thing is over, crashed and burned, dead. The Lefties are assuming Trump will be impeached and humiliated.

Absolutely fucking bizarre.
Pretty good example here, of how the two ends exist in entirely different universes now.

The Trumpsters are assuming that this whole thing is over, crashed and burned, dead. The Lefties are assuming Trump will be impeached and humiliated.

Absolutely fucking bizarre.

This Trump voter think the Dems will continue to make all kinds of noise about it but it will never even come to a vote. Does that mean it's "over"? You be the judge
Pretty good example here, of how the two ends exist in entirely different universes now.

The Trumpsters are assuming that this whole thing is over, crashed and burned, dead. The Lefties are assuming Trump will be impeached and humiliated.

Absolutely fucking bizarre.

You believe that the House will
Pretty good example here, of how the two ends exist in entirely different universes now.

The Trumpsters are assuming that this whole thing is over, crashed and burned, dead. The Lefties are assuming Trump will be impeached and humiliated.

Absolutely fucking bizarre.

Two questions.

Do you have an opinion on whether or not Trump will be impeached for his solicitation of foreign help in the 2020 campaign?

Based on the evidence that you've already seen, do you think he should be impeached?
Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."

You've failed. The post was edited after my reply.

Nice try, but U2Edge's post was exactly as it's shown when you responded and tried to claim the House is different than the House of Representatives. See post #34, where your response quotes his statement. Thankfully it's too late for you to edit it, so your original response to U2Edge and your attempt to save face by lying in the above post are memorialized for all to see.

Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."

You've failed. The post was edited after my reply.

Nice try, but U2Edge's post was exactly as it's shown when you responded and tried to claim the House is different than the House of Representatives. See post #34, where your response quotes his statement. Thankfully it's too late for you to edit it, so your original response to U2Edge and your attempt to save face by lying in the above post are memorialized for all to see.

Whether Trump gets impeached or not is not up to Republicans in the House Of Representatives.

No. That’s who decides if he is convicted and sent packing. The impeachment happens in the House.

Why don’t you know this?

^^^ And this knucklehead has the audacity to criticize the knowledge and intelligence of others. You do realize the "House of Representatives" is the same thing as the "House" right? The congressional body that decides conviction is called the "Senate."

You've failed. The post was edited after my reply.

Nice try, but U2Edge's post was exactly as it's shown when you responded and tried to claim the House is different than the House of Representatives. See post #34, where your response quotes his statement. Thankfully it's too late for you to edit it, so your original response to U2Edge and your attempt to save face by lying in the above post are memorialized for all to see.

You appear to be correct in that the post was not edited.

Therefore, I must admit to having misread the post that I responded to. An error on my part.

I must have hastily assumed that he was referring to the Senate because the Republicans have no power to decide impeachment in the House. My accusation of the edit was misguided. For this, I apologize to U2Edge.

I'll endeavor to read more carefully moving forward.

Props for owning up to it. :beer:
Love the Reagan quote, but in your case the unspoken addendum is: except when the lawbreaker is the President and his staff and his personal lawyer. Trump "accountable for his actions" in your eyes? Hah!

Thanks I think it is very clever also... But this unspoken addendum you speak of is just an assumption on your part, and surely you know what happens when you assume... :21:

Didja ever think you'd defend corruption in the highest office and entire staff of our land? How did you get to that place?

I warned you about assuming stuff bullwinkle...

Nope..I assumed about OJ, I assume about Putin's true objectives, I assume MBS ordered the ghastly slaughter of Kashoggi. When perps deny against all evidence, Godfather-style, circumstantial or not, I have to assume. Remember that line from "Dirty Harry" where Eastwood says something like, 'when I see a man chasing a naked woman down an alley as he brandishes a butcher knife, I assume he isn't collecting for the Red Cross'.

Did Madoff admit guilt, or was it evidence? The jury assumed based on the evidence. Same with Manafort. And when y'all think not hearing Trump say "quid pro quo", based on the rest of the notes (not transcript) I assume Zelensky gets the message as well as those who heard and read those notes.

But I do admit to being a dope!

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