South Carolina Democratic Primary: February 27, 2016

The House and Senate are afraid of Hillary. They should be...

We all should be, that's the point. Please read in my signature line why her lies have meaning. Now that does deserve a funny icon, as if you would read anything except from the DNC.
What exactly has Obama wanted and not gotten?

exactly. The crowd of Boehner McConnel (all the RINO) are DemonCrats funding or allowing it all. It is hard to find a good R any more, but I suppose it starts with the 30 or so that go "against" some crap.

The two year budget deal that Obama was crowing about, that is obstruction?

The last congress was more obstructionist because of Reid and Pelosi. What the left thinks is not obstructionist is doing everything they are told without deviation. It is what they are, it is what they do.

Would you please rate this post funny before Lakota does? Thanks.

Na na na na na, Sassyirishlass beat Lakota to the funny button.

I beat that clueless loon at every turn...he's two laps back but thinks he's leading the race
Trump will tower over that stubby lying sack of human garbage. How many hundreds of billions did she have funneled into that phony foundation while trapsing around the world with planeload of queers "representing" Americas interests. Negro.............Please.
If Bernie loses at least I get to look forward to Trump thrashing Hillary. Hillary supporters are going to be so sour when they see just how many status quo hating Bernie supporters abandon her.

Bern it up or burn it down. :dev3:
What exactly has Obama wanted and not gotten?

exactly. The crowd of Boehner McConnel (all the RINO) are DemonCrats funding or allowing it all. It is hard to find a good R any more, but I suppose it starts with the 30 or so that go "against" some crap.

The two year budget deal that Obama was crowing about, that is obstruction?

The last congress was more obstructionist because of Reid and Pelosi. What the left thinks is not obstructionist is doing everything they are told without deviation. It is what they are, it is what they do.

Would you please rate this post funny before Lakota does? Thanks.

Na na na na na, Sassyirishlass beat Lakota to the funny button.

I beat that clueless loon at every turn...he's two laps back but thinks he's leading the race

soon enough she will turn around and start running the opposite way and accuse you of running the wrong way.
If Bernie loses at least I get to look forward to Trump thrashing Hillary. Hillary supporters are going to be so sour when they see just how many status quo hating Bernie supporters vote for Trump.

Bern it up or burn it down. :dev3:

From what I've seen most Democrats like both candidates.
The House and Senate are afraid of Hillary. They should be...
One of her best qualities is her ability to work well with her peers. Maybe the GOP will be tougher for her but she really works hard and makes a lot of sense after researching and coming to a conclusion. Smart, smart woman and she is going to make a great president.

She is going after Bernie supporters. Her speech was wonderful and she did speak to the younger voters. She is taking the Black vote in SC, almost 90%, she's doing better than Obama did in this state in 2008. Overall, she's winning by almost 60% very early.
I'm breathing a sigh of relief. I like Bernie, I seriously do but she needs to win this.
From what I've seen most Democrats like both candidates.

Bernie has a lot of independent supporters that would take Trump over Clinton. Also a lot of young Democrats will be upset by Bernie's loss and not vote.
The House and Senate are afraid of Hillary. They should be...
One of her best qualities is her ability to work well with her peers. Maybe the GOP will be tougher for her but she really works hard and makes a lot of sense after researching and coming to a conclusion. Smart, smart woman and she is going to make a great president.

She is going after Bernie supporters. Her speech was wonderful and she did speak to the younger voters. She is taking the Black vote in SC, almost 90%, she's doing better than Obama did in this state in 2008. Overall, she's winning by almost 60% very early.
I'm breathing a sigh of relief. I like Bernie, I seriously do but she needs to win this.

She said heel to the super predators and they did, amazing.
From what I've seen most Democrats like both candidates.

Bernie has a lot of independent supporters that would take Trump over Clinton. Also a lot of young Democrats will be upset by Bernie's loss and not vote.

Says who?

Reminds me of 2008 when Clinton supporters were not going to show up for Obama, my, how wrong that turned out to be.
The House and Senate are afraid of Hillary. They should be...
One of her best qualities is her ability to work well with her peers. Maybe the GOP will be tougher for her but she really works hard and makes a lot of sense after researching and coming to a conclusion. Smart, smart woman and she is going to make a great president.

She is going after Bernie supporters. Her speech was wonderful and she did speak to the younger voters. She is taking the Black vote in SC, almost 90%, she's doing better than Obama did in this state in 2008. Overall, she's winning by almost 60% very early.
I'm breathing a sigh of relief. I like Bernie, I seriously do but she needs to win this.
Putin, the Ayatollah, Isis, AlQueda, little Kim, and Mao all like her work. They are her peers...and doing very well with her failures.
Hillary Clinton aiming for rout in South Carolina

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to just beat Bernie Sanders in South Carolina’s Saturday primary.

She wants to pummel him.

More: Hillary Clinton aiming for rout in South Carolina

I expect Hillary will win in South Carolina - hopefully by a wide margin. We'll see...
She's supposed to win handily in all of the Southern states on March 1. I hope she does pummel him. He's a good Democrat but she's going to make the better president.

I agree! America is NOT ready for Bernie - but IS ready for Hillary!
just more of the same old yea i guess America is ready....

70% of the country said they'd never vote for a socialist. i always said they wouldn't vote for a jew. i still think that's true
I used to think that about a woman or a Black for that matter. When I saw Bernie, I didn't see "Jewish" but that isn't saying others aren't seeing that.

I prefer Hillary though.

i understand but the polls never indicated that no one would vote for a woman. at least not in recent years.

i prefer hillary too. and i still think bernie is unelectable. i could write trump's anti-beanie ads.

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