SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

Well at least going forward, we all have learned a very valuable lesson. We all now know for certain that we have millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who do not have any intentions of lifting a finger to doing anything whatsoever about illegal immigration. In fact, they want it.
It's not about a fucking wall, because no matter what efforts were tried, they would be against it. PERIOD !

Dimocrats have more and more made it very clear that they see no difference whatsoever between an American citizen, and an illegal.

Going forward, if you continue to vote for a Dim at any level, you are voting for more and more waves of illegals waltzing right in.
Dems didn’t run on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

They see no reason to throw Trump a life line
I am betting you as the amount of illegals increases and increases you will see other people migrate out of the areas the illegals are coming into. Although the government is placing them all over. And many of those who will move are Progressive Socialists.
I think they mean funds for Star Trek Halo Deck projection theme shacks for the DOPer to use
along the border in national parks. Requiring $1000 per view payable to the DrumpF Douche LLC to see.

Yep, it came by...

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Well at least going forward, we all have learned a very valuable lesson. We all now know for certain that we have millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who do not have any intentions of lifting a finger to doing anything whatsoever about illegal immigration. In fact, they want it.
It's not about a fucking wall, because no matter what efforts were tried, they would be against it. PERIOD !

Dimocrats have more and more made it very clear that they see no difference whatsoever between an American citizen, and an illegal.

Going forward, if you continue to vote for a Dim at any level, you are voting for more and more waves of illegals waltzing right in.
Dems didn’t run on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

They see no reason to throw Trump a life line
Playing politics is what you're saying, eh?
Couldn't agree with you more.
The government is open for three weeks and at the end of that time, they will probably have nothing but another CR to vote through. I don't call that "winning." And the Pres will take the national emergency route and get his wall anyway.

I think it's exceptionally unlikely that Trump ever gets an actual wall built by calling a national emergency. I'm not saying he won't try it, although you can argue that if he were confident that it would work he would have done it already. Who knows how a court case involving that declaration would go, but it's a certainty that there would be one and that there would be an injunction preventing any building until it was decided.
I looked a little bit into this national emergency thing--it's complicated because he needs to cite and go by existing statutes in order to do anything, and I did NOT look at those statutes he needs to rely on. That's for the likes of you to figure out; Statutese is pretty much indecipherable to me.

I realize there will be a challenge if he tries to use a national emergency to build walls. It reminds me of the three travel ban attempts. Tied up in court for months and months, some injunctions.

All in all, I hope they come to a mutually satisfactory compromise.
We elected the greatest Dealmaker if all time
Someone who would show DC how things are done in the business world

Trump came off like an inept little boy as Pelosi showed him the ropes

You keep posting like the game is over?! It is not Game-Set-Match. Nothing has been decided yet, except that the workers can get paid. The game goes on for at least 2-years, and probably 6-more after Trump wins in 2020. Any bets on how much legislation Nancy and her Animal House gets passed?

Nancy is not looking to pass legislation while Trump is President

In terms of the wall..... Game, Set, Match
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

From what I see it's a 3 week continuance.

Let's see if the Dems will actually negotiate now, or will they just keep demanding their way or the highway.
By "negotiate", do you mean giving Trump the wall you want?

Pelosi is on record as saying she would negotiate if the government re-opened. It's gonna be re-opened for three week. lets see if she was being truthful or not.

My bet is on not.

He has already made his strongest move and it failed. Ms. Pelosi will toss him a shiny bone to show to his base. Maybe a big bone.

His base will help polish that big bone.
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

From what I see it's a 3 week continuance.

Let's see if the Dems will actually negotiate now, or will they just keep demanding their way or the highway.
Trump is the one holding the nation hostage with “my way or the highway.”
Well at least going forward, we all have learned a very valuable lesson. We all now know for certain that we have millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who do not have any intentions of lifting a finger to doing anything whatsoever about illegal immigration. In fact, they want it.
It's not about a fucking wall, because no matter what efforts were tried, they would be against it. PERIOD !

Dimocrats have more and more made it very clear that they see no difference whatsoever between an American citizen, and an illegal.

Going forward, if you continue to vote for a Dim at any level, you are voting for more and more waves of illegals waltzing right in.
Dems didn’t run on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

They see no reason to throw Trump a life line
Playing politics is what you're saying, eh?
Couldn't agree with you more.

What ever made you think it is anything but politics?

Trump never cared about a wall till it became a punch line at his rallies
He never cared while Republicans controlled government
What i
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
What is the deal?

There really isn't a "deal". Trump just re-opened the government so the Democrats will negotiate with him. Trump got nothing in return.

Like I said. When you walk out of the negotiating session, and the other side doesn't say "Wait", you're toast. You can't go back and make any more demands. Every move that YOU make after walking out of that meeting, is a capitulation.

Worst negotiator ever!!

What he gets is ammunition in 3 weeks when the Dems don't budge on their position. Pelosi is on record of saying she would negotiate if he re-opened the government, now she has to deliver.

Ball in her court now.
You underestimate how pathetic the left is. She could spread her cheeks and squeeze out a mud monkey on the constitution and her retards would cheer.

They don't give a shit what she promises. Just the same they don't give a shit about the poor, or minorities or anything they claim.

They are just useful idiots all just under the spell of group think and that is all. Not complicated to define.

Impossible to debate. In fact it is totally useless to debate such double talking cocksuckers.

They are all fucking losers.
Three weeks huh?? A lot can happen in three weeks. Like a declared National Emergency.

Should be interesting.

Nauseating is the word, not interesting.

Nope. Very interesting.

In his address he stated very clearly that a number of Democrats are
already on board that the country needs a wall.

He went on to remark that both sides have agreed to reach a proposal
that will be good to all parties involved.

As you wrote, he has passed along the shutting down of government
over to the Democrats. At the same time, he has allowed everybody
with a way to "save face."

The Bi-partisan committee is going to formulate its resolution on the
word of the experts provided by Homeland Security

Damned impressive and we will see if the Dems keep their word at the end of three weeks.

Given their track record since 1990, I'll hazard they go back on their word.

29-0 Border still not secure.
Nancy Pelosi has Trump quaking in his boots.

Having said that I am glad Trump gave in and took the appropriate action. He started this problem and at least he was man enough to end it....for now.
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He did the right thing. My opinion of him has gone up.

Sent from my iPhone using
Come on, it has nothing to do with "the right thing." He's staring Zeropercent growth in the face, and the gop senate is preparing to abandon him over the polls.

NOTHING Trump does is consistent with a single unifying principle or belief - it's all transactional with no interrelation. For example, he wanted to withdraw from Nato while simultaneously taking on China over trade ... all while China is opening trade with the EU.

This is why our country is going down the shitter. Anyone someone does something like what Trump did they are demonized for it. This was the right thing to do, can we not just leave it at that and then let the two sides hash it out without both sides attacking just for the sake of partisanship.

Any time someone does what Trump did, they SHOULD be demonized for it. It's political terrorism, using federal employees as hostages. This was not the right thing to do - far from it, nor was it a "both sides are to blame" situation:

1. Trump agreed to sign the CR until February, then renegged on the agreement and refused to sign, shutting down the government, because Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh criticized the deal;

2. Trump then refused to sign any deal that did not have $5 billion for the wall, without providing details of what exactly the $5 billion would build;

3. Today Trump agreed to sign the three week funding deal - see item 1, capitulating completely to Pelosi demand that there would be no negotiations on border security until Trump opened the government and paid the workers.
Well at least going forward, we all have learned a very valuable lesson. We all now know for certain that we have millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who do not have any intentions of lifting a finger to doing anything whatsoever about illegal immigration. In fact, they want it.
It's not about a fucking wall, because no matter what efforts were tried, they would be against it. PERIOD !

Dimocrats have more and more made it very clear that they see no difference whatsoever between an American citizen, and an illegal.

Going forward, if you continue to vote for a Dim at any level, you are voting for more and more waves of illegals waltzing right in.
Dems didn’t run on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

They see no reason to throw Trump a life line

Thanks for admitting the Dims put beating Trump ahead of saving their country.
I think you're wrong though. I think you're party genuinely does not want secured borders, and believes in letting anyone in that wants to come here.
Your party knows the fastest way to turn America into a nanny-state, is to let the third-world in since they come in with their palms out.
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

From what I see it's a 3 week continuance.

Let's see if the Dems will actually negotiate now, or will they just keep demanding their way or the highway.
By "negotiate", do you mean giving Trump the wall you want?

Pelosi is on record as saying she would negotiate if the government re-opened. It's gonna be re-opened for three week. lets see if she was being truthful or not.

My bet is on not.

He has already made his strongest move and it failed. Ms. Pelosi will toss him a shiny bone to show to his base. Maybe a big bone.

His base will help polish that big bone.
Go club a baby seal in the head like a good canadian!
Well at least going forward, we all have learned a very valuable lesson. We all now know for certain that we have millions of Americans (Dimocrats) who do not have any intentions of lifting a finger to doing anything whatsoever about illegal immigration. In fact, they want it.
It's not about a fucking wall, because no matter what efforts were tried, they would be against it. PERIOD !

Dimocrats have more and more made it very clear that they see no difference whatsoever between an American citizen, and an illegal.

Going forward, if you continue to vote for a Dim at any level, you are voting for more and more waves of illegals waltzing right in.
Dems didn’t run on building a wall and making Mexico pay for it

They see no reason to throw Trump a life line
I am betting you as the amount of illegals increases and increases you will see other people migrate out of the areas the illegals are coming into. Although the government is placing them all over. And many of those who will move are Progressive Socialists.
Illegal immigration has been decreasing for ten years
So what you are saying is Pelosi doesn't care about border security or Federal Workers.

And now she has 3 weeks to put up or shut up before The President declares a National Emergency.

No, now President Trump has acknowledged that Nancy Pelosi has removed his balls and is now carrying them in her purse, the wall issue will quietly die so Trump doesn't endure the further public humiliation of having him remove them and show them to the American public AGAIN, since she's done so twice just this weeks.

Name one thing that Nancy will get passed. You can't because everything that Animal House passes is DOA either in the Senate or Trump's veto. I was always a fan of gridlock, especially when dems are involved. Don't forget, she has been showing signs of TIA, so lets see how the pressure of getting nothing done wears on her and the rest of the Animal House.
She doesn’t have to get things done
It is Trump facing impeachment and up for election
How is that wall coming?
What did you have to give to get it?

Impeachment isn't a problem with a GOP Senate, 67 Votes is not going to happen.
Re-election isn't a worry either. The dems don't have a candidate worth voting for.
The wall is still in contention, whether the dems play nice and fund it (doubtful), or Trump goes the national emergency route (probable)is being decided. Maybe if RBG gets replaced by Amy Coney Barrett the emergency wall would be a no-brainer.
What i
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
What is the deal?

There really isn't a "deal". Trump just re-opened the government so the Democrats will negotiate with him. Trump got nothing in return.

Like I said. When you walk out of the negotiating session, and the other side doesn't say "Wait", you're toast. You can't go back and make any more demands. Every move that YOU make after walking out of that meeting, is a capitulation.

Worst negotiator ever!!

What he gets is ammunition in 3 weeks when the Dems don't budge on their position. Pelosi is on record of saying she would negotiate if he re-opened the government, now she has to deliver.

Ball in her court now.
You underestimate how pathetic the left is. She could spread her cheeks and squeeze out a mud monkey on the constitution and her retards would cheer.

They don't give a shit what she promises. Just the same they don't give a shit about the poor, or minorities or anything they claim.

They are just useful idiots all just under the spell of group think and that is all. Not complicated to define.

Impossible to debate. In fact it is totally useless to debate such double talking cocksuckers.

They are all fucking losers.
Thats just a pouting tantrum.
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
I won't believe a thing I hear until Trump's signature is on the final legislation. Trump has proven to be a fucking schizo who changes his mind more often than his Depends.
It could be true. It could be he just wants to end the shut down so he can give his state of the union address from the House Chamber, just like every other president has done for the last hundred years.

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