SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

I feel a real speaker is ON THE JOB NOW!
Fear the female slammer hammer THOR babe DOPers.

Damn good thing you don't know anyone from Venezuela. Ignorance is bliss they say ;)
Venezuela? I'm sure the great Douche wants to invade it. In ITS next change the Mueller story in the future. Are not DOPer America First? As they can just die to MAGA?
Keep Spewing DOPer WEAK. DOPers can learn here. They are losing YUGE!
Many clearly see you are helping the DOPers.
Did Ann miss anythang?


Can the reprint of book be..

In Great Douche don't Trust....?

DANG AN FYI for the American DOPers!


Ignorant DOPers can find the money themselves to build the useless weak WALL they need.

btw. seems the great Douche is planning ITS National Emergency in 3 weeks.
..Butt, does the great Douche see IT just got tagged by the Greater Nancy here?
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That is idiotic propaganda. Liberals are not opposed to border security
Did you forget that you SUPPORT SANCTUARY CITIES -- you know, where those who hate our borders find sanctuary?
Different subject Slick. The issue with sanctuary cities is the proper use of local police and the trust of the public that is need by law enforcement. Learn the issues before spouting off,

So DOPer understand. Your team is shown in Black here.

FFS. Just asking!
What happened to the USMB DOPer morons here?
Is MAGA Winning getting too much to spew about!?

Was it going to be better under the great Douche DOPers?
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TRUMP did cave on the 'gov shutdown and more cave is coming in a few weeks i think .

Yes he did cave, and I gave no reason to believe it won’t happen again in three weeks.

He can’t go with the Emergency Powers option because the Republicans don’t want him to set a precedent for future Democrat administrations. Nor are enough Republicans willing to burn the system down for another extended shutdown.
DOPer me this.
If the great Douche 30-foot conc. wall is under construction.
Can you tell me where I can enjoy 10 miles?

btw FYI DOPers.

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TRUMP did cave on the 'gov shutdown and more cave is coming in a few weeks i think .

Yes he did cave, and I gave no reason to believe it won’t happen again in three weeks.

He can’t go with the Emergency Powers option because the Republicans don’t want him to set a precedent for future Democrat administrations. Nor are enough Republicans willing to burn the system down for another extended shutdown.
So this be Nancy and the Turtle spanking the great Douche WEAK Bone Spur ass?
So this be Nancy and the Turtle spanking the great Douche WEAK Bone Spur ass?

Sorry, I had to find a Moron to English translation app to understand that....

No. This is Trump simply failing to stick to his guns and show some intestinal fortitude. Chuck and Nancy had little to nothing to do with it.
So this be Nancy and the Turtle spanking the great Douche WEAK Bone Spur ass?

Sorry, I had to find a Moron to English translation app to understand that....

No. This is Trump simply failing to stick to his guns and show some intestinal fortitude. Chuck and Nancy had little to nothing to do with it.
:huddle::oops8:you DOPer :cuckoo:

btw. We have a new great Douche wall photo.


I feel its a wonder telling image. DrumpF Failure exposed fully.
Making America Better Again is working in 2019.
Thanks, American Babe Pelosi aka Mrs WALL!
Trump lost. Period.
By Jennifer Rubin
Washington Post - January 25 at 3:04 PM
Opinion | Trump lost. Period.

""...You cannot get Thumped any worse than Trump did on this encounter with Pelosi.
Each step...[he] stumbled.
He told Pelosi and Schumer “I will be the one to shut it down.” He’d be proud to do it! He wouldn’t blame them!
He was then ready to sign a clean continuing resolution - until he listed to Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh and provoked a shutdown anyway.".."

Hard to beat someone who doesn't care if their own people starve to death due to lack of funds. Pelosi has no heart.
Hard to beat someone who doesn't care if their own people starve to death due to lack of funds. Pelosi has no heart.
Trump could have had this deal on Day 1.
HE proudly told Shumer and Pelosi this was HIS Shutdown on (Wall) Principle.
On Day 2 he folded and agreed to a continuing resolution and was going to Mar-a-Lago for 16 days. No shutdown.
On Day 3 the Hard RW had a fit, and he went back to the 'Wall or no deal' position.
Thus the shutdown

You're a Stupid Partisan Idiot with no facts.
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Nancy Pelosi has Trump quaking in his boots.

Having said that I am glad Trump gave in and took the appropriate action. He started this problem and at lease he was man enough to end it....for now.
He is watching himself get hammered on Fox right now
It will not work out well
If I were Trump, I would do the unexpected and give the middle finger to Coulter, Hannity and Limbaugh. I would say the action he took was to get the nation back on track and he was declaring his independence from those and other right-wing morons. His poll numbers would soar.
Sorry--I still wouldn't like him.
well, 3 weeks is ticking away . I still don't like the President Trump Cave but going to have to see what he does next . I'll still vote for him in 2020 plus happy that i did vote for him . Even with the CAVE the Trump is better than ALL the other 'repubs' and certainly better than 'illary' . Time to see what he does next !! Course i say that while speculating if the Trump isn't just another enemy President of the American people and also part of the Deep State and normal 'gop' rino way of doing things .
So you're telling me the DOPer MAGA lost?

Well little Bubba...we ALL lost.
But some are not smart enough to realize it.

Been to Venezuela lately? The Liberals lost big time, right along side the righties. EVERYONE LOST.

So many starving Lefties running from Venezuela today. So sad.

I feel a real speaker is ON THE JOB NOW!
Fear the female slammer hammer THOR babe DOPers.

i love how pelosi's daughter described her:

'nancy will cut your head off & you won't even know you're bleeding.'

trump has met his match & it took a woman to have the balls to stand up to him & tell him 'no'.
Somehow, I don't think Nancy's president is done with her.
Isn’t Trump tired of Winning yet?
well, 3 weeks is ticking away . I still don't like the President Trump Cave but going to have to see what he does next . I'll still vote for him in 2020 plus happy that i did vote for him . Even with the CAVE the Trump is better than ALL the other 'repubs' and certainly better than 'illary' . Time to see what he does next !! Course i say that while speculating if the Trump isn't just another enemy President of the American people and also part of the Deep State and normal 'gop' rino way of doing things .

Either way my friend, yellow vests are comin' here.....sooner than later too!

Pat Buchanan: How the establishment won't let the Right make policy and why rebellion may be the only choice

Snowflakes gonna wish they stayed in their lane!:113:

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