SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

So what you are saying is Pelosi doesn't care about border security or Federal Workers.

And now she has 3 weeks to put up or shut up before The President declares a National Emergency.
Let us know Putin's position on this. I'm sure you'll have an update by the next shift change
You see what these pathetic MONKEES are? They yell that Trump caused the shutdown, blame him for the poor people not getting paid, then laugh when he opens it up so those poor people get paid.

Piss on a liberal's grave. That is all they are worth.

What? Trump is not proud to shut down the government anymore?
The government reopened to pay the government workers. After three weeks if democrat leaders continue to prove not caring about our border. Trump will declare the emergency to build the wall.
Then a federal judge will block it.

Wall won't be built, like I said all along. The left are losers and that includes republicans.

Start getting ready for socialism.

10 dollars a gallon for gas
Mass taxes on use of air conditioning and other luxuries that only rich socialists should enjoy.
Unreal long waits to see a doctor.
Stock up on as many tubes of toothpaste and over the counter medicine now.
That is my suggestion.
Because the example of other nations with Democratic Socalism are loathesome hellish places like Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway.

Honestly, the fear mongering ginned up by American Reactionaries can be staggering in its hyperbole.
What are their populations compared to ours? Do they have 30 million illegals mooching off the taxpayers! What percentage of their populations pay taxes and at what rate? Use your lizard brain and do the math.
The wall is gonna be built. He knows the Dems will not voluntarily fund it. By reopening the government today, he puts the ball in their court to reach an agreement on border security. If they say "fuck you", Trump will declare a national emergency and build the wall anyway and the American people will support it.

I agree. Anyone who thinks Trump is dumb ain't to swift.

He tossed the ball right back in the Dem's court. Now lets see if they abide by this agreement.

If not. There is still that pesky National Security that Trump can declare.
trump CAVED.

The government is going to reopen WITHOUT one PENNY for that stupid wall.

Nancy Pelosi did the work of the people and will continue to do so.
So...Trump/conservatives aren’t going to have to take a 2020 hit for an expensive project they knew would never happen, which might otherwise look like a broken promise...and Pelosi/dems took the rap for nixing the project.

Mission accomplished.
Some sort of barrier is going to be built, promise.
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

From what I see it's a 3 week continuance.

Let's see if the Dems will actually negotiate now, or will they just keep demanding their way or the highway.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Trump's position 'my way or the highway'?

Shutting down the government is not the way political agendas are accomplished in this nation. Autocracies maybe, but not in a nation with three coequal branches of government. Shutting down the government is not the way to advance legislation either. And neither is declaring a National Emergency when no such emergency exists.

When a Democrat once again sits in the Oval Office, would it be appropriate to declare gun violence a National Emergency? Climate change? Wealth disparity? These three issues pose a much more dire and immediate threat to national security. A couple thousand foot sore Guatemalans can't threaten the security of the United States anymore than the Kiwanis or the Rotary Clubs can.

How many shutdowns have we had before over political fighting? This isn't anything new.

And how many National Emergencies have been declared in the past?

The difference with this one is building a wall doesn't impact any of my rights. not. a. single. one.

It's funny that people like you are responsible for the breakdown of our civic discourse by calling anyone opposed to you evil via an "ist/ic" route, and then wonder why everything is so nasty nowadays.

Welcome to the fire you started, morons.
You inferred 'evil', I did not imply 'evil'. I find that curious. Does 'evil' have a constant, nagging presence in your world? Is trafficing in evil something your political ideology encourages?

As for the wall infringing on your rights, unless you're a property owner on the border or you prefer to look out on scenic vistas without the imposition of a wall (don't fence me in), you're right. But if you had an appreciation of our American values of justice and opportunity for all, the wall represents a gash to your heart.
Trump has caved........

Typical Leftist Drone Hate-Spin.
  • During the Shutdown: Trump is a heartless, maniacal bitch!
  • Ends Shutdown: Trump Caves! That weak-willed pussy!
Trump gave the shutdown a 3-week reprieve based on the good faith word of both sides that they would work seriously towards a fair and equitable solution. Now, the GOP has a long history of giving the Left a lot if not most of what they want! They gave them Kagan and Sotomayor without any major fuss! I will be shocked as shit now if Nancy and her tribe actually sit down and give something substantive on the wall.

3 weeks. If not, you can bet we will be right back where we started.
Yep, looks to me like Trump was the first to blink.

You obviously aren't paying attention. He didn't blink. He tossed the ball back in the Dem's court.

Lets see if they abide by this agreement.

If not, there is always that pesky National Emergency Trump can call.
The government reopened to pay the government workers. After three weeks if democrat leaders continue to prove not caring about our border. Trump will declare the emergency to build the wall.
Then a federal judge will block it.

Wall won't be built, like I said all along. The left are losers and that includes republicans.

Start getting ready for socialism.

10 dollars a gallon for gas
Mass taxes on use of air conditioning and other luxuries that only rich socialists should enjoy.
Unreal long waits to see a doctor.
Stock up on as many tubes of toothpaste and over the counter medicine now.
That is my suggestion.
Because the example of other nations with Democratic Socalism are loathesome hellish places like Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway.

Honestly, the fear mongering ginned up by American Reactionaries can be staggering in its hyperbole.

Sounds to me like you've found yourself several places you can head to then. You guys that live and breath by being babysit by the government are fucking amazing.
You see what these pathetic MONKEES are? They yell that Trump caused the shutdown, blame him for the poor people not getting paid, then laugh when he opens it up so those poor people get paid.

Piss on a liberal's grave. That is all they are worth.

I can not disagree with you on this. For whatever reason he might have had, Trump did the right thing. The Dems should be happy, but instead they use it to attack even more...and then people wonder why our country is going down the shitter.
We don’t wonder! The country is going down the shitter because of democrats! Need evidence? Look at their states and cities!
Yea...I'm getting out of the hellhole of New York with it's great education and culture and health care and jumping on a Alabama
Yes! Wonderful New York! Where the sewer water runs down on the subway passenger, more rats than people, the cost of a postage stamp sized apt is unreachable! Yep ewe got it good there.
Oh man I was hoping this would be true.

The Drudge Report? Seriously?

Do you have any credible and reputable sources on this?

I really want the shutdown to end but because of the history of non stop lies and conspiracies at drudge report It's impossible for me to believe very much of what they report.

There was a report that trump is going to have an open press conference at 1:30 today but it was reported in regard to the arrest of stone this morning. Since it's open all the press is going to ask about is the arrest this morning.

I think that drudge has gotten it right that trump will go before the press today but I don't think he is right about the subject matter.

You are a loon, right?


Actually no I'm not.

I just did a search on this again. When I posted that my search resulted that there was to be an open press conference at 1:30 though it didn't say why. Which is why I posted the above.

I've done another search and I've found something that the announcement will be on a way forward on the shutdown. A possible short term deal to reopen the government.

So it looks like it is going to be about the shutdown. I like I said above, I hope it's true.
CNN thinks it will be a three week re-opening. Disappointing but kicking the can seems to be D.C.'s favorite form of exercise the past couple years.

I sure wish Trump wasn't ALWAYS a half hour late -- does he do it on purpose to whet the audience's appetite or is he just always having a hair crisis?

I think someone told him how much it irks you and he enjoys "Punking" you.

Well now we know.

trump CAVED.

The government is going to reopen WITHOUT one PENNY for that stupid wall.

Nancy Pelosi did the work of the people and will continue to do so.

Which means not one penny for any stupid wall.

Sucks to be you doesn't it?
The government is open for three weeks and at the end of that time, they will probably have nothing but another CR to vote through. I don't call that "winning." And the Pres will take the national emergency route and get his wall anyway.
The government reopened to pay the government workers. After three weeks if democrat leaders continue to prove not caring about our border. Trump will declare the emergency to build the wall.
Then a federal judge will block it.

Wall won't be built, like I said all along. The left are losers and that includes republicans.

Start getting ready for socialism.

10 dollars a gallon for gas
Mass taxes on use of air conditioning and other luxuries that only rich socialists should enjoy.
Unreal long waits to see a doctor.
Stock up on as many tubes of toothpaste and over the counter medicine now.
That is my suggestion.
Because the example of other nations with Democratic Socalism are loathesome hellish places like Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Germany and Norway.

Honestly, the fear mongering ginned up by American Reactionaries can be staggering in its hyperbole.
What are their populations compared to ours? Do they have 30 million illegals mooching off the taxpayers! What percentage of their populations pay taxes and at what rate? Use your lizard brain and do the math.
Your logic bolsters the idea of 'too big to fail'. It's as if you have no concept of economies of scale.
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

From what I see it's a 3 week continuance.

Let's see if the Dems will actually negotiate now, or will they just keep demanding their way or the highway.
By "negotiate", do you mean giving Trump the wall you want?

Pelosi is on record as saying she would negotiate if the government re-opened. It's gonna be re-opened for three week. lets see if she was being truthful or not.

My bet is on not.

He has already made his strongest move and it failed. Ms. Pelosi will toss him a shiny bone to show to his base. Maybe a big bone.
3 Weeks to give Trump his wall or he declares a National Emergency and builds it anyways.

It's PELOSI WHO is in the Hot Seat and has to put up or shut up.

And if he declares a National Emergency he isn't going to spend just 6 Billion.

That wall will have a moat filled with alligators, and Cats with Laser Beams mounted on their heads patrolling the top of the wall, and then a layer of land mines, and Ninjas with chainsaws and stuff.

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