SOTU Feb 5th.

Pelosi didn't cave, Trump did. Trump said he wanted to give the SOTU during the shutdown, and Pelosi told him to delay it until after reopening the government due to security concerns.

Trump caved, and reopened the government. Pelosi kept her word, and now that the government is reopened, Trump can give his SOTU from the floor of the House.

Hate to tell you dude, but you got that backwards.
She doesn’t have her airplane back. I would tell her she can have it on July 4th if she behaves!

What does Trump acting like a petulant child and canceling her flight have to do with the fact that even after he did that, he STILL caved?
Petulance is telling POTUS he cannot give a speech in the HOR!

Pelosi didn't tell Trump that he couldn't give the SOTU from the floor of the House, she simply told him that if he wanted to give in from the House, he would have to wait until the government reopened due to security concerns. She never banned him. That is made up bullshit that you guys WANT to believe.
No! No no! Her security concerns was just bullshit and was proven so. You just want to believe that skank!

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