Sotomayor Grants Emergency Stay to Kansas: Halts Gay Marriage.

The manifesto shrouded as "pure entertainment" is called The Rocky Horror Picture Show. r.

LOL....I bet Silhouette has seen Rocky Horror Picture show as many times as she has seen Gay Pride Parades....

I saw The Rocky Horror Picture show once. And it left me disturbed at the direction this CULTure was going. I've never seen a gay pride parade. I've only googled the hundreds of pictures of them that show on a search, to select a few of the tamer ones to use in these discussions. Many of them this website will not allow me to post because of their policy about exposing possible minors browsing or posting here to lewd sexual acts on-display. It's a sound policy and I support it.

Meanwhile the points made about the alleged apathy in the House Speaker and new Majority Leader to act to "earnestly contend" (Jude 1, New Testament) against the advancement of the LGBT cult into all corners unchecked ...need revisiting..

No, Listening, if you really believe what you are saying, you still don't understand.
Both the new Senate Majority Leader and the House Speaker are quietly in favor of this issue going away, and if that means SCOTUS "yo, dude, yeah", they will go along with it, I believe, quiet happily.
They are in favor of it quietly going away because they want to lull the democratic party into thinking it won't be brought up in late Summer/early Fall 2016 in a HUGE's a trap in other words..
A trap meant to rake in hispanic votes. That the dems are rolling out the red carpet for thinking they've got 2016 in the bag as a result. :lmao:
I can tell you first hand from knowing personally quite a number of hispanics newly in-country that they don't give a rat's ass how they got here, who "favored them in". Once they're here they are like any other American, vacant of gratitude and looking forward where THEY want to go, not beholden to some gringo who stupidly let them in.

The catholic church will ring the bell at the given moment. If you think for one moment that the Vatican has forgotten that the LGBT cult operatives (inseparable from the democratic platform) were the first group in over 700 years to unseat a sitting Pople, THINK AGAIN. Italian organized power has never been really big on "forgive and forget" on an orchestrated Hit like that one was...

Meanwhile, hispanics have this deviant cult to look forward to....unless they bite the hand that fed them ....
I saw The Rocky Horror Picture show once. And it left me disturbed at the direction this CULTure was going. I've never seen a gay pride parade. I've only googled the hundreds of pictures of them that show on a search, to select a few of the tamer ones to use in these discussions. Many of them this website will not allow me to post because of their policy about exposing possible minors browsing or posting here to lewd sexual acts on-display. It's a sound policy and I support it.

Here's the problem: you've claimed that this movie is the 'Gay Manifesto'. The gays haven't. You're projecting your beliefs again, across gays...across all of society. And no one gives a shit. Your projections are utterly meaningless fantasy. And they have no relevance to actual outcomes.

Meanwhile the points made about the alleged apathy in the House Speaker and new Majority Leader to act to "earnestly contend" (Jude 1, New Testament) against the advancement of the LGBT cult into all corners unchecked ...need revisiting..

Huh. Quoting the Bible in your opposition to gays and lesbians. That's a shocker.

They are in favor of it quietly going away because they want to lull the democratic party into thinking it won't be brought up in late Summer/early Fall 2016 in a HUGE's a trap in other words..

Laughing....have you ever been right in your predictions about what some one else believes and is trying to do? Remember when the USSC granted a stay to Utah and you insisted that the USSC believed in gay marriage bans and were looking for the opportunity to overturn any opposition to them?

How'd that turn out again?

And remember, the nation strongly supports gay marriage. By about 12 to 19 points. With 65% of moderates and more than 70% of liberals. The very voting block that conservatives need to win. Even conceptually, what would be the purpose of backing a position in a 'HUGE WAY' that the very people they need to win elections opposes?
I saw The Rocky Horror Picture show once. And it left me disturbed at the direction this CULTure was going. I've never seen a gay pride parade. I've only googled the hundreds of pictures of them that show on a search,*

That reminds me of the folks who are so opposed to pornography that they watch hundreds of hours of it so that they can tell everyone how bad it is for people.......
Huh. Quoting the Bible in your opposition to gays and lesbians. That's a shocker.....And remember, the nation strongly supports gay marriage. By about 12 to 19 points. With 65% of moderates and more than 70% of liberals. The very voting block that conservatives need to win. Even conceptually, what would be the purpose of backing a position in a 'HUGE WAY' that the very people they need to win elections opposes?

I quoted the passage in Jude 1 of the New Testament to remind any christians reading here of the wrath of playing games with earnestly contending for the faith. They should read that passage if they think playing footsie with politics as to this question is a christian thing to do.

The poll here disagrees with your contention and longstanding lie that "a majority supports gay marriage". Judge Sutton recently cited a ballot measure where voters might APPROVE of gay marriage in their state of Ohio. LGBTS stripped that from the ballot, citing that it might create a divisive atmosphere. Some BS like that. But Sutton called them out on that. If a majority approves, why would you strip their stamp of approval from a gay-marriage initative?

Something is fishy in Denmark...

And then there's this poll... Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 464 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

That's 82% with fortitude opposed to gay marriage forced on churches. The way the question was phrased, it isn't an insipid "no"..
Huh. Quoting the Bible in your opposition to gays and lesbians. That's a shocker.....And remember, the nation strongly supports gay marriage. By about 12 to 19 points. With 65% of moderates and more than 70% of liberals. The very voting block that conservatives need to win. Even conceptually, what would be the purpose of backing a position in a 'HUGE WAY' that the very people they need to win elections opposes?

I quoted the passage in Jude 1 of the New Testament to remind any christians reading here of the wrath of playing games with earnestly contending for the faith. They should read that passage if they think playing footsie with politics as to this question is a christian thing to do.

The poll here disagrees with your contention and longstanding lie that "a majority supports gay marriage".

That poll has nothing to do with support for gay marriage.

No matter how much you keep trying to insist it does.
Gross misunderstandig of equal protection noted. have no understanding of what equal protection is the law is, nor have even read the 14th amendment.

Run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.
Based on your posts that is clearly not the case.
"Equal protection" does not mean everyone gets the same bennies. Try again.

You still haven't read the 14th amendment and still haven't the first clue what 'equal protection in the law' is. When you figure it out, join us. Until then you're simply not informed enough to comment intelligently on the topic.

Start with the 14th amendment. At least read that. I'll even link to it for you so all you have to do is read.

14th Amendment Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute
Huh. Quoting the Bible in your opposition to gays and lesbians. That's a shocker.....And remember, the nation strongly supports gay marriage. By about 12 to 19 points. With 65% of moderates and more than 70% of liberals. The very voting block that conservatives need to win. Even conceptually, what would be the purpose of backing a position in a 'HUGE WAY' that the very people they need to win elections opposes?

I quoted the passage in Jude 1 of the New Testament to remind any christians reading here of the wrath of playing games with earnestly contending for the faith. They should read that passage if they think playing footsie with politics as to this question is a christian thing to do.

The poll here disagrees with your contention and longstanding lie that "a majority supports gay marriage".

That poll has nothing to do with support for gay marriage.

No matter how much you keep trying to insist it does.

Nope, the straw poll doesn't ask about support for gay marriage. Making Silho's increasingly bizarre claims that it does all the more awkward.
Gross misunderstandig of equal protection noted. have no understanding of what equal protection is the law is, nor have even read the 14th amendment.

Run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.
Based on your posts that is clearly not the case.
"Equal protection" does not mean everyone gets the same bennies. Try again.

You still haven't read the 14th amendment and still haven't the first clue what 'equal protection in the law' is. When you figure it out, join us. Until then you're simply not informed enough to comment intelligently on the topic.

Start with the 14th amendment. At least read that. I'll even link to it for you so all you have to do is read.

14th Amendment Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute
You're such a joker. You actually think you know what you're talking about.
The poll here disagrees with your contention and longstanding lie that "a majority supports gay marriage". Judge Sutton recently cited a ballot measure where voters might APPROVE of gay marriage in their state of Ohio. LGBTS stripped that from the ballot, citing that it might create a divisive atmosphere. Some BS like that. But Sutton called them out on that. If a majority approves, why would you strip their stamp of approval from a gay-marriage initative?

No, it doesn't. As the poll you cited doesn't ask about support for gay marriage.

Which, of course, you already know.
You're such a joker. You actually think you know what you're talking about.

I know enough to instantly recognize someone who doesn't. And you've never even read the 14th amendment, even now refusing to do so. Even when I've linked to it for you, when all you have to do is won't. Watch, I'll demonstrate:

14th Amendment Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute

There is it is, baby bird. All chewed up and ready to be dropped into your little gaping maw. And chances are, you still won't read it. If that ever changes, find us. Until it does, you simply don't know enough about 'equal protection' or the 14th amendment to comment intelligently.
Gross misunderstandig of equal protection noted. have no understanding of what equal protection is the law is, nor have even read the 14th amendment.

Run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.
Based on your posts that is clearly not the case.
"Equal protection" does not mean everyone gets the same bennies. Try again.

You still haven't read the 14th amendment and still haven't the first clue what 'equal protection in the law' is. When you figure it out, join us. Until then you're simply not informed enough to comment intelligently on the topic.

Start with the 14th amendment. At least read that. I'll even link to it for you so all you have to do is read.

14th Amendment Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. A violation would occur, for example, if a state prohibited an individual from entering into an employment contract because he or she was a member of a particular race. The equal protection clause is not intended to provide "equality" among individuals or classes but only "equal application" of the laws. The result, therefore, of a law is not relevant so long as there is no discrimination in its application. By denying states the ability to discriminate, the equal protection clause of the Constitution is crucial to the protection of civil rights. See Civil Rights.]
Equal protection Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute
There is no discrimination as both homosexuals and heterosexuals are able to contract marriage. ANd equally homosexuals and heterosexuals are unable to marry those of the same sex.
Gross misunderstandig of equal protection noted. have no understanding of what equal protection is the law is, nor have even read the 14th amendment.

Run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.
Based on your posts that is clearly not the case.
"Equal protection" does not mean everyone gets the same bennies. Try again.

You still haven't read the 14th amendment and still haven't the first clue what 'equal protection in the law' is. When you figure it out, join us. Until then you're simply not informed enough to comment intelligently on the topic.

Start with the 14th amendment. At least read that. I'll even link to it for you so all you have to do is read.

14th Amendment Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. A violation would occur, for example, if a state prohibited an individual from entering into an employment contract because he or she was a member of a particular race. The equal protection clause is not intended to provide "equality" among individuals or classes but only "equal application" of the laws. The result, therefore, of a law is not relevant so long as there is no discrimination in its application. By denying states the ability to discriminate, the equal protection clause of the Constitution is crucial to the protection of civil rights. See Civil Rights.]
Equal protection Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute
There is no discrimination as both homosexuals and heterosexuals are able to contract marriage. ANd equally homosexuals and heterosexuals are unable to marry those of the same sex.

There is no discrimination as both whites and blacks are able to contract marriage. And equally blacks and whites are unable to marry those of the opposite race.

That kind of Equal rights?
Gross misunderstandig of equal protection noted. have no understanding of what equal protection is the law is, nor have even read the 14th amendment.

Run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.
Based on your posts that is clearly not the case.
"Equal protection" does not mean everyone gets the same bennies. Try again.

You still haven't read the 14th amendment and still haven't the first clue what 'equal protection in the law' is. When you figure it out, join us. Until then you're simply not informed enough to comment intelligently on the topic.

Start with the 14th amendment. At least read that. I'll even link to it for you so all you have to do is read.

14th Amendment Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. A violation would occur, for example, if a state prohibited an individual from entering into an employment contract because he or she was a member of a particular race. The equal protection clause is not intended to provide "equality" among individuals or classes but only "equal application" of the laws. The result, therefore, of a law is not relevant so long as there is no discrimination in its application. By denying states the ability to discriminate, the equal protection clause of the Constitution is crucial to the protection of civil rights. See Civil Rights.]
Equal protection Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute
There is no discrimination as both homosexuals and heterosexuals are able to contract marriage. ANd equally homosexuals and heterosexuals are unable to marry those of the same sex.

There is no discrimination as both whites and blacks are able to contract marriage. And equally blacks and whites are unable to marry those of the opposite race.

That kind of Equal rights?
Next. have no understanding of what equal protection is the law is, nor have even read the 14th amendment.

Run along, kiddo. The adults are talking.
Based on your posts that is clearly not the case.
"Equal protection" does not mean everyone gets the same bennies. Try again.

You still haven't read the 14th amendment and still haven't the first clue what 'equal protection in the law' is. When you figure it out, join us. Until then you're simply not informed enough to comment intelligently on the topic.

Start with the 14th amendment. At least read that. I'll even link to it for you so all you have to do is read.

14th Amendment Constitution US Law LII Legal Information Institute
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. A violation would occur, for example, if a state prohibited an individual from entering into an employment contract because he or she was a member of a particular race. The equal protection clause is not intended to provide "equality" among individuals or classes but only "equal application" of the laws. The result, therefore, of a law is not relevant so long as there is no discrimination in its application. By denying states the ability to discriminate, the equal protection clause of the Constitution is crucial to the protection of civil rights. See Civil Rights.]
Equal protection Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute
There is no discrimination as both homosexuals and heterosexuals are able to contract marriage. ANd equally homosexuals and heterosexuals are unable to marry those of the same sex.

There is no discrimination as both whites and blacks are able to contract marriage. And equally blacks and whites are unable to marry those of the opposite race.

That kind of Equal rights?

If one is about equal protection- then the other is. Did the Lovings deserve equal protection under the law?

There is no discrimination as both homosexuals and heterosexuals are able to contract marriage. ANd equally homosexuals and heterosexuals are unable to marry those of the same sex.
There is no discrimination as both whites and blacks are able to contract marriage. And equally blacks and whites are unable to marry those of the opposite race.
There is no discrimination as both homosexuals and heterosexuals are able to contract marriage. ANd equally homosexuals and heterosexuals are unable to marry those of the same sex.

The equal protection clause mandates that each be granted the same legal protection of their rights. Marriage is recognized by the courts as a fundamental right. Gays and lesbians are being denied the right to same sex marriage.....on the basis that that they can't procreate.

However, no one else is held to that standard. No straight couple is denied the right to marry because they fail that standard. No straight marriage is invalidated if there are no children. Not a single state applies this standard to any straight marriage.

If the procreation standard is the reason that gays and lesbians are denied the right to marriage, then the standard would apply to anyone who couldn't meet it. Including any straight couple who couldn't have children. Yet it isn't. Straights are exempted from this standard. While its applied exclusively to gays.

Its that unequal application of standards of exemption that violate equal protection.

Oh, no...he's got you. You're using the EXACT reasoning that was used to justify bans on interracial marriage:

"There is no discrimination as both whites and blacks are able to contract marriage. And equally whites and blacks are unable to marry those of the different race."

Its shocking how much your ilk has recycled the same rhetoric used by opponents of interracial marriage. The same logic. Hell, even the same appeals to God and Nature.

So,'s that working out for you?

Oh, no...he's got you. You're using the EXACT reasoning that was used to justify bans on interracial marriage:

"There is no discrimination as both whites and blacks are able to contract marriage. And equally whites and blacks are unable to marry those of the different race."

Its shocking how much your ilk has recycled the same rhetoric used by opponents of interracial marriage. The same logic. Hell, even the same appeals to God and Nature.

So,'s that working out for you?

But wait for it- the stock response is.....wait for it.....wait for it.....but that was race- and gay is choice!

And dance away from equal protection as fast as they can.......
There is no discrimination as both homosexuals and heterosexuals are able to contract marriage. ANd equally homosexuals and heterosexuals are unable to marry those of the same sex.

The equal protection clause mandates that each be granted the same legal protection of their rights. Marriage is recognized by the courts as a fundamental right. Gays and lesbians are being denied the right to same sex marriage.....on the basis that that they can't procreate.

However, no one else is held to that standard. No straight couple is denied the right to marry because they fail that standard. No straight marriage is invalidated if there are no children. Not a single state applies this standard to any straight marriage.

If the procreation standard is the reason that gays and lesbians are denied the right to marriage, then the standard would apply to anyone who couldn't meet it. Including any straight couple who couldn't have children. Yet it isn't. Straights are exempted from this standard. While its applied exclusively to gays.

Its that unequal application of standards of exemption that violate equal protection.
That is completely wrong.
Gays are not denied the right o marry. A gay man can marry any woman he wants. The fact that he does not want to marry a woman is irrelevant. Otherwise lets extend marriage protections to people who dont want to get married at all.

Oh, no...he's got you. You're using the EXACT reasoning that was used to justify bans on interracial marriage:

"There is no discrimination as both whites and blacks are able to contract marriage. And equally whites and blacks are unable to marry those of the different race."

Its shocking how much your ilk has recycled the same rhetoric used by opponents of interracial marriage. The same logic. Hell, even the same appeals to God and Nature.

So,'s that working out for you?

But wait for it- the stock response is.....wait for it.....wait for it.....but that was race- and gay is choice!

And dance away from equal protection as fast as they can.......
How do you define a gay person? What is the accepted legal definition?
Oh, there isnt one. Oops. Further gay marriage laws would also apply to straight people. Ergo there is no disrcimination. You yourself admitted it.

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