SOTU - A parade of lies

Again, the orange POS stole over 2 months of Obama job growth to pad his dismal record.

WTF ! That's it? That's all you have to bitch about regarding President Twitters SOTU address?

You partisan lemmings-D have lost ALL your entertainment value which is sad since that means I'm going to have to exclusively mock and belittle the partisan lemmings-R from now on and they're not nearly as entertaining as you folks are. :(

So , looking America in the eye & lying is OK
No but it's really the only thing modern American Politicians have a talent for so it's a rather mundane gripe for those of us who, as a rule, don't believe anything that comes out of politicians mouths in the first place.

If politicians started being honest, the partisans would all lose their minds, after all you prefer lies over the truth, which is why you became partisan drones in the first place.

The link listed numerous lies.

And claiming two months of Obama job growth is pathetic.
*YAWN* you lack imagination and creativity....

Like I said, you lemmings-D have lost all your entertainment value, personally I'm hoping that you folks can redeem yourselves and treat us to some more of those highly entertaining videos of you going completely bonkers after you lose another election.

"I have a deep and profound mistrust of all politicians." -- Craig Ferguson
Fact check: How accurate was the State of the Union address? - CNNPolitics

Again, the orange POS stole over 2 months of Obama job growth to pad his dismal record.

What a pathetic POS Trump is.

Pretty bad UnrealDave when the best you can do is cite an article with an admitted bias that in every instance it attacks Trump's speech, it turns around to admit he was really right!

BIGGEST TAX CUTS: TRUE. Biggest in terms of absolute dollars returned. CNN conflates it into a lie by factoring in the variable as a function of 4 other economies.

BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT AT ALL TIME LOW: Right below that it says: "It's true that the unemployment rate for African-Americans has never been lower."

2.4 million jobs since Trump elected: Trump opted on Tuesday to cite the growth in jobs from his election, when people heard the good word that he would be president.

ISIS: Verdict: True.

Judges: Verdict: True.

Immigration: It is true that Sayfullo Saipov and Akayed Ullah, two recent alleged terrorist attackers in New York City, arrived in the US because of either family connections or the diversity visa lottery.

Family-based migration: It is true that the majority of green cards given out annually go to family members of US citizens and legal permanent residents, not based on employment.

MS-13 arrest numbers: Attorney General Jeff Sessions noted the US "worked with our partners in Central America to arrest and charge some 4,000 MS-13 members,"

Energy: It's true that the United States exports energy. It just imports a lot more. The gap has been shrinking in recent years. American exports of one form of energy, crude oil, are booming. The United States recently became a net exporter of natural gas.

I'm still looking for the bad news! What, did Trump embellish a little for effect? What president doen't? Trump stole nothing. Once he was elected, people were acting on the hopes of finally getting that black, floppy-eared grinning narcissist out of the White House.
Trump is kind of like Gaddafi and Saddam with authoritarian rule--it worked in those countries, why not the US?
this is what the US needs--someone to guide it with a firm hand

Fact check: How accurate was the State of the Union address? - CNNPolitics

Again, the orange POS stole over 2 months of Obama job growth to pad his dismal record.

What a pathetic POS Trump is.

Pretty bad UnrealDave when the best you can do is cite an article with an admitted bias that in every instance it attacks Trump's speech, it turns around to admit he was really right!

BIGGEST TAX CUTS: TRUE. Biggest in terms of absolute dollars returned. CNN conflates it into a lie by factoring in the variable as a function of 4 other economies.

BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT AT ALL TIME LOW: Right below that it says: "It's true that the unemployment rate for African-Americans has never been lower."

2.4 million jobs since Trump elected: Trump opted on Tuesday to cite the growth in jobs from his election, when people heard the good word that he would be president.

ISIS: Verdict: True.

Judges: Verdict: True.

Immigration: It is true that Sayfullo Saipov and Akayed Ullah, two recent alleged terrorist attackers in New York City, arrived in the US because of either family connections or the diversity visa lottery.

Family-based migration: It is true that the majority of green cards given out annually go to family members of US citizens and legal permanent residents, not based on employment.

MS-13 arrest numbers: Attorney General Jeff Sessions noted the US "worked with our partners in Central America to arrest and charge some 4,000 MS-13 members,"

Energy: It's true that the United States exports energy. It just imports a lot more. The gap has been shrinking in recent years. American exports of one form of energy, crude oil, are booming. The United States recently became a net exporter of natural gas.

I'm still looking for the bad news! What, did Trump embellish a little for effect? What president doen't? Trump stole nothing. Once he was elected, people were acting on the hopes of finally getting that black, floppy-eared grinning narcissist out of the White House.

The tax cut ranks 8th.

Yes your fuckhead President opted to steal two months of Obama's job growth record. Tell me? Why did he have to do it? Was it because his record ain't that great? How pathetic.

Family based migration. He lied about how the system works. Your president LIED He said this: "The fourth and final pillar protects the nuclear family by ending chain migration — under the current broken system, a single immigrant can bring in virtually unlimited numbers of distant relatives,”.

Unlimited number of distant relatives? NO He Lied. He fucking lied & dumb fucks like you don't give a shit & make fools of yourselves trying to deny it.

He lied about the energy & took credit for increased oil exports when that was due to a law changed in 2015. Loser scumbags steal other people's achievements

He lied about the auto industry & he lied about wages.

If you fucking orange POS hero did such a great job, why did he have to lie?
Again, the orange POS stole over 2 months of Obama job growth to pad his dismal record.

WTF ! That's it? That's all you have to bitch about regarding President Twitters SOTU address?

You partisan lemmings-D have lost ALL your entertainment value which is sad since that means I'm going to have to exclusively mock and belittle the partisan lemmings-R from now on and they're not nearly as entertaining as you folks are. :(

So , looking America in the eye & lying is OK

The link listed numerous lies.

And claiming two months of Obama job growth is pathetic.
who cares if he lies--just as long as he MAGA
that balances out on the good side
Because he could not have done anything without being a huge asshole. You people ha e such low standards.
Again, the orange POS stole over 2 months of Obama job growth to pad his dismal record.

WTF ! That's it? That's all you have to bitch about regarding President Twitters SOTU address?

You partisan lemmings-D have lost ALL your entertainment value which is sad since that means I'm going to have to exclusively mock and belittle the partisan lemmings-R from now on and they're not nearly as entertaining as you folks are. :(

So , looking America in the eye & lying is OK

The link listed numerous lies.

And claiming two months of Obama job growth is pathetic.
who cares if he lies--just as long as he MAGA
that balances out on the good side
Because he could not have done anything without being a huge asshole. You people ha e such low standards.
Unlike Liberals, we look at results more than what someone says. So Trump lied. Big deal. Name one President who a wasn't liar. And look at how well we're doing since Trump took office. That's the only thing that matters. Go ahead and give that black Muslim POS the credit. It doesn't change the fact that Trump has been good to us. Obama did not give us a tax cut. Trump did. Obama did nothing about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Trump did. Obama did nothing about ISIS. Trump did. Trump is the best President since Reagan. But then you hated Reagan too. Didn't you?
Meh, what you liberals think really no longer matters we destroyed you and took back the House, Senate, and White House. Sit up in the cheap seats and complain if you wish nobody cares.
Meh, what you liberals think really no longer matters we destroyed you and took back the House, Senate, and White House. Sit up in the cheap seats and complain if you wish nobody cares.
I think the libs really shot themselves in the foot with their childish behavior during the SOTU. The whole country saw it. The mid term elections are not gonna be kind to them.
Again, the orange POS stole over 2 months of Obama job growth to pad his dismal record.

WTF ! That's it? That's all you have to bitch about regarding President Twitters SOTU address?

You partisan lemmings-D have lost ALL your entertainment value which is sad since that means I'm going to have to exclusively mock and belittle the partisan lemmings-R from now on and they're not nearly as entertaining as you folks are. :(

So , looking America in the eye & lying is OK

The link listed numerous lies.

And claiming two months of Obama job growth is pathetic.
who cares if he lies--just as long as he MAGA
that balances out on the good side
Because he could not have done anything without being a huge asshole. You people ha e such low standards.
Unlike Liberals, we look at results more than what someone says. So Trump lied. Big deal. Name one President who a wasn't liar. And look at how well we're doing since Trump took office. That's the only thing that matters. Go ahead and give that black Muslim POS the credit. It doesn't change the fact that Trump has been good to us. Obama did not give us a tax cut. Trump did. Obama did nothing about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Trump did. Obama did nothing about ISIS. Trump did. Trump is the best President since Reagan. But then you hated Reagan too. Didn't you?
Wow. Yet anorher bigoted POS Trumpette.

This is what happens when a bigoted fuck is elected President. All you big & raciststs come crawling out of the gutters.

Well guess what.

Obama DID give you a tax cut if you were an working American. This is how fucking stupid you people really are,

Trump put 1.5 trillion on the credit card & tossed you an extra $25 a month & you are such a moron that you love it.

Obama increased border security & deported a pile of people. If your head was not wiped out on beer & drugs, you might of known that.

Trump followed Obama's plan in the fight against ISIS.

Reagan is turning over in his grave when you mention his name in the same sentence of that Shithole Trump.

You post proves you are an ignorant fool.

Go fuck yourself, we don't need any bigoted fucks like you in my country.
Meh, what you liberals think really no longer matters we destroyed you and took back the House, Senate, and White House. Sit up in the cheap seats and complain if you wish nobody cares.
I think the libs really shot themselves in the foot with their childish behavior during the SOTU. The whole country saw it. The mid term elections are not gonna be kind to them.
Like the Republicans did not do it every year with Obama.

Your memories are as short as your puny dicks.
Meh, what you liberals think really no longer matters we destroyed you and took back the House, Senate, and White House. Sit up in the cheap seats and complain if you wish nobody cares.
I think the libs really shot themselves in the foot with their childish behavior during the SOTU. The whole country saw it. The mid term elections are not gonna be kind to them.

Libs always behave like spoiled brats no matter if they are in power or out. Rush made the point today, a significant majority of Americans agree with everything Trump said in the SOTU. The numbers are staggering, 97% of Republicans, 72% of Independents, and incredibly even 43% of Democrats. Trust me Dem party leaders just shit themselves.
The tax cut ranks 8th.

In your phony hand-picked poll maybe.

your fuckhead pathetic lied LIED fucking lied dumb fucks like shit & fools lied Loser scumbags steal lied about & lied about you fucking orange POS hero

Wow, that was pretty unreal, Dave. Can't hear through all the noise, but I hear you talking a lot about REAL lying, so you must be talking about the Grand Liar In Chief Obama!

WTF ! That's it? That's all you have to bitch about regarding President Twitters SOTU address?

You partisan lemmings-D have lost ALL your entertainment value which is sad since that means I'm going to have to exclusively mock and belittle the partisan lemmings-R from now on and they're not nearly as entertaining as you folks are. :(

So , looking America in the eye & lying is OK

The link listed numerous lies.

And claiming two months of Obama job growth is pathetic.
who cares if he lies--just as long as he MAGA
that balances out on the good side
Because he could not have done anything without being a huge asshole. You people ha e such low standards.
Unlike Liberals, we look at results more than what someone says. So Trump lied. Big deal. Name one President who a wasn't liar. And look at how well we're doing since Trump took office. That's the only thing that matters. Go ahead and give that black Muslim POS the credit. It doesn't change the fact that Trump has been good to us. Obama did not give us a tax cut. Trump did. Obama did nothing about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Trump did. Obama did nothing about ISIS. Trump did. Trump is the best President since Reagan. But then you hated Reagan too. Didn't you?
Wow. Yet anorher bigoted POS Trumpette.

This is what happens when a bigoted fuck is elected President. All you big & raciststs come crawling out of the gutters.

Well guess what.

Obama DID give you a tax cut if you were an working American. This is how fucking stupid you people really are,

Trump put 1.5 trillion on the credit card & tossed you an extra $25 a month & you are such a moron that you love it.

Obama increased border security & deported a pile of people. If your head was not wiped out on beer & drugs, you might of known that.

Trump followed Obama's plan in the fight against ISIS.

Reagan is turning over in his grave when you mention his name in the same sentence of that Shithole Trump.

You post proves you are an ignorant fool.

Go fuck yourself, we don't need any bigoted fucks like you in my country.
everytime Old Orange lied he smirked at the audience and applauded himself.

now the Trumpdrone asshairs are lying for him about how many people thought his shit was great ...

pathetic on all counts imo

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