SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

Three weeks huh?? A lot can happen in three weeks. Like a declared National Emergency.

Should be interesting.

Nauseating is the word, not interesting.

Nope. Very interesting.

In his address he stated very clearly that a number of Democrats are
already on board that the country needs a wall.

He went on to remark that both sides have agreed to reach a proposal
that will be good to all parties involved.

As you wrote, he has passed along the shutting down of government
over to the Democrats. At the same time, he has allowed everybody
with a way to "save face."

The Bi-partisan committee is going to formulate its resolution on the
word of the experts provided by Homeland Security

Damned impressive and we will see if the Dems keep their word at the end of three weeks.

Sure, Harry Reid and Bill Clinton are on tape saying how much we need a wall, dating back to the 1990s.

And your point is?

Nope, nauseating.
I can not disagree with you on this. For whatever reason he might have had, Trump did the right thing. The Dems should be happy, but instead they use it to attack even more...and then people wonder why our country is going down the shitter.
We don’t wonder! The country is going down the shitter because of democrats! Need evidence? Look at their states and cities!
Yea...I'm getting out of the hellhole of New York with it's great education and culture and health care and jumping on a Alabama
Yes! Wonderful New York! Where the sewer water runs down on the subway passenger, more rats than people, the cost of a postage stamp sized apt is unreachable! Yep ewe got it good there.
Greatest city in the world
Yes, if you like rats, bedbugs, high prices, high taxes not me! Not now not ever!
Some are not worthy

Enjoy your Walmart
It’s a temporary three week truce very shortly we could be right back where we started.
Trump Today President agrees temporary truce to end the government shutdown - MarketWatch

Trump JUST COULD NOT stand the thought of NOT being able to give his SOTU address from the House so, he could spew his mouth off before tens of millions of his adoring fans.

It is SPOT ON but thanks for playing
The only spot here is the blind one in your thought process.
Nancy sure is stupid then to give Trump a National Audience so he can tell America how stupid and uncaring Pelosi and Schummer are and how they are allied with people who are trying to poison America to death with Mexican Drugs, and then rape our mothers and daughters with Violent Perverted Illegals Alien Gang Member Nancy Pelosi Coddles. the Bond villain Pelosi Gallore.

So who within the GOP is up to the challenge in 2020?

Ted Cruz?

Trump did this so he could get Nancy to let him back to the House to give the SOTU speech next week.
THAT is the only reason.
Any asshole who has Tresemme Extra Hold hairspray and Clairol Ultra Blonde No. 12 BROUGHT INTO THE WHITE HOUSE ON PALETTES is THAT vain.
He doesn't give a flying fuck about the fed workers or the women who are raped at the border.

He WILL do anything to reclaim his right to give an hour long speech to a captivated audience covered by every network and cable channel....the SOTU speech.

You're welcome.

They lack mental function and conscience so your attack on this seems unfair.

I think they do well for mindless sociopaths.
Trump did the right thing. The wrong people were suffering during all of this.

He has now put the ball in the court of the Dems.

Shutdowns are a terrible waste of money, anyone that does not like to see their tax dollars wasted should be happy....guess we know where you stand on that

Who deserves to be suffering according to you? The ball is sitting right where it's always been and won't be moved just because Trump's threatening to allow gov't to shut down again in 3 weeks! If a plane collided during this mess, he would certainly be blamed; hence this huge cave to Pelosi who will continue to b!tch slap this a-hole! He doesn't have a leg to stand on going against her! He could get away with murder with Ryan at the helm of Congress, but she doesn't play and has an iron grip on her Democratic members! "Good luck in 3 weeks Fed workers!" :102:
The President's plan is to declare a national emergency in three weeks, not shut down the government again.
Pelosi kicked his ass
You fucking pile of hypocritical shit.
Trump ate some Humble Pie
mAnn Coulter is already tweeting her displeasure...

Rut Rohhh
Ann Coulter Trashes Trump Over Shutdown Deal: The ‘Biggest Wimp’ Ever to Serve as President
by Josh Feldman | Jan 25th, 2019, 3:04 pm

Ann Coulter Trashes Trump Over Shutdown Deal: The ‘Biggest Wimp’ Ever to Serve as President

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So what you are saying is Pelosi doesn't care about border security or Federal Workers.

And now she has 3 weeks to put up or shut up before The President declares a National Emergency.

No, now President Trump has acknowledged that Nancy Pelosi has removed his balls and is now carrying them in her purse, the wall issue will quietly die so Trump doesn't endure the further public humiliation of having him remove them and show them to the American public AGAIN, since she's done so twice just this weeks.
None of your business! Isn’t anything in Canada interesting to ewe are are they all dullards?
The government is open for three weeks and at the end of that time, they will probably have nothing but another CR to vote through. I don't call that "winning." And the Pres will take the national emergency route and get his wall anyway.

I think it's exceptionally unlikely that Trump ever gets an actual wall built by calling a national emergency. I'm not saying he won't try it, although you can argue that if he were confident that it would work he would have done it already. Who knows how a court case involving that declaration would go, but it's a certainty that there would be one and that there would be an injunction preventing any building until it was decided.
But as it will be a national emergency it will get fast tracked to SCOTUS who will affirm Trumps right to build the wall.

And at that point Democrats will have NO SAY WHATSOEVER on how it is built or how much, roflmao.
wrong buffalo breath ... better do your homework on this one.

Between you and I, I'm likely the only one who is looking at the actual discrepancy in power with regard the root issue.

You, on the other hand, are just reciting some dumbed down, irrelevant, back assward narrative you heard on your television which has nothing to do with the actual conundrum at hand.

What you're doing is asking who's job is it to wash and wax the broken down busted car when what you should be asking is how the motor got blown and whose job it is to fix it.

But, I've not been around in a while. I'm hungry to feed on one of you big government losers in front of all of your friends, go ahead and make your case. Tell us what you have been told is the actual conundrum here. Naturally, power to address it will fololw. We donlt wanna skip around, you know? People read this stuff.
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this is a time for coalition building. we need to hold up the ideals of america, and we will not let up until we BUILD! MY! FUCKING! WALL!
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

From what I see it's a 3 week continuance.

Let's see if the Dems will actually negotiate now, or will they just keep demanding their way or the highway.
By "negotiate", do you mean giving Trump the wall you want?

Pelosi is on record as saying she would negotiate if the government re-opened. It's gonna be re-opened for three week. lets see if she was being truthful or not.

My bet is on not.

He has already made his strongest move and it failed. Ms. Pelosi will toss him a shiny bone to show to his base. Maybe a big bone.
Pelosi will either stonewall him or lay so many conditions that his base will revolt
Pelosi and Schumer are both types to strike a deal. This shutdown was all about Trump not honoring a deal .... one made by his own party. The trick will be crafting a deal that Trump will have no way of backing out of.
The President can declare a national emergency and it must be "transmitted" to Congress immediately, but it doesn't say anything about Congress saying yay or nay about it.

It also doesn't say who adjudicates the complaints if they don't agree that it is a national emergency as defined in the Code. the Bond villain Pelosi Gallore.

So who within the GOP is up to the challenge in 2020?

Ted Cruz?
Lyin Ted? Nah.

I like Pelosi Gallore but I think her nickname after this should be Neuterin Nancy after she cut Trump's little balls off.
We don’t wonder! The country is going down the shitter because of democrats! Need evidence? Look at their states and cities!
Yea...I'm getting out of the hellhole of New York with it's great education and culture and health care and jumping on a Alabama
Yes! Wonderful New York! Where the sewer water runs down on the subway passenger, more rats than people, the cost of a postage stamp sized apt is unreachable! Yep ewe got it good there.
Greatest city in the world
Yes, if you like rats, bedbugs, high prices, high taxes not me! Not now not ever!
Some are not worthy

Enjoy your Walmart
Ain't no cowincest that Walmart has haah beer prices
You see what these pathetic MONKEES are? They yell that Trump caused the shutdown, blame him for the poor people not getting paid, then laugh when he opens it up so those poor people get paid.

Piss on a liberal's grave. That is all they are worth.

If Trump didn't cause it, then how is he able to open it? :cuckoo:
Trump did the right thing. The wrong people were suffering during all of this.

He has now put the ball in the court of the Dems.

Shutdowns are a terrible waste of money, anyone that does not like to see their tax dollars wasted should be happy....guess we know where you stand on that

Who deserves to be suffering according to you? The ball is sitting right where it's always been and won't be moved just because Trump's threatening to allow gov't to shut down again in 3 weeks! If a plane collided during this mess, he would certainly be blamed; hence this huge cave to Pelosi who will continue to b!tch slap this a-hole! He doesn't have a leg to stand on going against her! He could get away with murder with Ryan at the helm of Congress, but she doesn't play and has an iron grip on her Democratic members! "Good luck in 3 weeks Fed workers!" :102:
The President's plan is to declare a national emergency in three weeks, not shut down the government again.
What did I say funny?
Trump did the right thing. The wrong people were suffering during all of this.

He has now put the ball in the court of the Dems.

Shutdowns are a terrible waste of money, anyone that does not like to see their tax dollars wasted should be happy....guess we know where you stand on that

Who deserves to be suffering according to you? The ball is sitting right where it's always been and won't be moved just because Trump's threatening to allow gov't to shut down again in 3 weeks! If a plane collided during this mess, he would certainly be blamed; hence this huge cave to Pelosi who will continue to b!tch slap this a-hole! He doesn't have a leg to stand on going against her! He could get away with murder with Ryan at the helm of Congress, but she doesn't play and has an iron grip on her Democratic members! "Good luck in 3 weeks Fed workers!" :102:
The President's plan is to declare a national emergency in three weeks, not shut down the government again.
He is going to also enact The Draft and have DemNazi Libtards build the Wall for him. Nancy Pelosi will be the first one drafted in to the new "Wall Force."

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