SOTU Speech and gun control?


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So......does the president raise this issue? Politically astute?

Most experts are saying that Democrats ( except in far left deistricts ) will be avoiding it like its radioactive because its a political nuclear bomb for the upcoming mid-terms.

Opposition to gun bans is at record highs ( highest since 1959 ) so will he really be that politically deaf to even raise the issue in the SOTU speech?
I hope he discussing your partys cheating in elections and how this country can not stand for such treason

Oh....forgot to post up this gem.

So clearly, this is a topic that is a political big time loser for the president. In 2014, people know that more gun laws are gay. Im just curious if he has the balls to go so fringe.......just like the global warming topic. Nobody cares about this shit........but he always seems not to care.
end the elections cheating by republicans and gun laws will come.

90% of the country is for mental background checks
So......does the president raise this issue? Politically astute?

Most experts are saying that Democrats ( except in far left deistricts ) will be avoiding it like its radioactive because its a political nuclear bomb for the upcoming mid-terms.

Opposition to gun bans is at record highs ( highest since 1959 ) so will he really be that politically deaf to even raise the issue in the SOTU speech?

It's supposed to be a discussion of the state of the union, not an excuse to throw blame on the rich or the Tea Party.

I won't be watching.
30k gun deaths per year. Guns save lives.

29,999 of those deaths are in Chicago where there are strict gun regulations.

Hey, that's almost a fact except that it's not. Good job.

11k firearm homicides in 2010, and another 19k suicides. "Guns save lives."

Again, you GOPbaggers don't know what your guns are for. Take all of your guns and storm the NSA data-mining compound in Utah. Use your 2nd Amendment for its original intent- to defend freedom from government tyranny.

The Bush administration tortured POWs to death in secret prisons. The Obama administration killed an American teenager who was not a terrorist. The NSA is spying on every single one of you without charges, warrant, or justification.

What are your guns for? Hunting? Sitting in a tree-stand waiting for something to kill is not hunting. What is the 2nd Amendment for if not to put down a government that spies on us and kills us without evidence or a trial?
Obama will probably give gun control a token mention in the State of The Union if that if he and the Democrats could not get anywhere with that after Sandy Hook they sure won't now.
30k gun deaths per year. Guns save lives.

29,999 of those deaths are in Chicago where there are strict gun regulations.

Hey, that's almost a fact except that it's not. Good job.

11k firearm homicides in 2010, and another 19k suicides. "Guns save lives."

Again, you GOPbaggers don't know what your guns are for. Take all of your guns and storm the NSA data-mining compound in Utah. Use your 2nd Amendment for its original intent- to defend freedom from government tyranny.

The Bush administration tortured POWs to death in secret prisons. The Obama administration killed an American teenager who was not a terrorist. The NSA is spying on every single one of you without charges, warrant, or justification.

What are your guns for? Hunting? Sitting in a tree-stand waiting for something to kill is not hunting. What is the 2nd Amendment for if not to put down a government that spies on us and kills us without evidence or a trial?

Your ridiculous statement deserved a ridiculous answer.
stolen elections got Americans killed in Iraq for lies

Where is the outrage toward the Democrats that voted for allowing Bush to use force in Iraq.
Hillary and John Kerry were all for it...

they are not the ONE WHO LIED about the intel huh?

Bush and team LIED to all of us you fucking idiot.

Bush also cheated his ass of to win election
Obama will no doubt spend a lot of time on his historic achievements.

The economy.
Alternative energy sources.
Major projects like a pipeline across the country moving oil to the Gulf of Mexico.
The narrowing of income inequality during his two terms in office.
Paying down the national debt... we used to be over $17 trillion in debt and now we are......

I'm sorry I need to stop here...
I can't stop laughing,It's hard to type right now.
stolen elections got Americans killed in Iraq for lies

Where is the outrage toward the Democrats that voted for allowing Bush to use force in Iraq.
Hillary and John Kerry were all for it...
How many people voted based on al-Jalabi's lies?

No one bothered to wait for any real information so Iraq was invaded over lies. It turns out that there weren't any WMD to pose any kind of threat to the US, so the US killed tens of thousands of people (and used white phosphorus on civilians in Fallujah) and set up secret torture prisons for absolutely no reason.

George W. Bush and his entire cabinet should hang for war crimes.
Pentagon Reverses Position and Admits U.S. Troops Used White Phosphorus Against Iraqis in Fallujah | Democracy Now!
Pentagon Used White Phosphorous in Iraq
BBC NEWS | Middle East | US used white phosphorus in Iraq

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