Sounds like libs losing PR Battle on current border mess

“So sue me.”

— President Obama, complaining about Republican leaders

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We’re not sure who would be spurred into action by the hectoring lectures recently from the president of the United States along the lines of, “I’m right, you should know better.” Maybe his kids. Certainly not the Republican members of Congress. A humanitarian crisis on America's southern border | Star Tribune

You cannot defend the illegal dumping of persons from a foreign land on the US in the year 2014. Ellis Island immigration of late 19th and early 20th centuries was legal and necessary to provide a labor force for rapid industrialization. What's going on today is a criminal invasion.
There are plenty of good democrats out there who don't like what this idiot is allowing to happen to our country. They'll be stuck paying for these law breakers just like everyone else.
“So sue me.”

— President Obama, complaining about Republican leaders

• • •

We’re not sure who would be spurred into action by the hectoring lectures recently from the president of the United States along the lines of, “I’m right, you should know better.” Maybe his kids. Certainly not the Republican members of Congress. A humanitarian crisis on America's southern border | Star Tribune

You guys want to toss out women and kids running away from drug gang violence.

What's amazing here is the media hasn't called what conservatives want to do, disgusting.

No. What's a amazing is how you attack Americans defending the integrity of their nation's sovereignty as you fail to fault the historically corrupt and dysfunctional government of Mexico. But then of course you're just another brain dead, two-bit punk leftist whore who would stupidly have the very same ruin come to our country rather than secure that border and force the Mexican people to confront the problems they created for themselves. Mexico is a resource-rich nation populated by a people who have for centuries allowed one statist and utterly corrupt regime or another to rule them.

Secure the friggin border . . . hard, and watch the drug revenue dry up for the cartels. Then you'll see a real explosion of chaos and violence . . . at first . . . and then, finally, for once in their history, perhaps the Mexican people will find the courage to stand up and take their country from the criminals and the political thugs that have always ruled them.

But, no, not you, eh?

The leftist, self-righteous, moralizing little pricks among us: always a band aid, never a cure.

Hypocrites. Punks. Whores. Degenerates.

The only reason you won't support what really needs to be done to end the suffering once and for all and put the Mexican people in charge of their nation is because you punks want the socialist-mentality hoard streaming over that border with the design of making them U.S. nationals and Democratic voters.

Ballot stuffing. Election stealing. Indeed, nation stealing.

That's lefty all day long. You punks don't give damn about these people, what's best for them, their children, the future of their country, or for what's best for this country.

Shut. The. Hell. Up. You. Snakes.
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Until now, the politics of immigration have been seen as a no-lose proposition for President Obama and the Democrats. If they could get a comprehensive overhaul passed, they would win. And if Republicans blocked it, the GOP would further alienate crucial Hispanic and moderate voters.

But with the current crisis on the Southwest border, where authorities have apprehended tens of thousands of unaccompanied Central American children since October, that calculus may be shifting. Border crisis scrambling the politics of immigration policy - The Washington Post

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